2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson2 New Friend, Jenny教案(1).doc

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2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson2 New Friend, Jenny教案(1)教学目标:1.学习词汇new friend,live,west,east,U.S.A,China,England,Canada.2.掌握句子Where did you live in_? I lived in _. Isnt _in the west/east?3.学习否定疑问句。第一课时教学步骤:Step 1. Warm up1.Greeting. 使用lesson 1 学过的问答句式与学生交流。2.Review检查确认习情况。3.Warm up.让学生指出本课要学习的新单词并猜测词义。Step 2. Presentation1.LetsJoin the Chant!让学生跟着学。将主要的单词和句子写在黑板上,指名学习目标。2.Lets Have Fun 1听录音,了解本课学习内容。3.Language notesSouthwest:西南 northeast:东北(帮助学生了解方位词汇表达的不同方式)Where did you ?你在地方做了事?Isnt +地点+方位词? 不是在吗?(isnt =is not)Step 3. Practice1.听录间,要求学生跟着一起说录音中的英语部分。2.讲解录音中的重点难点,做到“学练结合”。3.Read,write and say.4.引导学生使用有关居住地问答同新朋友进行交流。(现在时过去时)强调方位词的使用:in the(east,south,west,north),联系生活实际进行练习。Step 4. ProductionWork in groups1.黑板上提示位于不同方位的城市名称,如:Harbin,Shanghai,Guilin,Canada.2.学生运用句型“Where is _? Isnt it in the _? Yes, it is ./No,it isnt”相互交流信息,填写城市所在方位。Step 5 .Sum up/Homework1.总结本节课所学内容。2.作业:书写本课时句子;预习下节课内容。3.Say Good-bye.第二课时教学步骤:Step 1. Warm up1.Greeting. Good morning,every.Hows it going today?Step 2. PresentationA. Lets Practice 1 . Listen and learn some more.B. Listen and choose the answer.1. Where did you live in America?a. I lived in Seattle. Its in the north. b. I lived in Seattle. Its in the south.2. Where did you live in Canada?a. I lived in Vancouver. Its in the east.b. I lived in Vancouver. Its in the west.3. Where did you live in Australia?a. I lived in Sydney. Its in the south.b. I lived in Sydney. Its in the north.C. Read and number the picture. 1. Isnt L.A in the east? No, its in the west. 2. Where did you live in China? I lived in Shanghai. 3. We have a new friend here. This is Rick Wilson.Step 3. PracticeS1: You know I have a new pen pal.S2: Does he live in China?S1: Yes,he does.S2: Where does he live in China?S1: He lives in Shanghai.Step 4. Culture TipCountryCapitalPlaceAustraliaCanberra(堪培拉)Northeast of AustraliaBritainLondonSoutheast of EnglandCanadaOttawaEast of CanadaChinaBeijingNorth of ChinaThe USAWashingtonSoutheast of the USA第三课时教学步骤:Step 1. Warm up1. Greeting. T: What was the last lesson? How many lessons do you have in one day? What are they? Whats your favorite lesson?2、确认预习情况,看Look and listen 部分的四幅图。Answer: What are they talking about? What is Jennyfavorite subject?3、提示第3课时的学习目标。Step 2. Presentation1. 听 Lets have fun 2 A. Look and listen.2. Language notes Be good at + v + ing :擅长 Whos = Who isStep 3. Practice讲解录音中的重点、难点。“学练结合”。Read,Write and Say . Math is difficult. Im not good at calculating. Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is PE.Whos your favorite player?MichealJordan.Step 4.ProductionWord in groups and fill in the blanks.Step 5. Sum/ Homework 1.书写本课时句子;预习。 2. say Good-bye。第四课时教学目标:1.词汇:calculating subject PE basketball difficult good at favorite science art artist scientist math player 2. 交际用语:Im good at _. /Im not good at _.Whats your favorite _? My favorite _is _. I like _.Do you like _,too.重点、难点:favorite 和 like 在表达方面的异同。教学步骤:Step 1. Warm up1. Greeting. 2检查预习情况3问答录音内容及重点词句,根据反馈情况,提示第4课时的学习目标。Step 2. PresentationA、Let s Practice 2 listen amd learn some moreB、Listen and circle the picture。1. Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is music.2. Whos your favorite basketball player? My favorite basketball player is Michael Jordan.3. Whats your favorite animal? My favorite animal is rabbit.Step 3. Culture TipWriteBingxinScientistThomas EdisonArtistVan Gogh, Picasso, Xu BeihongSingerWang FeiPlayerMichael Jordan, Yao MingStep 4. Sum/ Homework1.熟读课文。2.做练习。第五课时教学目标:1.练习学母组合th 、or 在单词中的发音。2.培养学生的发音能力重点、难点:th 在单词中的发音教学步骤Step 1. Warm up1. Greeting. Good morning, everyone .2、检查预习情况。Step 2. PresentationDo It Yourself! Time to listenA. Listen and choose the correct answer.1. Where did you live in America.a. I lived in L.A. b. I lived in San Francisco.c. I lived in Chicago.2. Whats your favorite subject?a. My favorite subject is math.b. My favorite subject is science.c. My favorite subject is music.3. Is it New York in the west?a. Yes, Its in the west.b. No, Its in the south.c. No, Its in the east.B. Listen and choose the correct picture.1. Where did you live in China. I lived in Shanghai.2. I like math. Im good at calculating.3. I like art. My favorite artist is Picasso.Time to speak. Fill in the blanks and say the sentences.1. Where did you live in Canada? I lived in Ottawa.2. Ottawa? Isnt Ottawa in the east? No, Its in the east.3. Whos your favorite artist? My favorite artist is Picasso.Time To PhonicsTry to sound them correctly.1. math mouth health think 2.morning for more boring Read and Write the answer to the question.1. Where did you live in England. I lived in London.2. Isnt seattle in the east? No, its in the west.3. Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is music.Step 3. Sum/ Homework:回家预习第6课时第六课时教学目标:1.总结单元学习内容,评价单元教学目标完成情况。2.通过Lets build our reading skill.活动设置,提高学生“读”的技能。3.充分发挥课文内在思想教育因素,使学生在思想上获得深刻的启迪。重点、难点:学生能熟练的阅读课文。教学步骤:Step 1. Warm up1. Greeting. Good morning, everyone .2、检查预习情况Step 2. Presentation教师放录音机,让学生听,找出不会的单词。教师第二次放录音,让学生进一步熟悉课文让学生根据自已所掌握的知识,小声读课文。让学生自由读课文。教师提问学生读课文。学生分角色朗读课文。问:本篇课文讲了哪些内容?It good to have friends everywhere. 朋友多了路好走。三、作业:熟读课文。小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 6 页 共 6 页

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