2019-2020年高三英语大一轮复习讲义 学生用书 Book 4 Unit 1 Women of achievement 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语大一轮复习讲义 学生用书 Book 4 Unit 1 Women of achievement 新人教版.语境填词1He finally _(获得) success.It was a remarkable _ (achieve) for such a young man.2They _(表现) very badly towards their parents in the theatre _ (crowd) with audience.3The sculptor pleted his work on a sudden _ (inspire),which won him lots of _(support)4Everything _ (consideration),he _(决心) to take over his fathers career.5He intended to _(专攻) in economics in order to bee a _ (special).选词填空1The young girl _ all her spare time _ studying English.2Dear memories _ on him.3The car accident _ his being killed.4When I did the shopping yesterday,I met an old friend _.5His wife _ his children was invited to the party.6Dont forget to _ all the lights _ before you go to bed.完成句子1烧菜的味道令我感到肚子饿。The smell of cooking _.2你一直在做什么?我一直在练习弹钢琴。What _?I _ the piano.3似乎没有人能使我戒烟。_ nobody can cure me of smoking.4首先我想搞清楚的是这要花多长时间。_ was how long it was going to take.5体育活动对人的健康很有益处。Sports and games can _ to peoples health.单项填空1Jade is the highest award in Chinese culture and medals are the most important prize in Olympics,so medals with jade is the perfect _ to present the Olympics in Beijing.Abination BcooperationCconnection Dposition2He left school early as an adolescent,_ to make his fortune in America.Ais determined Bhad been determinedCdetermined Ddetermining3Modern plastics can_very high and very low temperatures.Astand BholdCcarry Dsupport4She is so _ towards others that everyone gets on well with her.Aconsiderable Bconsiderate Cconsidering Dloyal5The students in the university are all taking courses _ a degree.Asticking to Bleading toCturning to Dreferring to6Old memories _ on him as soon as he met the friend whom he had not heard from for over thirty years.(xx陕西宝鸡中学模拟)Acrowded in Bresulted inCjoined in Dgot in7_ the danger from enemy action,people had to deal with the lack of food,clothing,fuel and almost everything.AAs far as BAs long asCAs well as DAs soon as8Have you_some new ideas?Yeah.Ill tell you later.Ae about Be intoCe up with De out with9_ matters much _ the headmaster supports our activity.AIt;whether BWhat;whetherCAs;that DThat;if10_ wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.AAnyone BThe oneCWhoever DWho1observe v观察;观测;遵守;庆祝_ n观察,监视;言论【归纳拓展】observe sb.do/doing sth.观察某人做过/正在做某事observe that.观察到observe the rules遵守规则observe Christmas过圣诞节The police observed him enter the bank with a shortgun.警察看到他带着短枪进了银行。【活学活用】(1)He has been _ the phenomenon.他一直在严密观察这一现象。(2)He has been observed _ at cards.他被发现打牌时作弊。(3)The scientist_ the behavior of the mice after they were given the drug.(xx西宁统考)Alooked Bobserved Cnoticed Dwatched2intend vt.计划;打算_ adj.计划好的,故意的_ n意图,目的【归纳拓展】intend to do/doing sth.打算、意图做某事intend sb.to do sth.意图让某人做某事be intended for旨在;预定用途;为打算(或设计)的By turning kids on to fishing,he intended to present an alternative way of life.(xx天津,完形填空)通过将孩子们的注意力转向钓鱼,他打算向他们展示另一种不同以往的生活方式。【活学活用】(1)She _ the early train,but she didnt get up in time.她本打算赶早班火车,可是起晚了。(2)This book _ children.这本书是供孩子们用的。(3)Isnt that book for me?It was_ for you,but she took it away.(xx曲靖调研)Amade BarrangedCintended Dpromised3deliver v投递;发表;宣布;接生,生(小孩)(仅限于被动语态)【归纳拓展】deliver sth.