2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us教学案 (新版)冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us教学案 (新版)冀教版课题:Lesson:19:How Do You Use the Internet? 课型:新授 学习目标:1.掌握本课出现的新词汇。2.通过观察体会计算机联网知识。学习重难点:掌握词汇:technology, keyboard, industry接触词汇:desktop, tablet, invitation一.自主学习1课前练习:英汉互译 收发邮件 写博客 chat online_ plan to do_Book tickets on line_2.根据汉语意思或首字母完成单词:(1)A t_ doesnt have a keyboard or a mouse.(2)I like c_ with my friends on-line.(3)Im collecting information about coffee _ (工业)(4)I like to read books about _ (技术)on puter.(5)If you have the Internet , you can learn a lot about different t_.二.合作探究1 look 看,侧重于 看的动作 词组:look at 看= have a look at see , “看见,看到”,侧重于看的结果。 如:We are looking at the blackboard now , we can see some English words on it .【资料积累卡】 Look 常用词组look up 在词典,书 中查找单词、 电话号码Look out ! 小心 = Be careful ! = Take care !look out of 向外看look for 寻找look after 照看 = take care oflook like 看起来像look the same 看起来一样look over 快速查找,也指医生给病人检查身体look through 浏览 look forward to doing 渴/盼望做某事.2. If we want to have a meeting, I can send the invitation online如果我们想召开会议,我可以在线发出邀请。句中if引导条件状语从句,意为“如果”。例如:If you want to know how a word is used, look it up in the Advanced Learners Dictionary.要想了解某个词的用法,查高级词典。3be glad to do sth. 高兴/ 乐意去做某事。 glad = happy 高兴的 4turn on 打开(灯,电脑,收音机,电视机) 反义词组 turn off 关掉 turn up 调大、高(音量)turn down 调小,低(音量)turn over 翻转 5fail v.失败 I failed this English exam. 词组: fail to do sth. 失败做 failure n. 失败 Failure is the mother of success. succeed v. 成功 When something fails, it doesnt succeed. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事。I have succeeded in turning on the puter. success n. 成功 successful adj. 成功的 successfully adv. 成功地 三.当堂检测Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words.1.When something fails , it doesnt_ (success)2. .I succeeded in _(get) the job.3. I failed _ (reach) him by phone.4. _(fail) is the mother of _(succeed)5.Someone made a_ noise and he cried _ (sudden)6.He never fails_(write) to his mother every month.句型转换Whats wrong with your bike ? = Whats _ _with your bike? = Whats _ _with your bike? The boy failed the Chinese exam last week.=The boy _ _ the Chinese exam last week.四、课后反思:八年级英语下册教学案课题:Lesson:20:A puter Helps! 课型:新授 学习目标:1.理解记住本课出现的新单词和短语2. 通过学习了解复活节的相关知识。学习重点、难点掌握词汇: enter, key, search, depend, hide (hid/hidden)接触词汇: laptop, Easter, topic, bunny短语和句型:search engine, depend on, Easter Bunny自主学习:英汉互译:复活节 去打猎 key words _ depend onupon_Search for _ 2.根据首字母完成单词:(1)I r_ a letter from my best friend.(2)The date d_ on the moon, but it is always in April or March.(3)She tried to h_ her feelings.(4)Where is the e_ of the building?(5)I took a part-time job in order to save money to buy a l_.二)整体感知课文.(阅读课文, 了解复活节的相关知识。)二.合作探究:1. I entered some key words into a search engine to find information on this topic我在搜索引擎里输入一些关键词来寻找有关这个话题的信息。1) key在句中作形容词,意为“主要的,关键的”。key作名词时可表示“钥匙;(计算机等的)键;关键”之意。例如:They work in the key post.他们在关键的岗位工作。She reached for her coat and car keys.她伸手拿外套和汽车钥匙。This is the key to world peace这是世界和平的关键。2 ) on作介词,意为“关于,有关”,与about同义。例如:I borrowed a book on puter technology.我借了一本关于电脑技术的书。2. Its one of the biggest holidays in many countries.