八年级英语上册 Module 10 The weather Unit 3 Language in use导学案(新版)外研版.doc

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八年级英语上册 Module 10 The weather Unit 3 Language in use导学案(新版)外研版.doc_第1页
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Module 10 The weather课 题Module 10 The weatherUnit 3 Language in use主备人课 型Revision and application上课日期课时安排总课时数学 习目 标1能够掌握本模块词汇和句型的用法。2能够运用情态动词表示可能性。学习过程备注【Around the world】Read the passage and finish the following exercises.1.根据文章内容填空1)The Amazon Rainforest is one of the _ places in the world.2)The Amazon Rainforest has _ 200 cm of rain every year.2.在文中找出此句同义句The Amazon Rainforest has the most different animals and plants in the world._3.根据汉语意思找出文中对应的英文句许多河流流入到了亚马逊河因为亚马逊河流自西向东从安第斯山脉跨越6500多千米到达了大西洋。_【题组训练一】根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 什么时候游览中国最好_ is the _ _ _ _ China ?2. 上课时不要往窗外看,好吗?Dont look out of the window in class, _ _?3. 我们该走了,否则天黑前我们就到不了那里_ _ _ _ , or we wont get there before dark 4. 请多给我妹妹拍些照片,然后发给我Please _ _ _ _ my sister and then send them to me.【题组训练二】I.用may, probably, because, so或but完成句子。1. Its warm in the day, _it_be cold in the evening.2. Bring your swimsuit, _you _want to swim in the sea.3. It_rain from time to time in spring, _wed better take a raincoat.4. Buy a good map _youll _get lost in a big city.II.句型转换。1 The best time to visit the town is in July (对画线部分提问) _ _ the best time to visit the town.? 2 How was the weather?(改为同义句) _ the weather _?3 Remember to take a map with you . (改为同义句) _ _ _ take a map with you. 4 To join a study group is a good idea .(改为同义句) _ _ _ _ to join a study group. 【题组训练三】I.从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话,使对话完整通顺。A:Its a fine day today,isnt it?B:Yes,it is. Its very sunny.A:Do you like the weather here,Mike?B:_1_.A:Yes,it can be very hot here in summer. But it is not very cold in winter. By the way,whats the weather like in your home town?B:_2_.A:So do you often go skating?B:_3_.A:Who do you usually go skating with?B:_4_. Do you like going skating,too?A:Yes. Its a bit of fun.B:Would you like to go skating this Sunday?A:_5_.A Its very cold in winter and often snows. BYes. But it is sometimes too hot in summer. CYes,I do. DMy sister. EYes,Id love to.


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