(to sb.)投递/传送某物(给某人)deliver sb./sth.over to sb.把移交给某人deliver goods/newspapers送货/报纸deliver a speech发表演说Mail is delivered to our office twice a day.我们办公室的邮件每天投递两次。【活学活用】(1)She _ a healthy baby girl in the hospital last night.昨夜她在医院里产下一健康女婴。(2)President Hu Jintao_ an important speech on the 60th anniversary National Day celebration.Astated BissuedCaddressed Ddelivered4.argue v争论,争吵,辩论;劝说_ n争论,辩论【归纳拓展】argue with sb.about/over sth.与某人争论某事argue for/against sth.为支持/反对某事而辩论argue sb.into/out of doing sth.说服某人做/不做某事argue that.主张/认为First,they argue that the main reason why students go to school is to learn more subjects and skills.(xx江苏,完形填空)首先,他们主张孩子们去上学的主要原因是学更多的知识和技能。【活学活用】(1)They are always _.他们总是为钱而争吵。(2)He _ they needed more time to finish the project.他认为他们需要更多的时间来完成该项目。(3)What is going on over there?They are arguing_each other_private affairs.(xx宁夏调研)Aabout;with Bwith;aboutCwith;with Dabout;about5refer to查阅;谈到;参考;有关;运用(于)_ n提及;参考;查阅【归纳拓展】refer.to.把提交给(以求获得帮助);让参考;把介绍给refer to.as把称为in/with reference to.关于(1)Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients by name,not case number.(xx江西,34)现在一些医院用名字而不是病例编号查阅病人。(2)The shop referred the plaint to the makers of the articles.商店把投诉转交给生产该商品的厂家。【活学活用】(1)The teacher _ the dictionary.老师叫他去查字典。(2)用look up,refer to填空Id like to _ the word in the dictionary.If you dont understand some words,you can _ the dictionary.(3)I suggest that the person_ put into prison.Arefer toBreferred to beCreferring to should beDreferred to was6e across (偶然)遇见;碰见【归纳拓展】 偶然遇到One day I came across a newspaper article about an English professor at a nearby state college.一天,我在报纸上偶然读到一篇文章,它是关于附近一所州立大学的英语教授的。【活学活用】(1)They _accident on their way back. 他们回来的路上遭遇了车祸。(2)The girl _ the street when she saw her mother.当小女孩看到她妈妈的时候,她跑过了街道。(3)If you_ any problem when you arrive at the airport,give me a ring.(xx遵义市模拟)Ae up with Bset aboutCrun into Dput aside7carry on继续;坚持【归纳拓展】carry away拿走;冲走;掠走;吸引住(某人)carry back将送/带回原地;使某人忆起carry out搬出;实施,执行,履行;完成carry through达成,贯彻;使渡过难关The meal over,the managers went back to the meeting room to carry on their discussion.(xx天津,7)吃完饭,经理们回到会议室继续讨论。【活学活用】(1)A surprise attack was _ there by the Japanese in 1941.1941年日军在那里发起了出其不意的攻击。(2)It is difficult for us to_ a conversation with all this noise around us.(xx长春统考)Acarry on Baccount forCbring up Dget across8Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off.译文_句式提取:while.(whereas)(1)表示“而,然而”,强调转折;(2)表示“只要”,强调条件;(3)while从句中的省略。当while从句中的主语与主句的主语一致,且谓语含有be的某种形式时,从句中的主语连同be动词可同时省略;While I admit that there are problems,I dont agree that they cant be solved.尽管我承认有问题存在,但我不认同它们不能被解决。【活学活用】(1)Many people enjoy playing different sports _.许多人喜欢从事不同的运动,然而有些人只是喜欢观看它们。(2)We can surely overe these difficulties _ closely united.我们只要紧密地团结在一起,就一定能克服这些困难。(3)_ the Internet is of great help,I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.AIf BWhileCBecause DAs9This is because we are all interested in what people do and what they think.译文_句式提取:.what引导名词性从句what引导名词性从句,在句中作介词in的宾语,what是连接代词,引导的从句还可作主语、表语等;what本身在从句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语等。I want to be liked and loved for what I am inside.(xx北京,31)我想让人们因我的内在品质而喜欢我和爱我。【活学活用】(1)Everyone is confused by _.大家对教授说的感到困惑。(2)He is _ a genius in language.他是一个所谓的语言天才。