八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 2 What sweet music P3教案 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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Unit 3 Our HobbiesTopic 2 What sweet music!教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕音乐而展开。主要内容包括:由Jack和 Sally谈论周末去听席琳迪翁的音乐会引出话题美妙的音乐 ,同时引出语法:感叹句。谈论音乐自然要涉及到各种常见中外乐器、音乐的分类、各类音乐的特点、阅读和设计音乐会海报、音乐家的轶闻趣事及交流音乐爱好等等内容。另外,通过谈论音乐,继续学习喜欢和不喜欢的功能句。通过学习本话题,学生可以对音乐有一个比较全面的认识,培养学生的音乐素养,陶冶学生的情操。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c,3第二课时:Section A2,Section B-1a,1b,1c第三课时:Section B2,3a,3b,Section D-2第四课时:Section C1a,1b,1c,2a,2b第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions,1a,1b,Project 第三课时(Section B2,3a,3b,Section D-2) 教学设计思路:本课主要是继续学习感叹句和学习各类音乐的特点。首先让学生完成Section D-2,在复习的过程中进一步学习感叹句。然后让学生玩听音乐辨种类的游戏,既复习前一课的知识,又顺势导入到本课,充当了Pre-reading 的作用。接着让学生快速阅读短文并补全短文,随后处理语言点。复述是本课的重要学习策略,在学生对短文充分理解后,让他们自己列出关键词,然后再利用关键词复述课文,完成对2的教学。3a,3b属于语音方面的训练。处理完短文后,直接把它们逐个处理即可。最后,教师再设计一个表格,相当于换个方式再次复述短文。完成本课时。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1) 学习并掌握新词汇 type, quickly (2) 继续学习感叹句。2. Skill aims: (1)能够找出短文的关键词。 (2)能够利用关键词复述课文。(3)能够利用句子的重读来表达观点。3. Emotional aims:4. Culture awareness: 了解不同类型的音乐. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: (1) 理解各种音乐的特点。 (2) 学习句子的重读。2. Difficult points: (1)利用首字母完成短文。 (2)合理地确定关键词。. Learning strategies1. 在做首字母填空的任务型阅读时,要学会判断所填单词的词性和词形。2. 学会找关键词并利用关键词来复述、背诵课文。3. 学会利用句子的重读来强调自己的观点。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/演唱会视频或图片/歌手图片/录音机V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(5mins):RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Class activity)Greet the Ss and let them finish Section D-2 to revise exclamations.T: Good morning ,class. How are you today ?T: Now,look at the screen, please plete the sentences with What or How . Xxx, can you try first ?T: Yes or no ?T: In fact , two words can be added at the end of this sentence . What are they ?T: They are “it is ”. So the full sentence should be “What a cute dog it is !” . S2, can you say this sentence with “How ” ?T:Wonderful ! Now, Picture 2, Xxx, you please . T: Can we say “What wonderful !”?T: Right ! We can use “How + adj. !” ,but we cant use “What +adj. !” . Who can try Picture 3?T: .Finish Section D-2 to revise exclamations.Ss: Fine , thanks .S1: What a cute dog !Ss: Yes.Ss: Sorry.S2: How cute the dog is !S3: How wonderful !Ss: No.S4: .S5: .复习并进一步学习感叹句。完成Section D - 2 。Remark:教师可以把Section D-2 的图片通过屏幕展示出来,让学生用What或How组成感叹句。教师可以提高要求,让学生用两种结构来完成。引导学生利用这个环节继续学习感叹句。Stage 2(5mins):Pre-readingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1( Class activity)Let the Ss listen to some music and judge what kind of music it belongs to .T: We have already revised exclamations and you have done very well . Next ,I will test how much you know about music. Xxx, how many types/kinds of music do you know ?T: What are they ? Can you name them ?T: Wonderful . Next, I will play some music ,please listen and try to speak out quickly what type of music it is . Are you ready ?T: (Plays the music ) T: How great ! Who sings it ?T: Yes . Next one !T: Right ! Who sings ?T: How about this ?T: . Listen to some music and judge what kind of music it belongs to .S1: Five.S1: Pop music, folk music,classical music, jazz music and country music.Ss: Yes .Ss: Folk music .Ss: Song Zuying.Ss: Pop music.Ss: Zhou Jielun.Ss: .Ss: .让学生听歌曲辨类别,导入到新课。Remark:教师在选歌时,一定要选学生可能知道的歌曲,而且只选其高潮部分即可。对于学生不熟悉的古典音乐,乡村音乐等只要能够听出是哪种类型即可。教师既可以用图片也可以用视频来展示。Stage 3(10mins):While-reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Individual work)Let the Ss read the passage quickly and fill in the blanks.T:What sweet music ! Sweet music makes us relaxed and fortable. Different people like different kinds of music. And of course , one kind of music is different from another .Today ,we will learn the differences among them. Next , please read the passage quickly and get the main idea .You have to fill in the blanks according to the given letters while reading. Do it right now !T: Hi ,class ! We should check the answers now . Hands up ,please .T: Beethoven ,Mozart. T: Do you think so ?T: Please read the names after me .T: Who can try Para 2 ?T: Do you agree ?T: How clever ! Pay attention to the form of the word . Lets move to the last paragraph. Volunteers are wanted . e on !T: Tengri. T: Is it right ?T: Great. Lets read the passage together . Ready ? Go !Read the passage quickly and fill in the blanks.S1: Classical music Is serious .People .enjoy. . Ss: Yes. Ss: Beethoven , MozartS2: Pop music.go . It is .love. popular.Ss: No. “goes ”S3: Folk music .Guo Lanying. and .famous .songs.Ss: Yes.Ss: .