2019年六年级第二学期期中自查题 2.doc

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2019年六年级第二学期期中自查题 2一、 根据你所听到的内容,选择相符的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号内。(10分)1. The pig is heavier than the cat.2. Sarah is 150cm tall.3. Whats the matter with Marry? She has a headache.4. Mary hurts her let.5. Wang Lin washed clothes last night.6. John is playing football with his friends.7. Tom is so excited, because today is his birthday.8. Kate, lets go skating this weekend.9. How does Amy feel today?10. How large is your bedroom?二、 根据你所听到的内容,判断图片或句子是否相符,相符的在题前的括号内打“”,不相符的打“”。(10分)1. What did Mike do yesterday? He did homework yesterday.2. How tall is Tom? He is 165cm tall.3. Did she clean her room last Sunday? Yes, she did.4. Whats the matter with Sarah? She has a toothache.5. What did you do last weekend, John? I went fishing last weekend.6. Are you angry? No, Im excccited.7. Im 150cm tall. Lily is 145cm tall.8. How old are you, John? Im 14 years old.9. Whats the matter with Sarah? She feels sick. She has a headache.10. Zhang Peng looks unhappy, because he failed his English test.三、 根据你所听到的内容,选择合适的答案,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号内。(10分)1. How does Amy feel?2. Lily failed the test. How does she feel?3. Did your mother watch TV last night?4. How big are your feet?5. What did you do last Sunday?四、 根据你所听到的内容填入所缺的单词,使意思合理、完整,每空只填一词。(5分)1. Li Ming washed the clothes last night.2. Lily failed her math test. She is so sad.3. Zhang Peng hurts his leg when he was kicking a ball.4. Amy is 135cm tall.5. John gets the flu. He has a fever and has a headache.五、 根据你所听到的内容,判断下列句子的对错。对的在题前的括号内打“”,错的打“”。(10分)David and Ben were busy last Sunday. It was a warm day. They went fishing in a park first. Then, David flew kites and Ben read a magazine there. At 6:00 pm, they went to Mikes home. They had supper with Mikes family. It was so much fun.小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 4 页 共 4 页

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