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2019年人教版小学四年级英语课文及单词Unit 1 my classroom、LETS TALK(Page5)Hello,Mike.Hi ,Amy.This is Zhang Peng,our new classmate.Mike,we have a new classroom.Really?lets go and have a look.Wow!its so big!Look!this is my new desk.We have 6 new lights.wheres my seat?its near the door.(Page8)Good morning.lets clean the classroom.Good idea.lets clean the desks and chairs.All right!Let me clean the window.Let me clean the board.Look at the picture.its nice.Good morning,Miss White.Wow!its nice and clean.Good job!、 ENGLISH WORDSWindow 窗户 boardLight 灯;管灯 pictureDoor 门 floor地板Classromm 教师 many许多的Our我们的 classmate同学Have a look看一看 seat座位Near在.的旁边 what什么in 在的里面 the这个,那个we 我们 have(我们)有new 新的 go去where 在哪里 puter电脑teachers desk 讲台 wall墙fan 扇子,电扇 clean V打扫,清洁,擦。Adj干净的good idea 好主意 all right好吧,好的good job 干得好 you 你see 看见,看到 me我(宾格)look at看Unit 2 my schoolbag、LETS TALK(Page17)Hi ,Chen jie .I have a new schoolbag.Really ? What colour is it?its black and white.Look!Wow! its a panda!How nice!I have many books.An English book, a story-book, and .A fat panda!May I have a look?Sure. Here you are.(Page20)My schoolbag is heavy.whats in it?Look!20story-books,32pencils,8rulers and 3pencil-cases.Wow!Good!My schoolbag is heavy,too!whats in it?10 sharpeners,42crayons,12 erasers and 35 picture-books.Thank you soooooooooooo much!、 ENGLISH WORDSChinese book 语文书 English book英语书Math book数学书 schoolbag书包Story-book故事书 notebook笔记本Colour 颜色 fat胖的May 可以 sure当然可以Here you are 给你 bag 包 Pencil 铅笔 pen钢笔Twenty-one 二十一 thirty 三十Thirty-one 三十一 forty四十Forty-one 四十一 fifty五十Too mach 太多了 heavy重的;沉重的whats =what is sorry 对不起book 书 ruler尺子 pencil-case铅笔盒Unit 3 My friends、LETS TALK(Page29)Mom,I have a new friend.A Chineses friend?Yes.A boy ?He has short black hair and big eyes.whats his name?His name is Zhang Peng.Look,this is his photo.Hes tall.Hes strong,too.(Page32)I have a friend.Boy or girl?A girl.whos she?Guess.shes quite.She likes music.Whats her name?Her name is Amy.Yes .I have a friend,too.Hes strong.He likes sports.hes Zhang Peng.You are right!、 ENGLISH WORDSLong hair长头发 short hair 短头发Thin 瘦的 strong健壮的Quiet 安静的 friend(s)朋友Chinses 中国的 like喜欢His他的 photo照片hes=he is has(他/她)有name名字 he他teacher老师 student学生music 音乐 science科学sports 体育运动 puter game电脑游戏painting绘画 shes =she isher 她的 youre=you areshe right对的,正确的boy男孩 girl女孩friend朋友Unit 4 my home、LETS TALK(Page47)Is this your bedroom?Yes,it is.Its very nice.I have a new eraser.Iss a fish.Hey,your cat!Is she in the living room?No,shi isnt.Is she in the study?No,she isnt.Look!Shes here!Shes in the kitchen.(Page50)Open the door the door,plese.Ok.Where are the keys?Are they on the table?No,they arent.Are they near the phone?No,they arent.Look!they are in the door.、 ENGLISH WORDSStudy书房, bathroom卫生间Bedroom卧室 living room起居室Kitchen 厨房 its=it isHey 嘿 fish鱼isnt=is not here这里home家 room房间school学校 classroom教室phone 电话 bed床sofa 沙发 shelf书架fridge 冰箱 table桌子they他们 arent=are nottheyre=they are key 钥匙open 打开 look看please请 on在.上面no不,不是 window窗户desk 课桌,书桌 door门chair椅子 bed床unit 5what would you like?、LETS TALK(Page 59)Dad, Im hungry. whats for dinner?Wait and see.What would you like ?id like some rice and soup.What would you like for dinner?id like some fish and vegetables,please.Everythings ready.Thanks.Tahank you dad.(Page62)Dinners ready!Your forks and knives.I can use chopsticks.Let me try.Help your self.Oops,sorry.Let me show you.Mmyummy.I like Chinese food.Me too.We had a good time.Good nightThank you.See you tomorrow.、 ENGLISH WORDSRice米饭 fish鱼Noodle(s) 面条(复数) beef牛肉Vegetable蔬菜 soup汤Have吃 dinner晚餐,正餐Wait 等 id like=I would like Bread面包 milk 牛奶 egg蛋water 水 hungry 饥饿的for 为;给 thank you谢谢你knife 刀 chopstick(s)筷子(复数)spoon勺子 plate盘子fork叉子 help帮助pass传递 ready 准备好了try尝试 help your self随便吃show 展示 yummy好吃的food 食物 use用chicken鸡肉 fish鱼Unit 6 meet my family、LETS TALK(Page71)How many people are there in your family?Three!Who are they?Look! My parents and me.My family has seven members.My dad, my mom ,my brother, my sister, my baby brother and me.But thats only six!And my little puppy!Gee!(Page74)whos this man ?He looks strong.Hes my uncle. Hes a baseball player.Cool!Is this your ant?Yes,she is.Shes a nurse.She likes music.Is this you father?Yes,he is.Hes a doctor.whats your mother?Shes a teacher.Look!they are my grandpa and my grandma.They look young.Are they farmers?Yes,you are right.、 ENGLISH WORDSFamily 家庭 parents父母Uncle 叔叔 ant阿姨Baby 婴儿 people人Member成员 only 只有,仅仅Puppy小狗 gee用以表示惊奇,赞赏等e 来 who谁brother 兄弟 sister姐妹father爸爸,父亲 mother妈妈,母亲baseball player 棒球运动员 driver司机doctor 医生 farmer农民nurse护士 look看上去,看,瞧Young年轻的 小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 8 页 共 8 页


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