2019-2020年八年级英语上册 unit7学案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 unit7学案 人教新目标版课 题Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? (P41)执笔:教学目标1. Master the vocabularies: shake, milk shake, blender, turn on, cut up, peel,pour, into2. Master and use: How do you make a milk shake? Peel the banana.教学重点1 The vocabulary.2.Describe a process.教学难点Use the language to describe a process.学 习 过 程一.课前反馈1. Dictation: wheel, begin with, exited, safe, fast, cheese, sick, use, women, body. 2. Ask and answer: Whats the matter? Do you have a sore throat?What do you usually do on weekend? How often does your mother clean the room?How far is it from your home to school? How long does it take him to do his homework?二.自主学习 1. 自主学习1a里面的单词。a. 找出新单词,边读边写两遍。.b. 熟悉词义,完成1a .2. 熟读1b中句子。 3. 自主练习1c中的对话, 初步掌握句型:How do you make a milk shake? Peel the banana.( 注意:1.熟记制作香蕉奶昔的步骤和需要用的动词短语.2. turn on 打开(电器等的电源)。其反义词是turn off关上。这种由“动词+副词”构成的短语中,当宾语是名词时,可置于动副词短语后,也可以在动词和副词之间。如:turn on the TV =turn the TV on . 但当宾语是代词时,则只能放在动词和副词之间。如:turn it on绝不能说turn on it )三.合作探究1.小组讨论并检查1a 的答案。2.听听力,完成1b.3.分组练习1c的对话,.四.一课多练 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1.首先剥开三根香蕉。 , _ three bananas.2.然后将苹果切碎。Then _ the apples _ .3.你怎样做香蕉奶昔?_do you _a banana _ .4.最后,将奶昔倒进一个杯子里。_,_the milk shake_a glass .五.总结延伸 本节课我学到了六.新知提示1 预习教材42、43页,圈出不认识的单词2.写出可数名词和不可数名词各十个。姓名课 题Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? (P42-43)执笔:教学目标1. Master the vocabularies: ingredient, cup, watermelom, teaspoon, amount, instruction, finally, mix up, popcorn, popper, boil, salt, add to, 2. Master and use: Countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Follow instructions.教学重点1 The vocabulary.2. Master and use: Countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Follow instructions.教学难点2. Master and use: Countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Follow instructions. 学 习 过 程一.课前反馈1.Dictation: shake, milk shake, blender, turn on, cut up, peel, pour, into2.Ask and answer: How do you make a milk shake?( peel, cut up, turn on, pour, into)二.自主学习1.自主学习教材42、43页的单词,找出新单词,读写两遍。2.熟悉2a、2b的内容,找出不懂的地方。3.自读2c的对话,弄清意思。4.阅读3a,弄清first, next,then,finally的意思(注意:First.Next.Then.Finally. 首先接下来然后最后用于讲述做事的顺序。)三.合作探究1.一起完成2a、2b的听力练习。 2.小组自由练习2c中的对话。3.小组讨论并完成3a,然后练习对话。 4.仿照3a,利用3b的图片编造新对话,再分组展示。四.一课多练A.根据句意与汉语提示补全所缺单词1. Have you read the_(用法说明) of this machine.2. Many people like to drink tea with_(蜂蜜). 3.Please give me a _(杯) of tea.4.Id love to drink some _(酸奶)5.The dishes your mother cooked_(尝起来)great.B.完成下列句子。1._(多少香蕉) do we need? 2. _(多少肉桂) do we need? 3._(多少苹果) do you need? 4._(多少奶酪) do you need? 5._(多少蜂蜜) do you need? 6._(多少西瓜) do you need?五总结延伸 本节课我学到了六.新知提示 1.预习教材44页,熟记本页的单词. 2.完成1a,1b,的练习.新目标英语八年级上册学案 审核: 姓名课 题Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? (P44)执笔:教学目标1. Master the vocabulary:bread, butter, relish, lettuce, turkey, slice 2.Master and use: Countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Follow instructions.3.Listening skills.教学重点1 .The vocabulary.2.Master and use: Countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Follow instructions.3.Listening skills.教学难点Listening skills.学 习 过 程一.课前反馈1.Dictation: ingredient, cup, watermelom, teaspoon, amount, instruction, finally, mix up, popcorn, popper, boil, salt, add to, 2. Ask and answer: How do you make fruit salad? ( First.Next.Then.Finally.)二.自主学习1.自主学习教材44页的单词,找出新单词,并写下来.2.小组讨论2c的对话.三.合作探究1.完成1a、1b,并熟读单词。2.完成听力练习后,跟读一遍。3.小组讨论并展示2c中的对话。四.一课多练完成下列对话。A: How do you make a fish sandwich ?B: _ , _some relish on a slice of bread.A: _ _ relish?B: About a _. _ , _ _ some tomatoes.A:_ _ tomatoes. B:About two tomatoes._,_some lettuce and the fish slices on the sandwich.A:Is that all?B:Well,_ _another slice of bread on the top.五总结延伸本节课我学会了六.新知提示 预习P45,熟记单词,要求下节课默写。新目标英语八年级上册学案 审核: 姓名课 题Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? (P45)执笔:教学目标1.Master the vocabulary: super, top, recipe, check, green onion, duck, sauce, pancake, roll2.Master reading and writing skills.教学重点1 The vocabulary.2. Master reading and writing skills.教学难点Master reading and writing skills.学 习 过 程一.课前反馈1.Dictation: bread, butter, relish, lettuce, turkey, slice 2. Ask and answer: How do you make fruit salad? ( First.Next.Then.Finally.)二.自主学习1. 默读P45 3a、3b的短文,找出其中的新单词,并写下来.2. 再读短文,并按要求试做3a、3b的练习。三.合作探究1.齐读3a、3b的短文一遍。2.小组讨论并完成3a、3b。3.分小组展示3c的写作内容并作出评价。四.一课多练A.见教材P46 1B.写作练习,见教材P46 2。五总结延伸本节课我学会了六.新知提示 预习Unit 8的单词。

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