2019年五年级英语 句型之连词成句专项练习 湘少版.doc

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2019年五年级英语 句型之连词成句专项练习 湘少版.doc_第1页
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2019年五年级英语 句型之连词成句专项练习 湘少版1. I like a would drink cold2. you can help I (?)3. some like you would buns(?)4. have do any cards fruit you 5. ice-cream is an having Anne 6. want do some you rice(?)7. children lunch the are having 8. borrow can a pencil I (?)9. can borrow I ruler your (?) 10. do what you want 11. are where all your things 12. in are schoolbag they my13. bring it I forgot to 14. many books how are there 15. did put I not my right sock on16. have a can I puppy17. have a can I rabbit basket for my18. home they go with happily it 19. you which one do want20. scarf this how is much21. ruler which want do you22. a have box of I sweets23. sweets bad for many too your teeth are24. hobbies have do you any 25. at park the children are a 26. collecting I like stickers 27. my is reading hobby stories28. hobbies what you have do29. does what Mingming like / you about what30. you get up what do time 31. ask I can questions you some 32. at 7 cclock I to go school33. helps my father me34. mother waters plants the my 35. sign mean what does that 36. do go guests not in 37. drinking and eating no here 38. turn do not left39. happy I hear am to that40. shy girl the feels41. teeth I my brush day every42. to Window the of World lets go 43. a cat draw roof on the 44. is picture drawing a Lingling 45. a good this is picture46. on the tree there birds are four 47. waiting they for a bus are 48. feet your on the seat dont put 49. cafe they are in a / home they going are50. can I what do / sorry are we51. read in bed the do not 52. not pick park in flowers the do 53. late not do be54. near there is policeman a post office the55. there is on road bus a the (?)56. where you Saturday were on 57. sick in was I bed58. does Mingming not hand the work in 59. uncle from my Beijing came 60. first who was / rabbit was the last61. a there was race one-hundred metre62. some here are pictures for you63. be I will first the 64. ring where is my / it sofa was near the (?)65. it wardrobe in was the(?)66. birthday is when your 67. fifth on it of May is the 68. on the June of first Day Chidrens is 69. these are mine pictures 70. not that mine is / his is book this 71. good are they both very72. matter is the what / ball took Benny my73. naughty are both you very 74. other sorry to say each 75. did Linda what do 76. kicked the ball Tim hard too77. a good he idea had 78. enjoy your did outing you school79. did where you have lunch your80. time what you did him see81. glasses he wore 82. scarf whose this is 83. homework at I my did oclock six84. foot came I on / came here I bike by 85. how did go to you work86. write you can English in (?) 87. falls it October on 1st小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 3 页 共 3 页

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