在很多国家这是最重大的节日之一。one of+最高级+名词复数”表示“最的之一”。例如:Tom is one of the best students in our class.汤姆是我们班最好的学生之一。English is one of the most important languages in the world.英语是世界上最重要的语言之一。3. Easter does not fall on the same day each year.复活节每年的时间不一样。fall在句中作不及物动词,意为“到来,来临”,与e同义。fall还可以表示“降落,掉落,摔倒”。例如:Leaves fall from the trees.叶子从树上落下。Be careful! Dont fall off the bike.小心!不要从自行车上掉下来。He ran too fast and fell down.他跑得太快,摔倒了。4. The date depends on the moon, but it is always in March or April.日期取决于月亮,但总是在三月或四月。depend on意为“依赖于,取决于,依而定”。例如:You can depend on him to make a good choice.你可以依靠他做出好的选择。All living things depend on the sun for their growth 万物生长靠太阳。5: receive v. 收到,接收。 反义词为 send 发送 “receive a letter from sb.= get a letter from sb. = hear from sb. ” 收到某人的来信I have just received a letter from my friend .I have just got a letter from my friend. I have just heard from my friend. send a letter to sb. 给某人发信 You should send a letter to your mother every month.6:. message 消息,信息,口信。give a message to sb.给某人捎口信。=take a message for sb. 三.当堂检测选择题( )1.Turn _ your puter and connect _ the Internet .A off ; to B on ; with C off ; with D on ; to ( )2.He tried ,but he didnt _. A success B successes C succeed D successful ( )3.He failed _ the exam . A to pass B passing C pass in D Pass( )4.I _ the door , I had to go now . A forgot locking B forgoted locking C forgot to lock D forgoted to locking ( )5. I want to watch TV ,please turn _.A it on B on it C it off D off it 句型转换1. I received a letter from my friend yesterday afternoon.(同义句)I _ a letter _ my friend yesterday afternoon.I _ _my friend yesterday afternoon(同义句).2.Do you want to send an e-mail to somebody? Do you want to _ _ an e-mail?四.课后反思:八年级英语下册教学案课题:Lesson:21:Books or puters? 课型:新授 学习目标:1.掌握的词汇短语:appear, electronic, printing press, sell(sold,sold), by hand;pass on;keep on2. Learn about the history of the books.3. Know about the fountain of the printing press.学习重点:1. Why is the printing press important?2. How did books change information?学习难点:Find facts about the printing press and about the Internet in this unit.一.自主学习Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1. What is a printing press?2. How were books made before the printing press?3. How did books change information?Read the text and check the answers. Practice some main language points in the text. Make sentences with the following phrases:by hand, in a short time, look up二.合作探究1. In ancient times, there were no books, and people passed on their knowledge by telling stories.在古代,没有书,人们通过讲故事传播知识。pass on意为“传递”。例如:May I trouble you to pass on a message to her?烦您给她捎个信儿行吗?Pass the book on to me when youve finished with it.你看完那本书后请传给我。2. Later, people learned how to write and make paper.后来,人们学会了如何写字和造纸。how to write and make paper是由关系词引导的动词不定式结构,作宾语。本句也可以转换为宾语从句how they could write and make paper。例如: Do you know when to leave?=Do you know when you/ will leave?你知道什么时候出发吗?Let me show you where to go on the map=Let me show you where we will go on the map我在地图上指给你我们将去哪里。3. With paper, people began to write down their stories.人们开始用纸把故事写下来。介词with表示“用”,后面跟工具。in表示“用”,后常加语言、墨水和颜料。by表示“用”,后跟交通工具。例如:He writes with a pen.