2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Keeping Healthy-Topic 1(3).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Keeping Healthy-Topic 1(3)The main activities are 1a, 1b and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a、1b和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:look after, X-ray, serious, check over2. Learn some useful expressions and sentences:(1)Not too bad.(2)Its nothing serious.(3)Take these pills.(4)Dont move your leg too much.(5)Much better.(6)Thank you for.3. Learn how to express your feeling.4. Learn to care for a patient. Teaching aids 教具录音机/磁带/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:8分钟)1. T: Before our class, lets have a quiz, OK?(如果学生不懂quiz, 就用英语说明,asking and answering match. 或者one asks and one answers.)Ss: OK.(教师具体说明问答比赛的规则,即全班分成两大组,A组一名学生说病情,B组一名同学给建议,然后B组下一名学生说病情,而A组下一名学生给建议。最后评出优胜组,败组要给胜组合唱首英文歌。)T: Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: Go! You, please.S1GA:I have a stomachache.S1GB:You should take some medicine.S2GB:I have a fever.S2GA:Youd better drink lots of boiled water.S3GA:.S3GB:.(教师用sad face 来统计组内表达句子有错误的人数。)A B T: Group B is better. Group A sing an English song for Group B, OK?(教师自己把握唱什么歌,若有新学的英文歌,便唱新学歌曲,如果没有,那就恰当地选择 Good morning to you.或Good afternoon to you.用生日快乐歌的曲子。)2. T: Good! Then we will learn our new lesson, Section C.(教师回身在黑板上写下标题。)T: Do you know Michael?Ss: Yes.T: Bad news for Michael today.Ss: What (is it)?T: Please open your books, look at 1a. Listen to the five conversations and number the pictures in right order. Then find out the wrong picture.(教师放两遍录音,之后核对答案。)3. This time please do 1b. plete the following passage with the correct words from the box in one minute.(教师核对答案,并提出关键词。)sent.toT: Please make a new sentence as quickly as you can, if you can, hands up, please.S: Mr.Wang sent his son to school yesterday.T: Good!(找两至三个学生自愿者即可。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:10分钟)T: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Michael hurt his left leg and his friends sent him to the hospital. How terrible! Are you worried about him?Ss: Yes.T: Me, too. Do you want to know how he was later on?Ss: Yes.T:OK. Lets listen to the tape and see what the doctor says.(教师放录音时,先放2a中的dialog A两遍,这样学生可以集中精力找答案。)T: Who knows the answer?S1:Its nothing serious.T: Thank goodness!(教师需要用身体语言配合谢天谢地的表达。)T:Then Maria, Jane and Kangkang e to the hospital to visit Michael. How is Michael feeling today? Please listen to the tape and give me the answer, OK?Ss:OK.(教师继续放dialog B两遍,然后重复提出问题,找学生回答。)T:How is Michael feeling today?S2:Much better.T:Good. Then lets listen to the tape once more, and do 2b, mark True(T) or False(F). Skim the sentences in 2b for one minute, e on!T:Ready? Go!(教师核对答案。)T:Boys and girls, then please look at 2a again, find out the key words and phrases and underline them with a pencil on your books.Ss:OK.(教师收集学生的关键词或短语,不足的地方给予补充。收集信息可采用自愿举手说,也可抢答,教师最终要把信息列板书。)not too bad, left leg, X-rays,take these pills, each time, a day, move. too much, much better(为下一步学生脱离书本进行对话做准备。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:10分钟)1. T:First, practice in pairs, do 2a, dialog A. Then act the dialog out by using the key words and phrases.(教师用手指示出黑板上的关键词和短语。)T:Who can? Hands up, please. You two, please.(每表演完一组,教师都要给予恰当的表扬或鼓励语言,然后以同样方法,鼓励学生练习并表演dialog B。)T:Then practice dialog B in groups.(教师伸出四个手指,示意四人一组,并可给予更明确的分组方法,如前后座四人为一组。)2. T:Well done! Next we will work on in groups. Please write a position about 2a. Let me see which group is faster and better. Five minutes, go!(这一环节教师要放手给学生做,只需要用目光注视着学生的情况即可。)T:Do you finish?Ss:Yes.T:OK. Who can stand for your group to read your position?(有学生举手。)T:You, please.S1:Michael stayed in bed in hospital.T:Good! Who else?S2:.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:7分钟)T:Then please look at the small blackboard, and do these exercises.(教师出示小黑板。)(1) 根据句中所给的字母,补全句子。 Whats the matter, young man?My leg h . Take these p . You will feel better. Your X-rays show theres nothing s . You should b your teeth twice a day. Please drink a lot of b water.(2) 单项选择。( ) You look tired. You had better .A. to take a rest B. take a restC. taking a rest D. took a rest( ) Dont worry me.A. about B. on C. in D. for( ) Will you us your new bike?A. to show B. show C. showing D. showed( ) Thanks your flowers and fruit.A. to B. in C. about D. for( ) You give me help.A. much too B. quite too C. to D. too much(教师领学生核对答案。)T:Number 1, S1, please.S1:Hurts.T:Good! Next, who can?S2:.(也可以让学生拿着彩色粉笔,把答案填在小黑板上,一人一题。 )Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:10分钟)1. T:Now, there are a few minutes, lets do something for Michael, OK?Ss:What can we do (for him)?T:Can you make cards?Ss:Yes.T:Great! Lets make cards for Michael, we can write down some greetings or good advice on your cards, OK?Ss:OK.T:Good, go!(教师具体说明,可以简单地拿出一张16开白纸,对折后,自己设计图案,然后自己设计文字,这样做学生既会感兴趣,又可以练习写短信。)T:Do you finish?Ss:Yes.T:OK, who will show and read the words?(教师找几名同学展示一下自己的卡片,并读出卡片上的文字。)2. T:Then I will ask a student to act as Michael. And I will ask another student to see Micheal, then they make up a dialog. Who wants to do? Hands up, please.T:OK. S1, you are Michael. S2, you are Michaels classmate.(指导学生形象地表演对话。)S2:Hi, Michael. How are you feeling today?S1:Much better.S2:I hope you will be better soon, here is a card for you.S1:Thank you. Let me see.S2:Do you like it?S1:Yes, I like it very much. Thank you.S2:Thats all right. Take the pills on time, e back to school soon. Then we will have a basketball game with Class 3, OK?S1:Great!S2:e on! Michael.S1:OK. I will.(这一对话,由教师把握,如果学生接受不了直接表演对话,可先给点时间练习。)3. Homework:(把2a中你认为较难的句子,每句写三遍,至少找出五句。)


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