2019-2020年八年级英语上册《新标准英语》教学设计 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册《新标准英语》教学设计 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语上册新标准英语教学设计 外研版、教学目标:知识目标Key vocabulary. Key structure: Passive voice and to get information from the reading passage about The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.能力目标Listening: Get the information from the listening materials.Reading: Read Activity 3.情感目标We can teach the students to read more good books by learning it.重、难点:Key vocabulary and some teaching points ,Key structure: Passvie voice教学过程: 【课前延伸】预习词汇:预习U2词汇,能够根据音标读出并了解汉语意思。课前朗读:朗读本单元新单词和短语。每日播报: My favorite book 。 【课内探究】(一)复习检测1、检查词汇预习情况 2、被动语态掌握情况反馈(二)读前导入简介马克吐温和汤姆索亚历险记马克吐温(Mark Twain,1835年11月30日1910年4月21日),是美国的幽默大师、小说家、作家,亦是著名演说家。他曾被誉为:文学史上的林肯。汤姆索亚历险记是美国著名小说家马克吐温的代表作,发表于1876年。小说主人公汤姆索亚天真活泼,富于幻想和冒险,不堪忍受束缚个性,枯燥乏味的生活,幻想干一番英雄事业。小说通过主人公的冒险经历,对美国虚伪庸俗的社会习俗、伪善的宗教仪式和刻板陈腐的学校教育进行了讽刺和批判,以欢快的笔调描写了少年儿童自由活泼的心灵。汤姆索亚历险记以其浓厚的深具地方特色的幽默和对人物敏锐观察,一跃成为最伟大的儿童文学作品,也是一首美国“黄金时代”的田园牧歌。本书的姊妹篇是哈克贝利费恩历险记。(三)多层阅读(1)Answer the question:Why do you think people still read Tom Sawyer?(2)Summarize the general idea of each paragraph.(3)Read the passage again and plete the table .writerCharacterPlaceThemeStoryReason for its greatnessFavorite scene(四)精讲点拨(1)精读课文后完成以下短语。聪明的小男孩 跑开、逃跑 迷路 很高兴做某事 故事的主角 的主题 和有关 成长 谈论他自己的葬礼 社会规则 坏行为 美国南部各州 在十九世纪(2)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The (outside) sees the most of the game. 2. We are all very (please) with our teachers decision. 3. The fish we caught is still (live).4. No student in this class is from the (south) part of China.5. Who was the most famous scientist in the (nineteen) century? 6. Jin Yong is a famous (write) of the time.(3)精讲语言点With Huck he goes looking for treasures, with Becky he gets lost in a cave.go +v.-ing 表示“去做”,常用来表示从事某项活动。 去野营 去钓鱼 去观光 The themes of the story are to do with children growing up and being some serious.be/have to do with sb./sth.表示“和某人/某事有关。”我的问题与昨天的作业有关。 grow up 成长,长大成人我长大后想成为一名教师。 (4)从方框中选择适当短语并用其正确形式完成句子(每条短语限用一次)grow up, be afraid of, for a time, go looking for,be surprised, run away, get lost, talk about 改成选词填空的形式(复述课文部分)1. The thief after he stole a wallet from an old woman. 2. Mr. Black lived in the house next to ours. 3. What do you want to do when you ? 4. The two friends music all night. 5. Tom Sawyers treasure must be a very exciting adventure, I think. 6. The parents were very worried because their son in the forest. 7. Marys littlebrother the dark. 8. Everyone to find the man didnt get injured in the accident.(五)写作训练Write a passage about your favorite great book. My favorite great book is Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by J.k.Rowling. Its a story about a young boy 【课后提升】 复习巩固:整理课堂笔记,掌握本节课新词汇、短语和语法知识分层作业:(1-3号)自述课文并复述 (4-6号)背诵课文的最后一段预习任务:预习U3词汇,上网查找与柏拉图有关的背景资料(P17)


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