他用钢笔写字。 He wrote a letter in ink.他用钢笔写了一封信。We travelled to Europe by air.我们乘飞机去欧洲旅行。4. They wrote each word by hand. 他们手写每一个字。each意为“各自,各个,每个”,用于单数名词前,后接单数谓语动词。例如:Each student has been given his or her own e-mailaddress.每个学生都得到一个属于自己的电子邮件地址。each用于复数主语后,谓语动词用复数。例如:They each have their own e-mail address.他们每人都有自己的电子邮件地址。each of, each one of后接复数名词或代词,但谓语动词经常用单数形式。例如:Each (one) of the houses was slightly different.每幢房子都稍右不同。5. Information travels faster and farther.信息传播得更快更远了。farther是far的比较级,最高级是farthest。例如:Tom jumps farther than Jim. He jumps farthest of all the boys.汤姆比吉姆跳得远。在所有的男孩儿中,他跳得最远。6. No matter what you have, a puter, a tablet, a laptop, an e-reader or a real book, keep on reading!无论你有什么,台式电脑、平板电脑、笔记本、电子阅读器或者一本真正的书,坚持读下去!keep on doing意为“继续做某事”,表示动作是时断时续的。keep doing表示不间断地做某事。例如:I keep reading the whole night.我整晚都在看书。The little monkey stopped to have a look, then kept on eating its banana.小猴子停下来看了看,然后继续吃香蕉。三.当堂检测介词填空1.Mr Smith wrote the book hand a pen last year .2.Please be more careful now 3.Now everybody knows the Internet.4.We can find information books and the Internet.5.The woman a red dress is my aunt.单项选择 1.()Itstime_class.PleasetakeoutyourEnglishbooks.A.toB.forC.ofD,at 2.()Pleasefillmyplate_goodfood A.inB.withC.forD.to 3.()He_gotobed_hismothergetshome. A.will;tillB.wont;until C.will;beforeD.will;after 4.()Whyareyousohappy? -_mystomachisfull A.ForB.SinceC.BecauseD.But 5.()Thatfoodtastes_great A.muchB.verymuchC.somuchD.so 6.()Theyarehunting_thelostcat. A.toB.forC.atD.with 7.()I_mywatch,butIdidnt_it. A.lookedat;findB.lookat;lookfor C.lookedfor;findD.found;find.8.()She_herbasket_eggs. A.filled;withB.full;ofC.fulled;withD.filled;of 9.()Wearegoingtohavefun_Englishthisterm. A.learnandspeakB.learningandspeaking C.tolearnandspeakD.learnsandspeaks四.课后反思八年级英语下册教学案课题:Lesson:22:Travel on the Internet 课型:新授 学习目标:1.掌握的词汇短语:receive;cancer;blessing;pyramid;Egypt2. Learn about some interesting stories on the Internet.学习重点:1. How to make our dreams e true.学习难点:How to make our dreams e true. What can we do ?自主学习:英汉互译:1.成长 ; 2. 实现 ; 3. dream of about doing _;Change ones mind _ all over the world_ 用所给单词的正确形式填空:1. It will be (wind) tomorrow morning.2.Look , the students are _ (dig) a hole !3.Its an _ (enjoy) film.4.This book is about _ (grow) flowersPlease do your homework as_ (care) as you can.This basket is _ (fill) with apples.二.合作探究1. Her grandma had a terrible type of cancer.她的奶奶患上了一种很严重的癌症。have cancer意为“患癌症”。have表示“患(病),得(病)”,与catch和get同义。have是延续性动词,表示状态;catch和get是瞬间动词,表示动作,所以这两个词不可跟一段时间连用。例如:I caught(=got) a bad cold three days ago我三天前得了重感冒。I have had a bad cold for three days.我患重感冒已经三天了。2. She asked people if they could help her grandma see the world through pictures.她问大家是否能够帮助奶奶通过图片看世界。if在句中作连词,意为“是否”,引导宾语从句。例如:The teacher asked if everyone was here.老师问人是否到齐了。Please tell me if you know the answer.请告诉我你是否知道答案。3. You have made my dream e true.你使我的梦想变成了现实。make ones dream e true意为“使某人的梦想成真”。e true表示“实现,成真;应验”。例如:His dream will e true sooner or later.他的理想迟早会实现。I hope our dreams will e true.我希望我们的梦想成真。三.当堂检测按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。