2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit10教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit10教案 人教新目标版Period One (Section A 1a-2c)Teaching aims:New words: grow,programmer,engineer, pilot,professional,act,moveKey phrases: grow up,move to, puter programmer, practice basketball, puter science, take acting lessons, professional basketball playerKey sentences:What are you going to be when you grow up?Im going to be a basketball player.How are you going to do that?Im going to practice basketball every day.Teaching difficult point:掌握be going to + 动词原形的用法。前置学习:Lead learning:Listen to a song and write down as many words about jobs as you can._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _展示交流: show a munication:程序师_ 工程师_飞行员_教师_演员 _ 篮球运动员_电脑程序员_学习计算机科学_ 练习篮球_努力学习数学_ 学习表演课程_合作探究:Team probe:Activity 1 listening (1b) 听录音,连线:puter programmertake acting lessonsprofessional basketball playerstudy puter scienceengineerpractice basketball every dayactorstudy math really hardActivity 2 Pair work-What are you going to be when you are grow up? -Im going to be a basketball player.-How are you going to do that? -Im going to practice basketball every day.Activity 3 SurveyNameWhatHowIn my group, _.达标拓展:Standard expand:“be going to+动词原形表示计划、打算要做或即将发生的事,be有人称和数的变化。例:我打算学习计算机科学。1、 长大后你想做什么?What are you _ _ _ when you _ _? 2、你打算怎么实现你的理想?_ are you _ _ that?3、我打算拜访我西安的朋友。I _ _ _ _ my friends in Xian.4、小明擅长计算机,他想成为一名电脑程序设计员。Xiao Ming is _ _ puter, and he wants to be a _ _.5、我长大了要做一名工程师。I want to be _ _ when I _ _ .教学评价Teaching evaluationI.我能根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. Im going to be a puter p_ when I g_ up.2. Mark likes making things. He wants to be an e_ in the future.3. Yao Ming is a p_ basketball player.4.Jims brother is going to be a p_ because he loves the blue sky(天空).5. Jackie Chan is a successful a_.II.我会选择填空6.How are you going to improve your English ?I am going to practice _ English every day.A. speak B. to speak C. speaking7. whats your brother going to do when he _?Hes going to be a policeman.A. grow up B. grows up C. grew up8. Cheng Han wants to be an actor. So he is going to _.A. take act lessons B. take acting lessons C. have act lessons学后反思:After school introspect:Period Two (Section A 2a-4)学习目标:Learning objective:Key words:dream,somewhere,exhibition, artist,part-time,save,hold,rich,travel,retire,yetKey phrases:somewhere interesting sound like, art exhibitions find a part-time job,all over at the same time,a year or two save some money hold art exhibitions,buy sth.for sb.,one day, sendto, travel all over the worldKey sentences:When I grow up, Im going to do what I want to do.Im going to move somewhere interestingParis sounds like a city that I could enjoy. 学习重难点:Learning difficulty掌握be going to + 动词原形的用法。前置学习:Lead learning:I、补全句子:plement sentence:1、When I grow up,I want to be an e _.2、My uncle is a purter p_,he is good at puter.3、puter s_ is Jakes favorite subject.4、Marys father is an airline p_.II、用所给动词的适当形式填空:1、Mary _(go) fishing with her mother next week. 2、I _(meet) a famous actor last Sunday.3、Im going to _(take)some acting lessons in ShangHai.4、When did he stop _(hiccup)?5、Tom started _(ride)a bike when he was six years old.6、My brother _(take)these photos two days ago.展示交流: To show a munication:梦想_到某处_展览_ 艺术家_ 兼职的_ 储存_ 举行_ 富有的_ 旅行_退休_至今_短语: 同时_ 某个有趣的地方_ 听起来像_许多艺术展览_ 存些钱_ 举行艺术展览_全世界_合作探究:Team probe:Activity 1 Listening1. Listen and fill in the blanks.A:What are you going to be,Cheng Han? B:Im going to be _.A: _move to Hollywood?(好莱坞)B:No,Im going to _New York.A:And _bee an actor.B:Well,Im going to _ A:When are you going to _? B:Im going to _ high and college frist.2. Pairwork.Activity 2 Reading1、个人自读短文,然后回答下列问题并且组内核对答案A:What is Tian Tian going to be When she grow up?B: _.A: Where is she going ? B:_.A: How is she going to do that?B: First,_. Then, _. Next,_2、把你将来打算干什麽的有关信息完成表格, 然后Work in pairs.WhatWhereHow达标拓展: Standard expand:somewhere interesting我们已经学过的短语“一些不同的事情”_yet with somewhere quiet and beautifulWhen I grow up, Im going to do what I want to do._Im going to move somewhere interesting._Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy._Im going to find a parttime job for a year or two and save some money.Im going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and buy a big house for my parents.One day, Im going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful._Period 2 December _I完成句子:plete the sentence:1 Peng Xin and I go to school every day _ (同时).2 My parents want to live _(安静的地方) after retiring.3 Some boys in our class are going to _(周游全世界).4 It _ (听起来像) a