2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson1 Lets Watch TV!教案 冀教版.doc

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2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson1 Lets Watch TV!教案 冀教版【学习目标】1.知识目标:掌握单词dinosaur/ actor/ favorite/ actress/ better/ best2.能力目标:理解并能够运用短语: turn on / turn down/ turn up/ turn off,掌握句型I like better than和句型Danny thinks this actor is good/ better/ best. Why do you think Danny likes the green actor best?3.情感目标:能够扮演Danny、Jenny和Li Ming进行小组对话,同时能够对图片进行讨论,向其他人表达自己的喜好。【重点难点】1、掌握短语: turn on / turn down/ turn up/ turn off。2、本课的难点在于对形容词和副词比较级和最高级的运用和理解。【教具准备】教学用具:多媒体以及图片【学习过程】一、课前预习1、课前背单词(5 min)作业 也(用于否定句中) 当然 男演员 女演员 最喜欢的 比较好 最好 黄色 绿色 蓝色 电视节目2、重难点句型(3 min) I dont have any homework today!l I have some homework today!请区别any与some的用法。 I like China,too.l I dont like blue shirt, either.请区别too与either的用法。 I think he is a bad actor. 宾语从句:拥有两个动词,其中一个句子充当另一个句子的宾语。lDanny thinks this actor is good. Danny thinks this actor is better. Danny thinks this actor is best. I like the yellow actor better than blue actor. 比较级than相连,A+比较级+than +B.l造句:3、Grammar语法探究(5 min)形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的一般规则 一般情况下,在词尾直接加-er,-est。l 词尾有e,直接加-r,-st。l 以辅音字母加yl结尾,把y变i再加-er,-est。 双写尾字母再加-er,-est。(常见有big,fat, hot,thin 和redl) 多音节和少数双音节,在词前加more和most。不规则变化的形容词和副词,请同学们特殊记忆。4、 日常交际用语(3 min) 请求与应答May I +动词原形?Can/ Could I +动词原形?Could you please +动词原形?Can you do me a favor?您能帮我一个忙吗?Yes. / Certainly. / Sure./ Yes, do please./ Of course ( you may)/ I am sorry, but/ Youd better not. may 说话比can 更加委婉。对于May I 句型的英美两种回答方式:英国式:Yes,you may. No, you must not. 美国式; Yes, please. No, you cant. No,you may not.二、问题探究1、课前3分钟请同学们在组长的带领下读六年级词汇表2、Greet!3、Free Talk自由交谈(5 min)(请同学们站立,组内互相提问回答,若3、4号不会,请组内同学立即辅导,3min,时间到后,由每组的1、2号到其他组对3、4号提问,时间是2 min。回答上问题的同学加上相应的分数,没有回答上的组给提问的组加分) Whats your favorite TV show?Its Chicken Run/ Drive a Fast Car/ Baby Goesl to School/ DinasaurDaughter. What color do you like best? I like blue best.l What animal do you like best? I like panda best.l What shape/ country/ flag/ shape of window/ shape of door/ color of window/l color of curtain do youlike best? I like blue window best.4、Do you like watching TV? The new lesson, what do you need to know? Lets discuss them. (组内同学考察识读情况,并教会组内其他同学。)(2 min)作业 也(用于否定句中) 当然 男演员 女演员 最喜欢的 比较好 最好 黄色 绿色 蓝色 电视节目 turn on: 打开 turn on the radio turn it onturn off: 关闭 turn off the radio turn it offturn up: 调大声 turn up the radio turn it up(在以下4个短语中,如果接名词,那么直接加,如果接代词,turn down: 调小声 turn down the radio turn it down代词放在中间位置,如范例)5、This lesson, well go on reading the stories among Danny, Jenny and Li Ming. First,listen to the radio and answer the questions.(请同学们合上书听录音并回答以下问题)(2 min)l l Whatsl Does Danny like the TVshow? How does he think about the actor? l What actor does Danny like best in Dinosaur Days?lDanny 6、Listen to the radio again and judge your answer and talk about the questions.(再次听录音,并判断你的答案是不是正确,与你的组员讨论,4 min,每组1、2号对其他组3、4号提问并汇报加分2 min。)(6 min)7、Follow the radio, point and read. (跟着录音机,用手指读)(2 min)8、Translate.(组内同学互相翻译并了解句义,3min每组1、2号对其他组3、4号提问并汇报加分。3 min) (6 min)9、Stand up and act the dialogue out.(站起来分角色表演对话,背诵表演)(10 min)10、Showing time.(展示,根据每组同学的表现的积极情况、参与度、以及发音给予相应的分数。)(7 min)三、目标检测能够根据图片描述自己的喜好以及原因。(不少于5句话)小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 5 页 共 5 页

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