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The Research on Students Evaluation about College Canteen-take one canteen of Lanzhou University of TechnologyVicky13400210Lanzhou University of TechnologyDecember 18, 20152Table of Contents.Abstract .3.Introduction .4. Methods .5.Results .6.Discussion .9.Conclusion .10.Works Cited .11.Appendix .123.AbstractThis study mainly focused on evaluations college students have on canteens. During the research, 120 undergraduates finished the questionnaire from different majors in the main campus of Lanzhou University of Technology. I predicted that most of them were not satisfied not only with canteens food, but also with their environment, workers service attitude, and etc. Next, according to their evaluations, think out some measures to solve them.4.IntroductionHave you ever met with a pretty worm in your supper? Have you ever found others nail in your mouth when eating happily? Or have you ever experienced a time that you dont know what to do when tasting a rotten egg or spoiled food? Maybe you have not, but somebody did. Yes, these horrible things did happen in our daily life. The place is our canteen. Just as a Chinese old saying goes, “People regard food as their prime want”. Especially in college, the canteen, a vital component, largely influences the body health and even normal life of students, who live in school and eat in school almost every day. However, according to our experiences, it seems that canteens are not very acceptable. Therefore, doing a research about the college canteen is full of meaning. This paper will focus on college students evaluation of the canteen and some necessary steps to take to improve its quality. The recent development of college canteenFrom HeShengyang and Liu Xiaoqian, the college canteen has developed very quickly in the recent years. It mainly presents on three aspects. Firstly, with the scale of the canteen becoming larger and larger, the income and the number of employee also increased a lot. Then, running form gets more various. Besides of the ordinary food, there also appears distinguishing catering, side dish and so on. Last, the other thing which getting improved are the environment and quality of service in the canteen. (He,169 )The Problems Existing in the process of canteens developmentAccording to Ding Xiudi and other three people, although college canteens have advanced by leaps, there are some issues existing in the process of developing. They can be divided into two sides: outer problem and inner problem. The former is mainly about schools. Because of schools 5canteen contractor management system and its blind expansion enrollment, canteens do not have a very strong sense of responsibility and enough room for so many students which lead to many terrible “disasters”. The latter is canteens themselves. They are not strict with their hardware facilities, management system, food hygiene and raw material purchase. (Yu,219 ) The necessity of serving students well for canteensOn the basis of Li Xiangwen, canteens should serve students this special kind of customer actively as ventures, pay more attention to the value of students, and he proposed a theory called”creating Customer Value of Student”. There are also main two aspects about the necessity. Only canteens do this well and target on students need, can they improve disadvantages and harvest long-term development. In the meantime, the canteen is one of important pillars of the school this house. If it does its part well, the school house can be more stable. (Li,70 ) . MethodsParticipants120 undergraduates from the main campus of Lanzhou University of Technology participated in this survey and did the questionnaire. Among them, there are 61 boys and 59 girls, and 26 freshmen, 32 sophomores, 31 juniors and 31 seniors.MaterialsIn order to know students degree of satisfaction about college canteen, I set No.3 canteen in the main campus of LUT as an example to do a survey. I designed a questionnaire including 4 single-answer questions about the price, type, hygiene and amount of food there, 2 questions about workers service attitude and their personal hygiene and 3 questions about dining environment, dining order and opening hour there. Besides, there are also 2 opening multiple-answers questions: 6one is about their dining habit; the other is advice they can give for canteen. ProcedureAt first, I made my questionnaire online and sent to my friends in our school. After 15 questionnaires done, I printed 115 pieces to hand out, in order to make the proportion of students more proper and statistics more realistic. Finally, the result was believable: the percent of girls and boys were both about half; the percent of every grades students is nearly same-30%.ResultsThere were 120 students who answered the questionnaire about the No.3 canteen. From the chart 1, we can get that every day in average 62 students had one meal there, 26 students twice, only 6 students three times but also 26 students zero time. Chart 1:To my surprise, among most of questions, “nothing special” answer took up a big proportion. About half of students and even more than half held this kind of attitude toward the price of food, 7the type of food, the dining environment, the dining order, wokers personal hygiene and the opening hour. Whats more, among these mentioned questions, besides of the opening hours, for others, the number of students who were not content and even not content very much was more than of who were content and very content. To illustrate, as for the chart 2 about the price of food: 17 students felt content; only 2 students felt very content; however, there were 31 people being not satisfied and even 11 being not satisfied very much.Chart2:With regard to the cleanness of food, 5 students never found foreign matter in food; 40 students thought it was okay and they didnt notice; 64 students found it once or twice; 11 found often.Chart3:8Interestingly, although there were 30% students feeling unsatisfied and even unsatisfied very much of the type of food, there were 56.67% students