2019-2020年八年级英语Unit9 When was he born教案(I)新课标 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit9 When was he born教案(I)新课标 人教版I. Background readings (背景阅读)1.Deng YapingDeng Yaping Internationally famous table tennis player. Twice elected member of the Athlete mission of the IOC. Winner of 18 world champions, including four Olympic titles. No.1 womens table tennis player for seven consecutive years. Deng is studying at Notingham University in Britain. 2. Michael JordanMany people think Michael Jordan was the greatest basketball player ever. He led the Chicago Bulls to six National Basketball Association (NBA) championships. He earned the nickname “Air Jordan” because he often seemed to defy gravity on leaps toward the basket. Fans adored his smiling face and his determination to succeed. During his playing career, Michael Jordan became the most famous athlete in the world.EARLY LIFEMichael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. His family later moved to Wilmington, North Carolina.Young Michaels best sport was baseball. He didnt make his high school basketball team as a sophomore. Later, he played well enough to be noticed by Coach Dean Smith at the University of North Carolina (UNC). Jordan won a scholarship to UNC.As a freshman at UNC, Jordan scored the winning basket in the 1982 national college tournament championship game. He played two more seasons at UNC. He also played for the United States team in the 1984 Olympic Games.In 1984, Jordan entered the NBA player draft. He was chosen by the Chicago Bulls.NBA LEGENDJordan was a star from his first season with the Bulls. He was a scoring machine. The Bulls were not one of the NBAs better teams, but they gradually improved. They made the NBA playoffs in their first five seasons with Jordan. However, they failed to make the NBA championship finals.In 1989, Phil Jackson became the Bulls head coach. Under Jackson, Jordan became more of a team player, although he remained the NBAs leading scorer. Jordan developed an incredible “court sense.” He knew where every player was on the basketball court, and what was the best play for the circumstances. In the 1990-1991 season, the Bulls won their first of three straight NBA championships.In 1993, Jordan retired from basketball. He tried to make it in professional baseball, but he had little success. He rejoined the Bulls in 1995. In the 1995-1996 season, the Bulls started another run of three straight championships.Jordan retired for a second time in xx. He became part owner of the NBAs Washington Wizards. The Wizards were not a good team. Jordan grew frustrated watching them lose. So in xx, he came out of retirement again and played two seasons with the Wizards.JORDANS RECORDJordan retired for good in xx. He was third on the all-time NBA scoring list, with 32,292 points. He had the highest scoring average in league history: he scored an average of 30.1 points per game during his career. He led the NBA in scoring a record ten times. He won five NBA most valuable player awards. In addition, Jordan created millions of new fans for professional basketball around the world.II. Word studies1. bear(bearing, bore, borne, born)n. 1. 熊 big wild animal with thick fur: the Great Little Bear 大小熊星座 2. 粗鲁之人 a man who is rough and rude in speech and manner: He is a bear. 他是一个粗鲁的人。 vt. 1. 承担;承受;拿着;上面有 hold up; support: The ice is too thin to bear your weight.冰太薄了,经不起你的重量。bear a heavy burden 承担重担 2. 容忍;忍受 to suffer: He bore all hardships bravely. 他勇敢地经受了一切磨难。She could not bear seeing the children hungry. 她不忍看到孩子们挨饿。Some people cannot bear travelling by sea. 有的人坐船受不了。 3. 生下;结果 produce, or give birth to a young one or a fruit: This tree bears no fruit. 这棵树不结果。He was born in 1805 in Genoa. 他在一八零五年出生于热那亚。 4. 佩带;具有;戴 carry something: He bears it as a badge on the breast. 他把这佩在胸前当作徽章。He bore the crown on a cushion. 他头上戴的王冠有个衬垫。 vi. 1. 依靠;依赖;压在上 rest heavily; lean; press: The old man bore on a stick when he walked in the street. 那个老人在街上走路时,手里持着拐杖。2. 弯曲;转弯 incline curve: Dont bear left at the fork. 不要在叉口向左转。 2.tourn. 1. C 旅行;周游 journey to see many places: The Queen is making a tour of Canada. 女王正在加拿大巡视。2. C 参观;观光 short visit to see a certain building: We are going on a tour of the city this afternoon. 我们今天下午要到城里去观光。a tour of the Tower of London 参观伦敦塔 v. 游历,游览 to travel around to see a city, country, etc.: We were having a good time when we toured Beijing. 我们在北京旅游期间玩得很高兴。It will certainly be interesting for you to tour in China. 在中国旅游你一定会感兴趣。 a round the world tour 环球旅行 a tour in Japan 在日本观光 a tour through a language institute 参观语言学院 organize a walking tour 组织一次徒步旅行 3. perform vt. 1. 做;完成;实现do; acplish; carry out: perform your promise 实现你的诺言, He has performed all his duties.他已履行了他全部的职责。The surgeon performed the operation very successfully. 外科医生很成功地做了那次手术。2. 演出;表演be in a play, film, concert, etc: What play will be performed tonight?今晚演出什么戏?Harry performed a little dance on the stage. 哈雷在舞台上表演了一个小舞蹈。4.creative adj. 创造 (性) 的,有创造力的: creative writing 创作, His speech was creative of a lot of controversy.他的演说引起了许多物议 引起人们议论纷纷。5. majoradj. 主要的:Liverpool is a major British port. 利物浦是英国的一个重要港口。n.少校:The captain has been promoted major. 这上尉己晋升为少校。vi.主修:He majors in electronics. 他主修电子专业。6.talentedadj. 特别聪明;天才的 very clever in a special way:a talented footballer 天才的足球运动员 7. bee(being,became) vi. 1. 变得;变成;变为 (link v.) grow to be; change to be:This little puppy will bee a big dog. 这只小狗将长成一条大狗。Dauntless in spirit, they became steeled through hardship. 他们不屈不挠,在艰苦的生活中锻炼得更加坚强了。The room soon became crowded. 房里一会儿就挤满了人。 He has bee quite a famous person. 他已成为颇有名气的人了。2. 变化;改变 change: It has bee much warmer. 天气变得暖和多了。Our faces became redder still. 我们的脸变得更红了。 vt. 适合;适宜;相称 be suitable to; suit; be fit:Your words do not bee you. 你说的这些并不适合你的身份。A white dress bees her. 她穿白色衣服好看。 8. lovingadj. 爱的,表示爱的 feeling or showing love:Shes a very loving child. 她是个天性惹人爱的孩子。your loving friend 你的亲爱的朋友(写信时用语) 9. outstandingadj. (more outstanding,most outstanding)突出的,显著的:Einstein was an outstanding scientist. 爱因斯坦是位杰出的科学家。Jeff is an outstanding boxer and will probably bee a champion. 杰夫是位杰出的拳击运动员,很可能当上冠军。 VI. Grammar studies:动词一般过去时的构成及用法 一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,动词通常用一般过 去式来表示。除动词be的过去式waswere有人称变化以外,其他所有动词的过去式没有人称和数的变化。 一般过去时否定形式的构成是在谓语动词前加did not,可缩写为didnt。did 没有人称变化。这时谓语动词就应该用原形,而不能再用过去式了。因为助动词did已经是一般过去时了。如:My mother didnt go to work yesterday.He didnt play football with his classmates. 一般过去时疑问句的构成同样借助于助动词did(除就主语提问外),将did放在主语前,谓语动词用原形,词尾加问号即可。简略回答也使用助动词did如: Did you go to the museum last Saturday? Yes,I didNo,I didnt, Did you have a good time at the party? Yes,we didNo,we didnt

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