2019年六年级英语上册 unit 3 Lesson23 Are you ready for a quiz教案 冀教版.doc

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2019年六年级英语上册 unit 3 Lesson23 Are you ready for a quiz教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019年六年级英语上册 unit 3 Lesson23 Are you ready for a quiz教案 冀教版教学内容 Lesson23: Are You Ready for a Quiz?教学目标知识与技能:能从小故事中找到本单元所学的单词;过程与方法: song, game, introduce, practice;情感、态度与价值观:培养热爱大自然、热爱生活和热爱体育运动的感情。教学重点能听、说、读、写本单元所学的单词。教学难点熟练运用本单元的句型。课前准备Audiotape and Vocabulary Card课时安排1课时教 学 过 程教案再生成This is a revision of this unit.一.Organizing the teaching: 1.Daily dialogue. The teacher and the students say hello to each other.2.Sing an English song “Winter”.二Revision: Use the quiz in the student book as review. 1.Are mitts and mittns the same?Yes,they are the same.2.What is Danny doing?Hes putting on his scarf.3.What is LiMing doing? Hes skating on the snow.4.What season is this? Its summerWhat a windy day!.5.What are you doing?Youre learning to speak English.Good work. 三Story: “ The snowman”1.Prepare to read: Here are some questions Who is in this story?What can this snowman do?Why do theSs think the snowman is in the refrigerator at the end of the story? 2.Read the story.Play the audiotape of the story.Try to grasp the main idea of the story.3.Discuss: Here are some questions to reinforce the main idea of the story.a.When can the snowman talk?b. Can the snowman ski?c. Can the snowman skate? d.Why is he in the refrigerator?e.Do you like this story?Why or why not?作业布置Activity bookLesson 23板书设计课后反思小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 3 页 共 3 页

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