advisingproviding more. There were 42 people who is not pleased with and even very much. Similarly, 79 students a number more than 42proposed decreasing the price. As to the quality of service, it experiences the same situation. Differently, the percent of people thinking food little and suggesting increasing it were both about 35%. There were 55 students being not content and even very much with the dining order. Differing not so many, 59 advised to increase the number of the food window, in order to improve the disordered condition. Chart4: 9.DiscussionMy research supported my thesis that college students were not so content with canteens. According to relevant statistics from research, for majority of questions, the number of students feeling satisfied was less than that of students feeling opposite, just like the price and the type of food, the dining environment and so on. In the meantime, the number of students who suggested improving these aspects was more than that of students who were not content with those (including discontent very much). It meant there should be several people choosing “nothing special” also thinking canteens have necessity to improve. Thus, canteens could enhance themselves from these respects: increase the type of food and food windows: decrease the price of food; strengthen supervision for canteens environment and workers working efficiency; improving their service awareness and service quality by organizing rookie training and other ways.My research also supported the research of Guo and the research of Qin. The former showed through complex statistics and math calculation students were not pleased with canteens in 10Chengdu University of Information Technology. The latter presented in Southwest University the service image of canteens was not very satisfactory for students and teachers.Although there are disadvantages about canteens work, there were still advantages like opening hours, which they should keep. Of course, my research was not perfect. I realized that some more questions, just as the speed of waiting for food, the nutritional structure of food and so on, were supposed to be considered and added into. They could reflect my thesis better. .ConclusionThrough my research, I concluded that most students evaluations are not so high, which meant most students were not very content with canteens job and they had better improve their job from food, workers, environment, order and hygiene any things they can think out. Despite of this, it also had its advantage like opening hour, which should be kept in the future.11.Works CitedDing Xiudi(丁秀娣),Yu Qing(于清) ,Li Minghua(李明华),He Liyu(何立宇).“南京市学校食堂卫生现状与对策The Hygiene Status and Strategy of School Canteens in Nanjing”.中国学校卫生 Chinese Journal of School Health) 25(2004): 219-220.Print.GuoChenhui(郭晨辉).“ 高校食堂学生满意度的研究以成都信息工程学院为例 The College Canteen of Student Satisfaction Research-take Chengdu University of Information Technology As Example”.Nov.2012.Web.Dec.2015.He Shengyang (何声杨),Liu Xiaoqian(刘晓茜).“ 高校食堂运营现状及发展对策研究Research on Operational Status and Development Strategy of College Eating-room”.中国科技信息China science and techonology information24(2009):169-170.Print. Li Liangliang(李亮亮). “高校食堂服务形象外部调查与分析 -以西南大学某食堂为例 The Research And Analysis About The Service Image of Canteens-take one canteen of Southwest University as example”.Apr.2013.Web.Dec.2015. Li Xiangwen(李湘文).“ 浅析高校食堂的学生顾客价值创造 To Analyses Simply on Creating Customer Value of Student in the University Dinning Room”.价值工程Value Engineering28(2009):70-74.Print. 12.AppendixEnglish Version Questionnaire1. Whats your gender? A. Male B. Female2. What grade are you in? A.1 B.2 C.3 D.43. How many meals do you have in NO.3 Canteen? A.0 B.1 C.2 D.34.How about your feeling about food price there ? . A. very satisfied B. satisfied C. just so so D. unsatisfied E. very unsatisfied5.How about your feeling about the amount of food? . A. much, always leave food B. proper C. few, still hungry6. How about your feeling about the environment there ?A. very satisfied B. satisfied C. just so so D. unsatisfied E. very unsatisfied7. How about your feeling about workers service attitude there ?A. very satisfied B. satisfied C. just so so D. unsatisfied E. very unsatisfied8. How about your feeling about workers self- hygiene there?A. very satisfied B. satisfied C. just so so D. unsatisfied E. very unsatisfied9. How about your feeling about the food hygiene there?A. clean, never found foreign matter B. ok on the general, didnt notice C. found once or twice D. not clean, often found foreign matter10. How about your feeling about the types of food there ?A. very satisfied B. satisfied C. just so so D. unsatisfied E. very unsatisfied11. How about your feeling about the dining order there ?A. very satisfied B. satisfied C. just so so D. unsatisfied E. very unsatisfied1312. How about your feeling about the opening hours there ?A. very satisfied B. satisfied C. just so so D. unsatisfied E. very unsatisfied13. What elements do you consider more about dining? (multiple choice)A. hygienic condition B. food price C. service attitude D. taste and flavor E. others_14. How do you think can this canteen improve its work? (multiple choice)A. Provide more food types B. larger food amount C. decrease the food price D. improve service quality E. increase the number of windows to decrease crowdednessF. others_Chinese Version 调查问卷1. 您的性别是?A.男 B.女2. 您现在是大几的学生?A.大一 B.大二 C.大三 D.大四3. 您在第三餐厅就餐的平均次数如何?(以一天为例)A.0 次 B.1 次 C.2 次 D.3 次4. 您对此餐厅饭菜价格的满意度?A.很满意 B.满意 C.一般 D.不满意 E.很不满意5. 您对此餐厅饭菜分量的满意度?A.很满意 B.满意 C.一般 D.不满意 E.很不满意6. 您对此餐厅用餐环境的满意度?A.很满意 B.满意 C.一般 D.不满意 E.很不满意7. 您对此餐厅员工服务态度的满意度?A.很满意 B.满意 C.一般 D.不满意 E.很不满意8. 您对此餐厅工作人员个人卫生状况的满意度?A.很满意 B.满意 C.一般 D.不满意 E.很不满意149. 此餐厅饭菜是否卫生,是否发现异物?A.卫生干净,没有发现异物 B.觉得总体还行,没有留意过C.偶尔发现一两次 D.不干净,经常发现异物10. 您对此餐厅饭菜种类的满意度?A.很满意 B.满意 C.一般 D.不满意 E.很不满意11. 您对此餐厅就餐秩序的满意度?A.很满意 B.满意 C.一般 D.不满意 E.很不满意12. 您对此餐厅营业时间的满意度?A.很满意 B.满意 C.一般 D.不满意 E.很不满意13. 您平时就餐考虑的主要问题有?(多选题)A.卫生状况 B.饭菜价格 C.用餐环境 D.服务态度 E.菜系口味 F.其他_14. 您认为此食堂该如何改进工作?(多选题)A.提供更多种类 B.加大分量 C.降低价格 D.改善服务质量 E.加多窗口降低拥挤度 F.其他_


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