(3)You are not _ five years ago.你不再是五年前的样子了。(4)No one really knows for sure_ makes a person bee righthanded rather than lefthanded.Awhatever BwhoCwhat Dwhoever写作句型公式1Itbe(is/was)被强调的部分(主、宾、状语)that其他成分。It was at 3 oclock that they received the telephone.在三点时他们接到了那个电话。2It is形容词(possible,impossible,necessary等)forsb.to do sth.Its important for us to have a good knowledge of English.掌握好英语对我们来说是非常重要的。3It is(心理、品质方面的)形容词ofsb.to do sth.主语be形容词to do sth.Its rude of him to treat a child like that.He is rude to treat a child like that.以那种方式对待一个小孩儿,他可真够粗鲁的。日常交际用语31Im stuck:used when you cant continue with something because it is too difficult(问题等难)卡壳When it es to that difficult question,I am stuck,too.谈到那个难题时,我也回答不上来。32take your time:to do something slowly or carefully without hurry不用急;慢慢来There is no need to rush backjust take your time.不用急着赶回来慢慢来吧!答案课前准备区.1.achieved;achievement2.behaved;crowded3.inspiration;supporters4.considered;determines5.specialize;specialist.1.devotes;to2.crowded in3.led to4.by chance5.as well as6.turn;off.1.makes me hungry2.have you been doing;have been practising3.It seems that4.What I wanted to find out first5.be of great help.1.Abination指两个或者两个以上的东西结合或者混合产生一个新的东西,强调新出现的东西;connection指两个或者两个以上的东西联系在一起。2C根据句意应使用be determined to结构,此处为过去分词短语作伴随状语。3Astand耐久,忍受,忍耐;hold握住;carry携带;support支持,支撑。句意为:现代塑料能耐高温和低温。故A项正确。4B本题考查形容词辨析。considerable相当大(或多)的;值得考虑的;相当可观的;considerate考虑周到的;体贴的;be considerate to/towards对体贴,考虑周到;considering是介词,意为“鉴于,考虑到”;loyal忠诚的。5Bstick to坚持;lead to导致,引起;通往;turn to求助,转向;查阅;refer to指的是;谈论;查阅。句意为:大学生都在学习课程,以取得学位。6Acrowd in(想法、问题等)涌上心头,涌入脑海。7C句意为:除了来自敌人的危险之外人们还要解决缺少食物、衣服、燃料等几乎所有问题。as well asin addition to,besides除了之外。8Ce about发生;e into进入;得到;e up with想出;e out with发表,公布;说出。句意为:你想出新的主意了吗?是的,我过会儿告诉你。9Ait是形式主语,真正的主语是whether引导的从句。句意为:校长是否支持我们的活动很重要。10Cwhoever“无论谁”在此句中引导一个主语从句,并在从句中作主语。课堂活动区1observation活学活用(1)making an exact observation of(2)to cheat(3)B由句意可知,此处是指从不同的角度观察并研究,observe符合题意。2intended;intention活学活用(1)intended to catch/catching(2)is intended for(3)Cbe intended for旨在;打算,即“本打算是给你的”。3活学活用(1)was delivered of(2)Ddeliver a speech发表演说。句意为:胡锦涛总书记在国庆60周年庆祝会上发表了重要的讲话。4argument活学活用(1)arguing with each other about money(2)argued that(3)B考查动词短语搭配。答句句意为:他们在相互争论私事。argue with sb.about sth.是固定搭配,意为“同某人争论某事”。5reference活学活用(1) referred him to(2)look uprefer to易混辨析look up,refer to二者都有“参考;查询”的意思,但搭配不同。(1)look up的宾语多为word,information等,不可以是book,dictionary,sb.等。(2)refer to的意思比较广泛,当“查找”讲时,其宾语多为book,dictionary等。(3)Breferred to相当于定语从句who was referred to,且主句中的谓语动词为suggest (建议),故从句中应用(should) do结构。故选B项。6活学活用(1)came across/met with/ran into an(2)ran across(3)Ce up with想出;赶上;set about着手(干);散布(谣言);run into碰见,撞上;跑进;put aside储蓄;搁置一旁。句意为:如果你到机场时遇到任何问题,给我来电话。7活学活用(1)carried out(2)A由句意可知,“要继续谈话很难”;carry on sth.继续某事,符合句意。8大家坐在树阴下等着,当猩猩们睡醒准备离开的时候。活学活用(1)while others just enjoy watching them(2)while we are(3)B句意为:尽管因特网非常有帮助,但我认为在上面花费太多的时间不是好主意。while尽管,引导让步状语从句。9这是因为我们都对人们所做和所想的感兴趣。活学活用(1)what the professor said(2)what is called(3)what you used to be(4)Cknow后所跟的是宾语从句。句意为:没人能确切地知道是什么使一个人用右手而不用左手。what什么,作主语。whatever无论什么;who谁;whoever无论谁,不符合句意。课时规范训练.单项填空(建议用时8)1_two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.