2019-2020年八年级英语 模块6 Unit2 She said it was on at the student cinema教案.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语 模块6 Unit2 She said it was on at the student cinema教案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语 模块6 Unit2 She said it was on at the student cinema教案.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年八年级英语 模块6 Unit2 She said it was on at the student cinema教案.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年八年级英语 模块6 Unit2 She said it was on at the student cinema教案FunctionReporting what was saidStructureDirect and indirect speech (1): present simple to past simpleListening/Speaking Note-taking; Listening for specific information Talking about favourite entertainmentReading/Writing Note-taking; reading for main ideas; reading for specific information Writing a report about a filmAround the worldNew pop starsTaskWriting an entertainment review模块6 Unit 2 She said it was on at the student cinema Warm up by learning about Pirates of the Caribbean. When the Governors daughter, Elizabeth Swann, is kidnapped by Captain Barbosa, her childhood friend and admirer, Will Turner teams up with pirate Jack Sparrow to save her. However, Barbosa and the crew of his ship, the Black Pearl, are cursed. Trapped in skeletal forms that reveal themselves in moonlight, they intend to use Elizabeths blood to remove the curse and return them to the land of the living. Read the passage and plete the table.Read the passage on page 50 and find out what was the film like.While reading, try to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. (阅读过程中,断开/意群,观察谓语构成,圈出连词,摘录短语搭配。)剧情简介:故事发生在传说中海盗最活跃的加勒比海(Caribbean Sea)。这片神秘的海域位于北美洲东南部,那里碧海蓝天,阳光明媚,海面水晶般清澈。17世纪的时候,这里更是欧洲大陆的商旅舰队到达美洲的必经之地,所以,当时的海盗活动非常猖獗,不仅攻击过往商人,甚至包括英国皇家舰队。 英俊迷人的杰克斯伯洛(强尼戴普 饰),是活跃在加勒比海上的年青海盗,拥有属于自己的黑珍珠号海盗船。对他来说,最惬意的生活就是驾驶着黑珍珠在加勒比海上游荡,自由自在的打劫过往船只。但不幸的是,这悠闲洒脱的日子到底还是结束了-他遭到了海盗头目巴伯萨的欺骗,连自己珍爱的黑珍珠号海盗船也被巴伯萨偷走。 统领着一群海盗的巴伯萨(杰弗里拉什 饰)是一个无恶不作的坏蛋,他不但打劫财物,还把船上的所有人都斩尽杀绝,不留活口。过往船只经过加勒比海时都胆战心惊,最怕遇上巴伯萨一伙。抢劫了杰克的黑珍珠号海盗船后,巴伯萨更加猖狂,在加勒比海上横行霸道,一时成为整个加勒比海的霸主。 随着自己的势力日渐强大,巴伯萨妄想长生不死的贪婪野心也在不断膨胀。他企图解开传说中魔咒金币的秘密使自己获得永生,却想不到反而遭到了邪恶的诅咒-每当月圆之夜,巴伯萨和其他黑珍珠号上的船员都会变成骷髅,而且终身禁欲髅,不能享受性和美食,甚至不能正常的走路。 变成了不死骷髅的巴伯萨,率领着黑珍珠号在加勒比海上更加肆无忌弹。一次,他们把船开进了皇家港并袭击了小镇,还绑架了总督的女儿伊莉莎白斯万(姬拉丽莉 饰)因为这个女孩的脖子上佩带着一枚神秘金币。和伊莉莎白青梅竹马的铁匠学徒威尔特纳(奥兰多布鲁姆 饰),眼看自己心爱的女孩被海盗抓走,悲愤不已。恰巧的是,曾经身为黑珍珠号海盗船船长的杰克斯伯洛,也由于自己的海盗身份被关进了这个海边小城的监狱。 铁匠威尔想方设法救出了狱中的杰克,接着,两人偷来英国皇家舰队最快的拦截号军舰。威尔为了救回深爱的女孩伊莉莎白,杰克为了夺回原本属于自己的黑珍珠号,驾驶着拦截号军舰迅速向黑珍珠追去。 海盗们以为佩带着神秘金币的伊莉莎白可以帮助他们解开身上的神秘咒语,并想用她的鲜血来施用巫术。就在千钧一发之际,铁匠威尔和海盗杰克驾驶着军舰赶了上来,在他们身后,还有因被偷走军舰而穷追不舍的皇家军官诺灵顿。于是,海盗们扯起骷髅旗,杰克拔出手枪和剑,威尔挥起一把大刀,诺灵顿指挥手下端起长枪,一场壮烈的人鬼大战就此拉开Useful expressions (有用的短语搭配) culture report for, a new film, at the student cinema, at eight oclock, a fantastic adventure film, both very popular and famous, act well in this film,make believable, about an old ship, sail around, find some lost gold, e face to face with, lots of action, look really dangerous, plays, the daughter of a rich man, the scenes with, beautiful and romantic, true to life, very exciting, very funny, an enjoyable film, in my pinion, too much fighting, apart from that, an excellent film, e out,adviseto go and see, show all week Make indirect speech sentences. Now go over the text once again. This time try to make as many indirect speech sentences as possible.1. Chen Huan said he was going to give his culture report. 2. Chen Huan reported that a new film started that night at the student cinema at eight oclock. 3. Chen Huan said the film was Pirates of the Caribbean. 4. Chen Huan said it was a fantastic adventure film. 5. Chen Huan said Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom were the stars. 6. Chen Huan told us that they were both very popular and famous.7. Chen Huan said they both acted well in this film. 8. Chen Huan thought that they made their characters believable.9. Chen Huan said the story was about an old ship. 10. Chen Huan said the ship sailed around the Caribbean islands.11. Chen Huan reported that Depp and Bloom tried to find some lost gold. 12. Chen Huan said then they came face to face with some terrible men.13. Chen Huan said they had to fight the terrible men14. Chen Huan said there was lots of action in the film.15. Chen Huan said the fighting looked really dangerous.16. Chen Huan said the film wasnt true to life,but it was very exciting. Close down by writing as the do. (仿写)Next you are to write a report of your own. “Good morning. Im Li HongHeres my TV report for today, Friday: A new TV play started last Monday at CCTV/ at nine oclock. The TV play is Long March of the Red Army. Its a fantastic history TV play. Ju Guowei and Wang Shengli are the stars. They are both very popular and famous, and they both act well in this TV play,and make their characters believable. The story is about the famous long march by the Red Army in 1936. The Red Army marched across China. Ju Guowei and Wang Shengli play Huang Hua and Liao Dalin. They try to find some food for the soldiers. Then they e face to face with some terrible enemies,and have to fight themTheres lots of action, and the fighting looks really dangerous. They also save Xiao Liang and Li Bing. Li Bing is the daughter of a rich man. The scenes with the TV play are beautiful and romantic. The TV play is true to life,and its an enjoyable TV play,although in my pinion theres too much fighting. But apart from that, its an excellent TV playIf you didnt see it when it first came out,I advise you to sit in front of your TV set tonight and see it now. Im sure youll enjoy it. Its showing all week.”


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