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2019年六年级英语比较级和一般疑问句例题解析形容词和副词的比较级(1) 一般在形容词或副词后+erolder taller longer stronger, etc(2) 多音节词前+moremore interesting, etc.(3) 双写最后一个字母,再+erbigger fatter, etc.(4) 把y变i,再+erheavier, earlier(5) 不规则变化:原级比较级good好的better更好的well好;(身体)好的,bad,badly糟糕的,糟糕地worse更糟糕的,更糟糕地;(身体)更不舒服的ill(身体)不舒服的many许多的(可数)more更多的;更much许多的(不可数);非常little少的less更少的far远的;远地farther更远的;更远地further进一步的(地)(6)、形容词和副词的原级、比较级的用法:(1)讲述某人/物自身的情况时,用原级。基本句型是: 主语(sb./sth) + 谓语动词 + (very/too/so/quite/rather) + 形容词/副词原级 +. 如:He is very old now.(他现在很老了) / They ran quite fast.(它们跑得相当快) / The weather looks rather bad.(天气看上去相当糟) / I am so happy!(我是如此的快乐) 表示两者之间没有差别时,使用句型: 主语(第一个人物) + 谓语动词 + as + 形容词/副词原级 + as + 第二个人物 +. 如:He is as excited as his younger sister.(他和他妹妹一样兴奋)/ Lily rode her bike as slowly as an old lady.(莉莉骑车像老太太一样慢)/ They picked as many apples as the farmers (did).(他们摘的苹果和农民一样多) 表示第一个人比不上第二个人时,使用句型: 主语(第一个人物) + 谓语动词(否定式) + as / so + 形容词/副词原级 + as + 第二个人物+. 如:He is not so / as excited as his younger sister.(他没他妹妹那么兴奋) / Lily did not ride her bike so / as slowly as an old lady. (莉莉骑车不像老太太那样慢) / They didnt pick so / as many apples as the farmers (did). (他们摘的苹果不如农民多)(2) 讲述两者有差异,第一个人物超过第二个人物时,用比较级。基本句型: 主语(A)+谓语动词+(much/a little/even/still)+形容词/副词比较级+than+第二个人物(B)+. 如:A modern train is much faster than a car.(现代的火车比轿车快多了) / This book didnt cost me more than that one.(这本书花费我的钱不比那本多) 讲述两者有差异,第一个人物不及第二个人物时,用比较级。句型是:主语(A) + 谓语动词 + less+ (多音节形/副)比较级 + than + 第二个人物(B) +. 如:I think English is less difficult than maths.(我认为英语不比数学难)/ Do you think it less important to learn a foreign language?(你认为学外语不那么重要吗?)一般疑问句: 用“yes”或“no”来回答的疑问句叫做一般疑问句。1)一般疑问句构成:句中谓语动词是to be、助动词、情态动词时,则将它们(提前)放到主语前面。如:Is he an engineer?(他是工程师吗?)/ Have you got todays newspaper? (你有今天的报纸吗?)/ Shall we go to see a film this evening? (我们今晚去看电影好吗?)/ Can you explain it ?(你能解释它吗?)/ Is there any fish for supper?(晚饭有鱼吗?)/ Would you like to go out for a walk?(你想出去散步吗?)谓语动词如果没有上述词语而是其他动词时,则在主语前面加助动词do / does / did, 原来的谓语动词改为原形。如:Do you get up at six every morning?(你天天早晨六点起身吗?)/ Does she study hard?(她学习努力吗?)/ Did you go there yesterday?(昨天你去那儿了吗?)2)一般疑问句的回答:一般疑问句通常用简略形式来回答。如:Will you join us in playing basketball?(你加入我们打篮球好吗?)Yes, we will.(是的我们会。)/ No, we wont.(不我们不会。)Have you got todays newspaper?(你有今天的报纸吗?)Yes, I have .(是的有。)/ No, I havent.(不没有。)回答时所用的时态应和问句里的时态一致。注意 回答must或者may开头的疑问句要小心,参见情态动词有关内容。3)一般疑问句的否定结构(即否定形式的一般疑问句)表示惊奇、责怪、建议、看法等,只要将“not”置于主语之后或者将“not”放到主语之前与be, have等助动词或情态动词合并在一起就可以了。如:Will he not e?(他难道不来吗?)/ Isnt your sister a Party member?(你的姐姐不是党员吗?)/ Havent you any brothers?(你没有哥哥吗?)/ Dont you like the play?(你难道不喜欢这个话剧吗?)/ Cant we walk a little farther?(我们不能走远些吗?)/ Wont you sit down?(你不想坐下吗?)/ Hasnt she heard of the matter?(她没听说过这事儿?)这种否定结构的疑问句的回答与汉语的习惯不同。如果回答是肯定的,就用“yes+肯定结构”;如果回答是否定的,就用“no+否定结构”。(情况与反意问句类似。)如: Cant he answer the question? (他不能回答这个问题吗?)Yes,he can.(不,他能回答这个问题。) No,he cant. (是的,他不能回答这个问题。)课后练习一、陈述句变一般疑问句1. His father is an English teacher. _ ?2. These cats are crying.(喊叫)_ ?3. They can swim. _ ?4. I like to read(阅读) English. _ ?5. I go to school on foot.(走路) _ ?6. He likes English. _ ?7. His father goes to work by bus.(乘公共汽车) _ ?8. He is crying(哭) under the tree. _ ?9. His birthday is on the twentieth of November. _ ?10. Mrs. Li and Kitty are in a big shop. _ ?二、把肯定句变为否定句1. His father is an English teacher. _.2. These cats are crying.(喊叫)_.3. They can swim. _.4. I like to read(阅读) English. _.5. I go to school on foot.(走路) _ .6. He likes English. _ .7. His father goes to work by bus.(乘公共汽车) _ .8. He is crying(哭) under the tree. _ .9. His birthday is on the twentieth of November. _ .10. Mrs. Li and Kitty are in a big shop. _ .三、作肯定和否定回答1、Is this your pencil-case?肯定回答:_.否定回答:_.2、Is that his backpack?肯定回答:_.否定回答:_.3、Are these her brothers?肯定回答:_.否定回答:_.4、Are those Toms parents?肯定回答:_.否定回答:_.5、Can you play the guitar?肯定回答:_.否定回答:_.小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 6 页 共 6 页


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