(xx济南模拟)AWith BBesidesCAs for DBecause of2They_ the train until it disappeared in the distance.Asaw BwatchedCnoticed Dobserved3Washing machines made in China have won_worldwide attention and Haier has bee _ popular name.Aa;the B/;a C/;the Dthe;a4The international agreement,_ encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit,was signed on February 27.(xx青岛模拟)Aintending to Bbeing intended toCintended to Dto intend to5Thank you for your MP4 player.Ill get Mary to take it to you soon._.Ive bought a new one.ANo sense BNo hurryCNo way DNo use6You promised to_ the goods to our address,but we havent seen any of them yet.Apass BrelayChand Ddeliver7Alice,what are you arguing_the teacher?You should think highly of the teachers opinions.Aabout BwithCwith about Dabout with8She is young and pretty,and she loves children.My pupils,Donnie included,all_ her very much.Arespect BdislikeCavoid Dmind9The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without_ his notes.Abringing up Breferring toClooking for Dtrying on10When I was doing some shopping in the market the other day,I_ an old friend of mine,who had worked abroad for five years.(xx济宁月考)Acame up Bcame overCcame across Dcame down11The meal over,the managers went back to the meeting room to_their discussion.Aput away Btake downClook over Dcarry on12_ modeling business is by no means easy to get into,the good model will always be in demand.AWhile BSince CAs DIf13After_ seemed like minutes he came out in disappointment.(xx济南统考)Ait Bthat Cwhat Dwhen14As you can see,the number of cars on roads _ rising these days.Awas keeping Bkeep Ckeeps Dwere keeping15Weve always wanted a house in the country,but we_ about where it should be.Aargued Bhad arguedCwill argue Dare arguing.完形填空(建议用时17)In my dual(双重的) profession _16_ an educator and health care provider,I have worked with many children infected with HIV.They have taught me so many things,but I have especially learned that great _17_ can be found in the smallest individuals.Let me tell you something about Tyler.Tyler was _18_ infected with HIV; his mother was also infected.From the very beginning of his life,he was dependent on medications to _19_ him to survive.When he was five,he had a tube inserted in a vein(静脉) in his chest.At times,he also needed extra oxygen to support his _20_.Tyler wasnt _21_ to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease.It was not _22_ to find him playing and racing around his backyard,wearing his medicineloaded backpack and _23_ his tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon(小手推车)All of us who knew Tyler were impressed by his pure _24_ in being alive and the energy it gave him.Tylers mom often _25_ him by telling him that he moved so _26_ she needed to dress him in red.That way,when she peered through the window to check on him playing in the yard,she could quickly _27_ him.This deadly disease eventually _28_ down Tyler.He grew quite ill and,unfortunately,_29_ did his HIVinfected mother.When it became _30_ that he wasnt going to survive,Tylers mom talked to him about _31_.She forted him by telling Tyler that she was dying too,and that she would be with him soon in heaven.A few days before his death,Tyler _32_ to me to e to his hospital bed and _33_,“I might die soon.Im not _34_.When I die,please dress me in _35_.Mom promised shes ing to heaven,too.Im be playing when she gets there,and I want to make sure she can find me.”