2019年六年级英语下册 Unit 10 Music and Your Mind Lesson 1重难点讲解 教科版.doc

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2019年六年级英语下册 Unit 10 Music and Your Mind Lesson 1重难点讲解 教科版.doc_第1页
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2019年六年级英语下册 Unit 10 Music and Your Mind Lesson 1重难点讲解 教科版一. 本周教学内容:Unit 10 Music and Your Mind二. 重点、难点: Words, Phrases and Sentences 三. 详细内容:Lesson 1(一)大声读单词1. prove v. 证明2. agree v. 同意,赞成3. report n. 报告4. result n. 结果,效果5. scientist n. 科学家6. joke v. 开玩笑,说笑话 n. 笑话(二)重点词汇1. prove 要点:proved, proved 或 proven,v.1)(常与that连用)证明He has proved his courage in battle. 他已在战斗中证明了自己的勇气。Facts have proved that the creative power of the people knows no limits.事实证明人民的创造力是无穷的。2)证实The little boy has proved his cleverness in the television quiz.这个小男孩在这次电视知识测验中证实了他的聪明。2. agree 要点:v. 1)同意; 赞成;答应She agreed to my idea. 她同意我的想法。 I quite agree with what you say.你所说的我很赞成。agree with sb. 同意某人的话 agree to sth. 赞同某事2)意见相合We agree on this count. 在这一点上,我们的意见一致。3. report n. 1)报告;报导The newspaper report was on the front page. 报纸的报导在头版。2)成绩单v. 1) 公布;发表They reported the disappearance of the ship. 他们公布了船舶失踪之事。2) (与to连用)报到to report to the police 向警方报到3) 报导The newspaper reported that there had been a fire in the village. 报纸报导说这个村庄失过一次火。4. result 要点:n. 1)结果;效果to obtain good results 获得良好效果“As a result, there is often trouble in American families.”“因此,美国家庭中常常会出现麻烦事。”with the result that 因此2)成败;输赢结果the football results 足球赛的结果vi.1) (常与from连用)产生结果;发生If the police leave, disorder will result. 警察一走,就会大乱。The accident resulted in three people being killed. 这次事故造成三人死亡。2) (常与in连用)造成The accident resulted in his death. 这一车祸造成他的死亡。5. scientist 要点:n. 科学家, 科学工作者 information scientist情报学家知识拓展:scient + istscient adj.有知识的, 有技巧的6. joke v. 开玩笑,说笑话 You mustnt joke with him about religious belief. 有关宗教信仰的事你决不可和他开玩笑。He is only joking.他只是开玩笑罢了。n. 笑话;玩笑Our teacher told us a joke today. 我们老师今天给我们讲了一个笑话。We all played a joke on him. 我们大家开了他一个玩笑。小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 4 页 共 4 页

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