快速阅读短文,并完成首字母填空,训练学生的逻辑思维能力。Remark:教师可以提醒学生通过词语的位置来判断该填什么词性的单词。还要考虑所填单词的正确形式。核对答案时,可以让学生读出整个句子,教师可以适时教读难点词汇。如:Beethoven, Mozart, Tengri 等。Stage 4(15mins):Post-reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1 (Class activity )Let the Ss read the passage and find out the useful expressions and difficult points.T: Excellent reading! Now, please read the passage carefully. Find out the useful expressions and the difficult points. T: Finished reading ?T: All right . What are the useful expressions ? Raise your hands ,please . T: Then what are the problems ?T: .read the passage and find out the useful expressions and difficult points.Ss: Yes .S1: at a concert, in a theater, .S2: everyday life , be popular with sb. .S3: be famous for ,folk song.S4: What is “the working people ” ?S5: .S6: .让学生找出重点词汇,找出并解决难点问题。2(Group work)Let the Ss work in groups to circle the key words of the passage and then encourage them to retell the passage with the help of the circled key words.T: You have found out the useful expressions and difficult points . Next, Id like you to work in groups to circle the key words of each paragraph. Then three students from each group will repeat the passage . Are you clear ?T: OK. Discuss and circle the key words now . T: If you have already circled the key words , try to repeat the passage with the help of the key words .You can try it in your group first.T: Are you ready to repeat now ?T: Great ! Which group first ?T: Perfect performance ! Next group ?Circle the key words of the passage and then encourage them to retell the passageSs: Yes .Ss: Yes .Group 1:S1: Classical music.S2: Pop music .S3: Folk music .Group 3:S1: .S2: .S3:.Group 2:.Group 4: .训练学生寻找关键词,并利用关键词来复述课文。完成2。Remark: 教师要让学生合作确定每一段落的关键词。并利用关键词来复述课文。建议每个组选三个学生来复述。这样训练面更广,难度也降低了一点。不一定要每个单词都要和原文一样,但要求关键词不能掉。可以提示学生先在组内演示一遍。Stage 5(3mins):Finishing 3aStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Individual work)Let the Ss read the words in 3a and learn the difference.T:Well done ! We have finished the passage already . Next , lets learn some phonetics. Look ,here are a few pairs of words . They sound similar . Xxx, please read Pair 1.T: Right . Next pair , Xxx.T: .T: Now, listen and tick what you hear . Read the words in 3a and learn the difference.S1: lesson-listen S2: well-willS3: .S4:.S5:.S6:.辨别发音,学习发音要领。完成3 a 。Remark: 教师可以多准备一些类似的单词让学生训练。也可以播放通过录音机,让学生勾出所听到的单词。重点是听音模仿,不可过多讲解发音理论。Stage 6(4mins):Finishing 3bStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Individual work)Let the Ss read after the tape and pay attention to assimilation,stress and liaison.T: In our everyday life , we usually stress the important parts of the speaking . We have difficulty listening to English movies or songs ,because they have lots of assimilation,stress and liaisons . Do you think so ?T: Now, you will listen to two conversations . See if you can follow them . Please dont look at your book . Lets begin .T: Can you follow ?T: Now, look at your book and listen and follow . Ready ?T: Id like two pairs to read for us . Who ?Read after the tape and pay attention to assimilation,stress and liaison.Ss: Yes.Ss: No .Ss: Yes .S1: Listen ! .S2: Yes,.S3: Do you .S4: No, .S3: Well , .学习句子中语音的同化、连读和重读。完成3b 。Remark: 教师让学生先不看课本听录音跟读,然后再看课本跟读。让学生明白重读虽有基本规则可依,但会随着说话者的侧重点而改变。教师不要讲太多的有关同化,连读,重读的理论知识。主要是培养学生有这方面的意识,更多的还是依靠多听,多模仿。Stage 7(3mins):Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity )Let the Ss summarize what they have learned today.T: Very good . If you want to speak like native speakers ,you should listen to tapes ,songs or watch English movies or English programs . Oh, we have to summarize now . Look at the screen ,here is a table. Lets plete the table together. T: Classical music is . Summarize what they have learned today.Ss: special , at a concert ,. for their folk songs.回顾本课所学的内容,加深印象。2 (Class activity)Assigning the HMK.T: For todays HMK, I d like you to look for some information about Mozart , especial his interesting stories.Finish the HMK.让学生收集有关莫扎特的逸闻趣事,以便下节课的顺利开展。Remark:教师可以设计一个表格,包括音乐类别、特征、代表人物等。让学生来口头完成。家庭作业,教师可以让学生课后收集自己喜欢的歌手的趣事,以便下次课使用。VI. Blackboard design 第三课时(Section B2,3a,3b,Section D-2) Words and expressions : Kinds of music: type=kind classical musicquick-quickly =fast pop music( country music, rock music, jazz) folk musicGrammar: 感叹句1.由How 引导的感叹句:2.由What引导的感叹句:3.相互之间的转换:4.感叹句的省略:


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