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.,Unit 7How much are these socks?,七年级(上),Section B 1a-1e,.,Objectives,To learn the words of numbers.To listen to find out the things that Kate and her mom talk about.,.,Lets chant.,Who is wearing yellow today? Yellow today.Who is wearing red today? Red today.Who is wearing green today? Green today.Who is wearing blue today? Blue today.Who is wearing black today? Black today.Who is wearing white today? White today.Who is wearing pink today? Pink today.,.,a hat,a big black hat,a black hat,.,a sweater,a long blue sweater,a blue sweater,.,Its a pair of trousers.,shorts,a pair of 一双/一对/一条,trousers,Its a pair of yellow shorts.,.,They are _ _.,They are two pairs of red socks,three pairs of blue trousers,.,one,Numbers review,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,.,Hello ,Its 86501973 -,.,17,12,15,16,13,18,14,11,19,Can you read these numbers?,eleven,twelve,seventeen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,nineteen,eighteen,thirteen,10,ten,.,21,24,23,22,thirty,25,twenty-six,twenty-seven,twenty-eight,twenty-nine,twenty-one,twenty-two,twenty-three,twenty-four,twenty-five,30,26,27,29,28,thirty-one,31,twenty,20,.,one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve,thirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteen,twentythirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninety,twenty-one twenty-ninethirty-one thirty-nineforty-one forty-ninefifty-one fifty-ninesixty-one sixty-nineseventy-one seventy-nineeighty-one eighty-nine ninety-one ninety-nine,hundred,Learn these numbers and find out the rules:,掌握基数词的拼写。,.,(小组竞赛: 你能做出这些数学题吗?),1. One and two is _.2. Eleven and twenty-four is _. 3. Forty-five plus five is _.4. Eight minus three is _.,three,thirty-five,fifty,five,Can you deal with these math problems?,.,5. Sixty-two minus ten is _.6. Multiply five by nine is _.7. Eight divided by two is _.,fifty-two,forty-five,four,计算: 加 and/ plus 减 minus 乘 multiply by 除 divide by ,.,汉翻英:14个西红柿23件衬衫28只红袜子35个草莓45条短裤48件毛衣,fourteen tomatoestwenty-three shirtstwenty-eight red socksthirty-five strawberriesforty-five shortsforty-eight sweaters,.,1a Listen and repeat.,.,Row 1: ten_ eleven_ twelve_ thirteen_ fourteen_Row 2: twenty-five_ twenty-six_ twenty-seven_ twenty-eight_ twenty-nine_Row 3: twenty_ twenty-one_ twenty-two_ twenty-three_ twenty-four_ Row 4: fifteen_ sixteen_ seventeen_ eighteen_ nineteen_Row 5: thirty_ thirty-one_,1b Write the numbers in 1a next to thecorrect word. Which rows of numbers are in the wrong places?,10,11,12,13,14,25,26,27,28,29,20,21,22,23,24,15,16,17,18,19,30,31,.,1c Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 1a.,.,1d Listen again. Circle the things in the picture that Kate and her mom talk about. Check() the thing Kate buys.,.,a white bag,1e Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture above.,A: How much is the white bag?,B: It is 17(seventeen dollars).,.,T-shirts,A: How much are the two white T-shirts?,B: They are 30(thirty dollars)., 30,.,Exercises,.,. 根据要求完成句子。,1.This bag is three dollars. (就划线部分提问) _ is this bag?2.How much are these black shoes? (回答) _four dollars.3.I want green.(变成what问句) _ do you want?,How much,Theyre,What color,.,4. I like oranges. (变成一般疑问句) _ like oranges?5. She likes the green sweater. (变成否定句) She _ the green sweater.,Do you,doesnt like,.,. Fill in the blanks.,1. How m_ is this T-shirt? Four dollars2. What c_ do you want? Green3. Thank you. Youre w_4. We have sweaters in all c_5. My socks are not green. They are y_6. Do you n_ bags for school?7. The red shorts on s_ are very cheap.,uch,olor,elcome,olors,ellow,eed,ale,.,. Write the numbers in English,1. My uncle is _ (25)years old2. -How much is this hat? -Its _ (11)dollars3. My teacher is only _(22)years old4. They have _ (12)balls5. _(15)and _(13)is _(28),twenty-five,eleven,twenty-two,twelve,Fifteen,thirteen,twenty-eight,.,IV. Translate and write them down.,1. - 这双红色的袜子多少钱? - 12美元。2. - 那件毛衣多少钱? - 26美元。,How much are the red socks? Theyre twelve dollars.,How much is that sweater? Its twenty-six dollars.,.,14个西红柿23件衬衫8双红袜子35个草莓5条短裤48件毛衣,fourteen tomatoestwenty-three shirtseight pairs of red socksthirty-five strawberriesfive pairs of shortsforty-eight sweaters,V. Translation.,.,Homework,Make your own shopping conversation.,

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