2019-2020年八年级英语Unit7 How do you make a milk shake Word Studies新课标 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit7 How do you make a milk shake Word Studies新课标 人教版Part 2: Teaching resourcesII. Word studies (词语学习)1. cutv. 1.切;剪;削;砍 break something with a knife, scissors, etc.: Please cut this piece of string. 请剪断这根绳子。Charlie cut the stick short with his knife. 查利用刀把棍子截短。2.割;刺破 open your skin: I cut my finger. 我把手指割破了。Ive cut myself! 我把自己割伤了!I cut my face while shaving. 我在刮胡子的时候把脸割破了。3.截;修 make something shorter: I am going to the barber to have my hair cut. 我要到理发馆去理发。Cut the lawn close! 把草坪贴地修齐!This article is too long and has to be cut. 这篇文章太长,要缩短。4.切下;割下 take one piece from something bigger: Cut me a slice of bread.给我切一片面包吧。It is time to cut the rice. 该是割稻子的时候了。5. 开凿,挖掘 make by cutting, breaking, chiseling: How did they cut, carry and lift the huge stones? 他们怎样采凿、运送和吊起这些巨石的?Tunnels are being cut through mountains. 正在穿山开凿隧道。6.鞭打 strike sharply: The whip cuts like a knife. 鞭子抽打像刀割般。 7. 指线、路等)穿过;交叉 cross; intersect (=cut across) The path cuts the meadow diagonally. 通道斜斜地穿越草原。A line cuts another at right angles. 一条线与另一条线相交成直角。 cut away (1) 切去,剪去;切成,剪成 (2) 走开 cut down (1) 砍倒 (2) 杀死,伤害;夺去生命;损害的健康 (3) 减少,缩减;减少某事物 (4) 改小或缩短(衣服等)砍倒 cut into (1) 切入,刺入 (2) 从中占去宝贵的时间 (3) 突然加入(谈话、牌戏等)(4) 减轻,减少 切入,刺入 cut up (1)切碎;切成小块(2) 使痛苦 a short cut 近路;捷径2. mixvt. 混合, 搅和: 混合,搀和 put different things together, bring different people together: Ive mixed my French books and my English books. 我把我的法文书和英文书混在一起了。Dont mix business with pleasure. 不要把工作和娱乐搀和在一起。 3. boilvi. 1. 沸腾;汽化to bee hot and change from liquid to gas: When water boils, it changes into steam. 水沸腾时就变成蒸汽。2.情绪激昂,汹涌 be excited by strong feelings; be agitated: He boiled with rage. 他勃然大怒。vt. 煮;烧煮 cook something in very hot water: She boiled rice in the kitchen. 她在厨房里煮饭。n. 沸;沸腾 the act or state of boiling:The water is on the boil. 水在沸腾中。boil away煮干 boil until none is left, The water had all boiled away. 水已经煮干了。boil up 煮沸;把煮沸 e to the boiling point; bring to the boiling point : The water boiled up very quickly. 水很快就煮开了。 4 addv. 1. 加 find the total of two or more numbers; plus: If you add two and five, you have seven. 二加五得七。He added three more (to the others). 他又加了三个。2.增加到上;增添 put one thing with another: The wonderful view added to our pleasure. 美丽的景色增加了我们的乐趣。 Please add a note to the poster. 请在海报上加个说明。Do you add sugar to the tea? 你喝茶加糖吗?Please add Angelas name to the list. 请在名单上加上安吉拉的名子。3.补充说;又说 say something more:And dont e back again, he added. “别再回来了,”他又说。 5. checkvt. 检查,校对to look at something to make sure it is all right: Will you check these figures? 这些数字你检查一遍好吗?Before taking off, the pilot checked both engines carefully.在起飞前,飞行员仔细检查了两个发动机。Would you check the tires please? 请你检查一下这些轮胎好吗?Before being used, the machine must be checked. 机器使用前要先检查。 n. 1. 突然的停止;克制 a sudden stop; a restraint or control:The accident gave a check to our work. 那意外事件使我们的工作突然停止。2.核对检查;审核 a test by parison; an examination or investigation: They made a check on his calculation. 他们核对他的计算。give a document a quick check 很快地审核证6. roll vt. 1. 滚动 to move by turning over and over: The man rolled the barrel of beer up the lorry. 那人把一桶啤酒滚上了卡车。The boys rolled a huge snow ball. 孩子们滚了个大雪球。2.使摇摆 give a rocking or swaying motion to; cause to roll: The sea rolled the ship to right and left. 海水使船左右摇摆。 vi. 滚动 move along by turning over and over: The cart rolled along the road. 大车沿着大路前进。 n. 1. U 摇晃;翻滚 moving from side to side; turning over: The roll of the ship put us to sleep. 船的摇摆使我们睡着了。2.C 一卷;卷状物 something that you have folded over and over: Give me that roll of string for my kite. 把我的那卷风筝线递给我。 a roll of film 一卷胶卷 a roll of paper 一卷纸


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