(xx青岛统考)16A.inBforCasDon17A.pleasureBpainCsorrowDcourage18A.seriouslyBbornCunluckyDdisappointingly19A.causeBenableCmakeDlead20A.breathingBlivingCrunningDwalking21A.happyBwillingCdaringDdiscouraged22AmonBunusualCsurprisedDordinary23A.draggingBcarryingCpushingDtaking24A.characterBjoyCmomentDexcitement25AfortedBscoldedCteasedDpraised26A.slowlyBhappilyCquicklyDfast27A.knowBspotCstopDobserve28A.toreBbrokeCworeDkicked29A.neitherBsoCsuchDnor30A.apparentBhopelessCsureDterrible31A.lifeBdreamCfutureDdeath32A.wavedBsaidCsignedDexplained33A.whisperedBshoutedCcriedDspoke34A.excitedBsurprisedCscaredDhappy35A.redBwhiteCbrightDbeauty.阅读理解(建议用时7)Once there was a young woman who didnt like her job.Everyday when she came home from work,she told her husband how terrible her day had been,how tiring the work and how unreasonable her boss.“Leave that job,” her husband told her.“Oh,I will,” she said.“But not yet.I have too many friends there for me to leave.”And so she remained unhappy at work until the years became decades and her children had children.“Leave that job,” her grandchildren told her.“Oh,I will,”she said.“But not yet.There are only seven more years until I reach thirty years of service and can retire.So I cant just yet.”I know this woman.And her story reminds me of an old dog half asleep on a porch of a general store,moaning and groaning in the sun.“Why is your dog acting that way?” a customer asked the store owner.“Oh,” answered the man,“Hes lying on a nail.” “Well,why doesnt he move?”“Because its not hurting him bad enough.”Thats true for people,too.We convince ourselves the pain is not bad enough to leave the workplace we know.But were wrong.Prolonged work pain is continuing.Some work pain damages our selfesteem,kills our passion or destroys our dreams.Wilbur Wright once mented,“We could hardly wait to get up in the morning.I know that exhilarating feeling of being so passionate about something I was working on that I couldnt wait to get back to work.And people who are winning at working know that kind of passion,too.”They get excited about work.They offer their unique gifts and talents eagerly.And when things dont change as they sometimes will,they refuse to let environment hijack their selfesteem,passion or dreams.36The woman plained to her husband every day because _.Ashe didnt have enough money to support her familyBher boss criticized her for what she had doneCshe was not satisfied with her job at allDher work was difficult and her boss was cruel37From the second paragraph we can know that the woman _.Aliked making friends with othersBloved all of her children very muchCleft her tiring job at lastDdid exactly the same job all along38The author mentioned the old dog in order to tell us that _.Ait was deeply hurt by its ownerBthe woman is like the dog on the nailCit is tied firmly to a nail by its ownerDit should be injured badly enough39The underlined word “Prolonged” (in Paragraph 4) means _.Alasting Bslight Cserious Dhard40People who are getting along well with their work _.Ahave to get up early every dayBare not willing to go to workCneed more unique gifts and talentsDare likely to cha

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