2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?(II).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?(II).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?(II).Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge ObjectsReading:Do you remember what you were doing?Section 1 Before You ReadSection 2 While You ReadSection 3 After You ReadSection 4 Go for it!2.Ability ObjectsTo train students ability of reading prehension.To train students ability of writing.3.Sensibility and ValueTo enable to remember some important events in the history both in China and in the world.Teaching Key PointsKey vocabulary.Section 1.Section 2.Teaching DifficultiesSection 3.Section 4.Teaching MethodsDiscussing method.Reading method.Writing method.Test method.Teaching AidsA tape recorder.Test papers.Teaching ProceduresCStep Greet the class and check the homework.Ask students to read the new words one by one.Correct the pronunciation.Then read the new words and ask students to repeat.CStep Section 1 Before You ReadGroupworkFirst ask students to look at the pictures of these famous events.Have students talk about the pictures in small groups,using the following questions:When did they happen?What were you doing?Where were you when you heard the news?CStep Section 2 While You ReadReading strategyThe title can be helpful for you to understand a text.Its also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read.Play the tape of the reading and ask students to read the text.CStep Section 3 After You Read3aFirst show the following events and dates on the screen.Then ask students to match the events and the correct dates.Check the answers.3b Ask students to write about an event that they remember well.Give dates and say why you remember it,and what you were doing at the time when you heard the news.CStep Section 4 Go for it!Do you think something good can e out of something terrible?Discuss this question in your groups.How can terrible events bring people together?If time permits,have a quize.See how good your memory is for dates and events in history.Divide into two teams.Each team thinks of five questions.You must know the answers.Then ask and answer the questions in turn and try to see which team knows more.CStep SummaryIn this class weve learned the reading passage.And weve learned many famous events and people.And also we test students memory.CStep HomeworkPreview the next unit.Next class well learn Unit 4.CStep Blackboard DesignReading:Do you remember what you were doing?events dates people. . Yang Liwei. . Liu Xiang. . .Activity and Probe History of UFOs(History)For thousands of years,people have seen things they didnt understand in the sky.The United States Air Force first used the words “Unidentified Flying Object” to describe them.Today everyone uses the term UFO.When people see a UFO,it is usually no more than a weather balloon or an airplane.But the Center for UFO Studies continues to receive hundreds of reports every year.In 1947 a businessman and pilot,Kenneth Arnold,was flying near Mount Rainer,Washington when he saw nine shiny,round objects flying through the air.He told a newspaper reporter that they looked like “pie plates skipping over water”.The reporter used the words “flying saucer” in his story and today that is a popular name for UFOs.The Center for UFO Studies lists three kinds of contacts (or encounters) with flying saucers.“Encounters of the first kind” are reports of unknown objects or lights in the sky.People have “Encounters of the second kind” when a UFO leave burn marks or other signs on the ground.People report “Close encounters of the third kind” when they see aliens in or near a UFO.Read the information above.Then circle “True” or “False” for each statement.1.The United States Air Force first used the words “Unidentified Flying Object”. True False2.The Center for UFO Studies receives very few reports every year. True False3.The term “flying saucer” was first sued in 1947. True False4.Kenneth Arnold is head of the Center for UFO Studies. True False5.Encounters of the first kind include burn marks or other signs on the ground. True False6.Encounters of the third kind include aliens. True FalseActivity and Probe Goal:Review how to talk about two past events using when and whileMaterials:Go for it!Students Book 4 Procedure:Ask different students to read to the class sentences from Go for it!Students Book 4,Unit 3,which contains the words when and while.For example: The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed,and While the boy was walking down the street,the UFO landed.After each reading,ask pairs of students to act out the sentence.For this sentence,one student could pretend to walk down a street and another student could use a book to represent a UFO swooping in and landing next to the first student.Divide the class into pairs.Ask each pair to use one of the when/while sentences from the Students Book or to make up one of their own.Tell pairs to decide together how to act out the sentence and to practice acting it out together.Call on pairs to e to the front of the room and act out their sentences.The rest of the students guess what the actions are and say a correct sentence that describes the actions.Guide them to respond using sentences with when or while.


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