1. Whats the weather like today? (改为同义句) the weather today?2. There will be a thunderstorm this afternoon. (改为一般疑问句) a thunderstorm this afternoon?3. The temperature was twenty-one degrees this morning. (对画线部分提问) this morning?4. We have very bad weather during this week. (改为感叹句) weather we have during this week!It was windy and cold yesterday. (对画线部分提问) _ the weather yesterday?6.We didnt have a picnic because it rained heavily. (改为同义句) We didnt have a picnic the heavy rain.7. Li Ming will show us his new bike. (改为同义句) Li Ming will show his new _ _ _ .8. The Smiths went to Beijing to visit the Summer Palace by car. (改为同义句) The Smiths Beijing to visit the Summer Palace.四.课后反思八年级英语下册教学案课题:Lesson:23:The Internet Good or Bad?课型:新授 学习目标:1.掌握的词汇短语:advantage, simple, coin, cause, less, steal (stole/stolen) disadvantage, aside, attack, web, banking, properly短语和句型:in seconds, far away, Every coin has two sides. Aside from, take up学习重难点:Learn about advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.Know how to use the Internet correctly.自主学习:英汉互译:Aside from_;2.far away_;3. a useful tool_4. 保持联系 ;5.接管 根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词:Everything has a_ and d_Spending too much time online is h_ to peoples health.The child ca not use chopsticks _.We _ (袭击)the enemy at dawn._ (知识)is very important to us .二.合作探究1 .People are able to connect and share information in seconds.几秒钟之内,人们就能够相互联系并分享信息。be able to do sth.意为“能,能够”,主要指具做某件事的能力,有人称和时态的变化。情态动词can也表示“能,会”,只有现在时can和过去时could两种时态,没有人称变化。例如:Can you e tomorrow?明天你能来吗?He said that we could go there by bus.他说我们可以乘公共汽车去那里。Will you be able to e tomorrow?明天你能来吗? Im able to do the work all by myself.我能够独立做这项工作。2. It helps us get things done more quickly.它能使我们把事情做得更快。在句中get sth. done意为“完成,做完某事”,通常指由自己完成。此外,get/have sth. done还有“让某人做某事”的意思。例如:I got my homework finished.我做完了作业。I am going to get/have my hair cut.我要去剪发。3. And if a friend lives far away, the Internet makes it easy to stay in touch.如果朋友住得很远,互联网使相互联系变得容易。make+形式宾语+形容词(+for sb.)+动词不定式”意为“使做某事变得”例如:The teacher tried to make it interesting for the students to learn math.老师尽力使数学学起来有趣。4. But every coin has two sides.但是任何事物都有两面(有利也有弊)。此句直译为“每个硬币都有两面”。在写作时,一般作名言使用。例如:As we know, every coin has two sides.正如我们所知道的,凡事都有两面性。5. Spending too much time online is harmful to peoples health在网上花太多的时间对人们的健康有害。be harmful to意为“对有害处”。例如:Smoking can be harmful to your health.吸烟会对你的身体有害。Fruit juice can be harmful to childrens teeth.果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。6. It may even cause them to be less social with family and friends.它甚至会导致他们与家人和朋友较少来往。cause在句中作动词,意为“造成,使(发生)”,其后可直接跟造成的结果或发生的事情作宾语,也可跟双宾语或接动词不定式复合结构作宾语。例如:Smoking can cause lung cancer.吸烟可以引发肺癌。The cold water caused the plant to die.冷水导致了植物的死亡。What caused her to cry?=What made her cry?是什么使她哭了?7. The lnternet can be a useful tool, but dont let it take up all of your time.互联网可能是一种有用的工具,但不要让它占据你所有的时间。take up意为“占用(时间);占据(空间)”。例如:The table takes up too much room.这张桌子太占地方。I wont take up any more of your time.我不再占用你的时间了。三.当堂检测IV. 