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2019年五年级英语期末测试练习试卷School Name Score 一、写出下面字母的左邻右舍。(20) c g j d R U H V E I L p s u y二、选字母,把单词补充完整。(10)( )1. h ur A. o B. e ( )2. y urs A.o B. i ( )3.w ar A. o B. e ( )4.l ne A.i B.a ( )5.th m A.e B.i ( )6.caref l A. l B.u( )7.t m A. ea B.ae ( )8.c ntr l A.o o B.e e ( )9.bl nd A.i B.e( )10.d f A.ea Ber ( )11.m m A. u B.i ( )12.s us ge A. a a B. o o三、选择正确的汉语意思,将序号填在相应的括号里。(10) ( )1. sit down A. 消防员 ( )1.when A. 劳累 ( )2. firemen B. 不好的 ( )2.tired B. 落下( )3. programme C. 真正的 ( )3.drop C. 无聊的 ( )4. badly D. 坐下 ( )4.wonderful D. 令人惊奇的 ( )5. really E. 每人 ( )5.playground E. 什么时候 ( )6. everyone F. 明信片 ( )6.exercise F. 体操( )7. enough G. 节目 ( )7.bored G. 操场( )8. matter H. 困难 ( )8.secret H. 匆忙 ( )9. argue I. 足够的 ( )9.dangerous I. 秘密 ( )10. postcard J. 争吵 ( )10.in a hurry J.危险的四、单项选择。(20)( )1.We visited lots places. ( )2.What you do at the weekend? A. of B. off A. did B.doed ( ) 3.Where did you go last Sunday?I school. ( ) 4. I went to Beijing bus. A. go to B. went to A. by B. buy ( ) 5.Did you wash T-shirt? ( ) 6. But it isnt hers.Its . A. Linglings B.Lingling A. mine B.my ( )7. bag is this ?-Its mine. ( ) 8.Is this cap ?-No,its JimmysA.Whose B.Who A. yours B.your( )9.There ten pencils in the box. ( ) 10.There are too many on the desk.A. is B.are A. cat B. books( )11.Who put on the desk? ( )12.You can catch the ball . A.them B.they A.well B.good( )13.Can you run fast?No,I . ( )14.You can fast.A. can B. cant A. run B.ran( )15.This man is . -He cant see. ( )16.This girl is deaf.She hear.A.blind B.deaf A. can B. cant( )17.Her father her. ( ) 18.What time school start?A. help B.helps A. does B.do( )19. you feeling sad? ( ) 20.You say hello to my friends. A. Are B.are A.should B. can五、把下面的五个句子正确抄在四格线上。(注意大、小写和标点符号)(10)1. the british museum 2. where did you go 3. there are four children 4.can you run fast? Yes, I can. 5. Their mother helps them.六、选择正确的答句,将序号填在相应的括号里。(20)( )1.Where did you go last Sunday ? A. No,she didnt. ( )2.Did Lingling like it ? B.They went by bike.( )3.How did they go ? C.I went to the Great Wall.( )4.What did they do ? D.They took photos.( )5.Whose bag is this ? E.Its Linglings bag.( )6.Is this Sams T-shirt ? F.Yes,it is.( )7.Are there enough pencils? G. Yes, there are.( )8.Can you run fast ? H.Yes, I can.( )9.You can play football well. I. No, we cant.( )10.Can we have a dog ? J.Thank you.( )11.What time do you get up K. I get up at six oclock.( )12.Whats the matter ? L. Nothing ( )13.You should eat fruit M. Yes, Mum.七、根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) Linglilng is in the London with Sam and Amy. Today is Sunday.They went to the British Museum.They went there at nine oclock. They bought(买) postcards.They took many photos.Then they went home by bus.( )1. Linglin, Sam and Amy are in England( 英国)。( )2.They went to the British Museum on Sunday.( )3.They went there at 9 oclock.( )4.They bought photos.( )5.Then they walked home.小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 3 页 共 3 页

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