2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson 10 The giraffe is taller than the deer学案 科普版.doc

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2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson 10 The giraffe is taller than the deer学案 科普版.doc_第1页
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2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson 10 The giraffe is taller than the deer学案 科普版学习目标1.三会单词词组:heavy、strong、lift、stone、even、reach、leaf、easily、meal、a lot of.2.进一步理解掌握由疑问词Which引导的选择疑问句和比较级句式的结构及其答语.并会作替 换练习。3听懂会说本课交际用语:-Which is taller,the The giraffe or the deer ?The giraffe is much taller than the deer!并能用来进行会话。4.理解“Miss giraffe and her friends”故事大意,回答相关问题重点难点 1. 进一步理解掌握由疑问词Which引导的选择疑问句和比较级句式的结构及其答语.并会作替换练习。 2 听懂会说本课交际用语,并能用来进行会话。课前指导(学习方法、相关知识等) 小组讨论,合作学习单词,听录音跟读课文,共同探讨课文大意。学习过程:Step 1 复习回顾 1 .复习形容词比较级的构成:同桌合作,一人说形容词原形,另一人说如何加er并读出来。 2 .复习含比较级的选择疑问句,如:哪种车更快,是小汽车还是公共汽车?Which is faster,The car or the bus ?The car is faster than the bus.Step 2 自主预习 1.预习第10课单词 ,掌握重点单词词组。 2.听录音跟读课文,理解课文意思,试用Lets learn中图片作替换练习。 3.预习“Miss giraffe and her friends”初步了解故事内容。(总结预习过程中出现的疑问。)Step 3 合作研习过程 1,小组合作掌握单词(小组长读单词,组员说出其汉语意思,小组长说汉语,组员说英语。小组比赛抢答单词或词组意思及英语发音。) 2,听录音跟读课文,共同探讨课文大意;分角色朗读课文。(质疑研习过程)Step 4 展示交流内容 1区别单词even、reach、leaf、。easily、meal 与heavy 中划线部分的读音。 2,学习Lets talk 部分。 A:录音跟读Lets talk对话,边听边翻译,理解对话内容。 B:依据教师的简笔画或给出的关键词表演此对话。翻译句子:“大象和熊哪一个更重 ?” C:总结本课的语言结构为选择疑问句与比较级两种语言结构的组合,如:Who do you like better,Jim or Tom ?在本课我们将学习比较级的基本用法:A+be+形容词比较级+than+B。如:He is taller than me. 形容词比较级前可用much,a little等表示不定量,如:The sun is much bigger than the earth. 3,用Lets learn中替换词造句。 A:先复习形容词比较级,如:big-bigger,heavy-heavier,strong-stronger. B:导入主题句:-Which is taller, the giraffe or the elephant? - The giraffe is much taller than the elephant. C:利用书中的图和替换词进行操练。同时操练“Lets chant”和“A puzzle”内容。巩固本课主题单词和句型。4, 阅读Read for fun “Miss giraffe and her friends.” A:教师用中文复述故事内容,用简笔画引导学生用英文复述故事。理解故事大意; B:学习重点词组:in the forest、even sadder、any of you、have a good meal、a lot of. C: 听录音跟读,然后齐读,分组读,个人读,熟读后回答下列问题:Who does Giraffe meet ?Who can dance better than Giraffe ?Is she sad?Is Giraffe strong ?Who is stronger than her ?3.Can Giraffe run fast ?Who can run faster than her?4.Are all the animals hungry ?What do they want to eat?5.Who reach the leaves easily ?Do they have a good meal? D:通过本故事,你明白了什么道理?(每个人都有自己的优点和缺点,只有相互学习,相互合作,才能取长补短,共同进步。)Step 5 检测题1. 按要求写单词(1)deer_(同音词) (2) fast_(副词) (3) leaf_(复数) (4) heavy_(反义词)(5)good_(比较级) (6) happy_(副词)2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。Which is _(tall),The giraffe or the elephant ?-What are you doing ?-I am_(dance).Look, I can dance _ (well) than you.Who is _ (thin),Ann or Mary ?3. 按要求做题。Is Tom tall or short ?(用 short 来回答)_.我的书比他的书新的多.(翻译成英语)_.All the animals are hungry.(变成一般疑问句)_ ?The giraffe can dance well,The rabbit can dance better.(合成一句话)_.Tom cant reach the apples on the table.(翻译成汉语)_.Step 6 总结收获,反思质疑:_。小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 4 页 共 4 页

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