单项选择 ( ) 1. Most of the children are scared going out alone at night.A. in B. at C. to D. of( ) 2. Its winter now. The day shorter and shorter. A. cuts B. staysC. gets D. grows( ) 3. The boys mother is having a rest now. So they talk in a voice.A. low B. highC. short D. long( ) 4. Our geography teacher told us that the sun in the east.A. riseB. rises C. rose D. risen( ) 5. The temperature will drop zero today. Youd better take a winter coat with you.A. above B. below C. over D. under( ) 6. There are fifty new books on the desk.A. recently B. nearly C. almost D. both B and C( ) 7. people in the city will go to visit the new museum today.A. Two hundreds B. Hundred of C. Hundreds of D. Two hundred of( ) 8. You can take away my book Anns, because we both need them now.A. either; or B. neither; norC. not only; but also D. both; and( ) 9. There is rice in the bag. We dont need to buy more.A. much B. lots of C. plenty of D. all of the above( )10. Jack studies his brother at school.A. as hardly as B. so hardly as C. as hard as D. so hard as ( )11. The students in the poor area new books and schoolbags. Lets raise money to buy some for them.A. long for B. look up C. take out D. feel like( )12. The chemistry class was over. All the students walked out of the lab .A. one to one B. one with one C. one by one D. one after one( )13. There an English party in our school this weekend.A. will hold B. is going to have C. is going to be D. will have( )14. Why do you look so tired, Tom? I go to bed 11:30 last night.A. dont; until B. will; after C. didnt; until D. have; after( )15. , Li Mei? Its windy and cold.A. Whats the weather B. How is the weatherC. Whats the temperature D. Is it windy today四.课后反思八年级英语下册教学案课题:Lesson:24:An E-mail to Grandpa课型:新授 学习目标:1.掌握的词汇短语:set up a time学习重难点:know some knowledge of the Internet.自主学习:根据首字母提示完成单词:You shouldnt spend too much time on the I_.After some awful rainy days, the sun finally a_.Its easy for me to c_ my spelling and grammar mistakes on my new laptop.Can we s_ up a time to chat on-line together?He made a detailed()r_ on the problem.二.合作探究1 .It would be a lot of fun to see each other as we talk!我们谈话时能够看见彼此会是一件很有趣的事情!as在句中作连词,引导时间状语从句,表示“一边一边,随着”,as从句的动作是延续性的,从句的动作同时发生(或者相对应),且while有时还可以表示对比。例如:The little girls sang as they walked.小女孩儿们边走边唱。As time went on, the weather got better.随着时间的推移,天气变得好些了。Sorry, I was out when you called me.对不起,你打电话时我出去了。When I got to the airport, they had left.当我到达机场时,他们已经离开了。While we were talking, the teacher came in. = We were talking when the teacher came in.老师进来的时候,我们正在说话。2. 2. Can we set up a time to go online together?我们定个时间一起上网好吗?set up在句中意为“安排”,此外,还可表示“建立,准备”。例如:We have set up a time to hold a class meeting.我们安排了一个时间开班会。They set up a few hospitals to help the sick people.他们建立了几家医院来帮助病人。3. It can give me directions to anywhere I want to go.我想去任何地方,它都可以给我指引方向。anywhere作副词,用于肯定句时意为“随便什么地方”。例如: Sit anywhere.随便坐。I cant see it anywhere.我哪儿也见不到它。三.当堂检测同所给词的适当形式填空:If you spend too much time _(play)games on the Internet ,you wont pass the exam.I have learned how _ (use)chat program.Lets _(chat)someday.My new puter made it fun and _ (interest.)If I want to go anywhere ,I can _(easy)to find my way on the Internet.课后反思:

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