2019年六年级英语下学期Module 9练习(无答案) 外研版.doc

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2019年六年级英语下学期Module 9练习(无答案) 外研版姓名 班级 一、看图写句子。1. Why does Meimei do morning exercise every day?Because she wants to keep healthy. 2. Why is the boy going to close the window? 3. Why did the girl sweep the floor? 4. Why is the boy so sad? 5. Why did the boy so happy? 二、用合适的介词填空。1. You shouldnt walk the grass.2. My little brother always has a lot questions.3. Were very happy school.4. Lets hurry, were late the class.5. Mr. Wang is ill. Hes home6. This is a photo my family7. Can I go you?三、读一读,给下面的对话排列正确的顺序。 _Because theyre cute._ Lets go see the pandas and gorillas. _ Why do you like pandas?_ Because theyre smart._ Okay, so why do you like gorillas?四、读一读。An Open-book ExamMiss Wang: Boys and girls, well have an open-book exam. You can bring anything. Billy: Great! Miss Wang: Why are you so happy? Billy: Because I can bring my father.快速判断:1. The student will have an exam. ( )2. Billy is a good student. ( )3. Billy wants to bring his father. ( )4. The teacher does not let her students bring their books. ( )五、阅读理解。The New Years Eve party was going on when the bell rang. A tall man opened the door and came in. Nobody knew him, but the host went over and took him in. The man sat there happily for an hour and drunk. Then he said, “invited me to this party。I dont know you, or anyone else here. My wife and I wanted to go out in our car, but one of your friends cars was in front of our gate, so I came here to find him, and my wife is still waiting in our car!”1.When did the story happen?A. At 7:00 B. In December C. On New Years Eve D .When the bell rang2.The “bell” here means the _.A .time bell B. doorbell C. church bell D. bell for class3.The host went to meet and took him in because he took the tall man for _.A .one of his friends B. his brotherC. his classmate D. his teacher4.The tall mans wife waited in the car for _.A. a long time B. two hours C. a half hour D. an hour 5. At last, the host might be a little_.A. happy B. surprised C. worried D. afraid参考答案一 2. Because it is going to rain.3. Because the floor is dirty.4. Because his hand is hurt.5. Because he get a present.(答案合理即可)二 1.on 2.of 3.at 4.for 5.at 6.of 7.with三 23154四 TFTF五 CBADB小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 5 页 共 5 页

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