bird.5 Were going to move to the moon _ (有朝一日).II 单项选择:Individual choice:6. Where are you going to stay in the future? Im going to stay _. Maybe Tibet.A.anywhere interesting B.interesting somewhere C.somewhere interesting7. My friend is going to work in Hong Kong for _.She thinks its a good place to shop.A. a year or two B. one or two year C. one and two year8. Yesterday my mother bought a new bike _ me.Its very nice.Wow! I hope to have one,too.A. at B. to C. for9. Where are you going to work? _. Maybe Hangzhou or Kunming.A. Of course B. Im not sure yet C. Sure10. Sonia studies English .And _, she studies Japanese.A. at this time B.at the same time C.at a time学后反思:After school introspect:Period Three (Section B 1a-2c)学习目标:Learning objective:Key words: resolution, instrumentKey phrases: New Years resolutions, play an instrument next year, learn to do sth.,get good grades,make the soccer team, get lots of exercise学习重难点:学会写新年决心。 前置学习:Lead learning:I选择1.Both of them got to the party _the same time. A. at B. in C. on D. about2.There _ an art exhibition this Sunday.A. have B. is going to be C. is going to hane D. is going to hold3.Is there _ in todays newspaper? A. everything new B. new nothing C. anything new D. new something4.They are going to _ Paris. A. move B. moving C. moving to D. move toII写出问句或答语(1)A:_ _? B: Im going to be a doctor. (2) A: How are you going to bee a teacher? B: _. (3) A:Where are you going to move? B: _.III 翻译句子。Iy 1、我长大后,想做自己想做的事。_.2、我想搬到有趣的地方居住。_.3。 巴黎听起来 像是一个能让我生活的地方。_.4、 我将举办艺术展因为我想变得富有、出名。_.5、我打算找一个安静而美丽得地方,安度晚年。_.展示交流:To show a munication:学会弹奏一种乐器_组建足球队_取得好成绩_ 吃更健康的食品 -_进行大量锻炼_用1a中的短语,模仿1b编对话,并在组内交流 A:What are you going to do next year? B:Well Im going to take guitar lessons. I really love music. A:Sounds interesting . Im going to learn a foreign language.合作探究:Team probe:1、听录音,在你听到的短语前划对号。learn to play an instrument make the soccer team get good grades eat healthier foodget lots of exercise2、再听一遍,听出与打算怎样把决心变为现实。KimLucyManuel达标拓展: Standard expand:理解下列对话,并做仿照练习 A:Did you make a New Years resolution this year, B? B:Yes, A. I did. A: What are you going to do? B: Well,Im going to make the soccer team. A: How are you going to do that? B: Im going to practice really hard and Im going to go to a summer camp.Im going to play soccer every day there . How about you, A? A: Im going to learn to play an instrument B: How are you going to do that? A: Im going to take piano lessons.Period 3 December _I汉译英1、你将怎样实现这一理想?2、我打算学习弹奏一种乐器。3、我的新年计划是取得好成绩。4、我将努力学习,每天做作业。5、我想成为一名教师,我要取得好成绩。6、听起来很有趣,我想多参加体育锻炼。II句型转换shifts1、We are going to play football next saturday.(提问)_ _ you going to _next saturday.2、She is going to write articles this weekend .(提问)_She going to _this weekend3、The students are going to the party tonight .(改为否定句)4、Im going to get good grades.(改为一般疑问句)5、I want to get a lot of exenise.(改为一般疑问句)学后反思:After school introspect:Period Four (Section B 3a-4)学习目标:Learning objective:Key words:over,fax,reader,fit,lady, build, municate,foreignKey phrases: get a letter from sb.,keep fit, work hard, leave ones job, municate with sb. 学习重难点Learning difficulty:会写别人的和自己的决心。前置学习:Lead learning:fax_(复数:_)lady_(复数:_)read_(名词:_) over_=_收到某人的来信_ 做运动_保持健康_ 和某人交流_辞职_展示交流:To show a munication:New Year is ing ,What are you going to do?(小组活动,讨论新年的打算。)合作探究:Team probe:1. 1st Reading: Read the text by oneself.( Answer the following questions:)1) Are many readers going to play sports?2) Is one old lady going to eat more vegetables?3.2nd Reading Listen to tape and repeat. Then read the text again to make a list of the resolutions it mentions.(完成3a的习题)4.3rd Reading: Read 3a,understand the meaning of each sentence. Try to fill in the chart.We gotMany readersSome readersA few readersSome girlsSome parents5.4th readingRead again, find out phrases ,work in groups to master them.(小组长帮助记忆、检查)1)(many 、lots of 、some 、a few) readers2)get a letter from sb=hear from sb=receive a letter from sb3)Work harder 4)play sports 5)keep fit 6)Leave her job 7)a language teacher 8) eat more vegetables9) learn a new language 10)municate with sb11)find a job达标拓展:Standard expand:Three students made their New Years resolutions yesterday._.Period 4 December _1).我们收到了读者的1000多封信。we got_ _ _ _ _our readers.2).许多读者打算更加努力工作。_readers _ _work_.3).大量的读者打算做运动。_ _readers_ _ _play_.4).许多人多锻炼为了保持健康。Many people _going to_ _to _ _.5).一些女孩打算学习一门外语。 Some girls _ _ _ _ a _ _.6).我们打算建一座更大的地铁。We are going to_ _ _ _. 7).我们打算保护城市干净。We are going to_ _ _ _.8)一些人打算种大量的树。Some people _going to plant_ _ _. 9)我们应该学会同父母和老师沟通。We should _ _ _ _our parents and teachers.10)杰克昨天收到了他父亲的来信。Jack _ a letter_his father yesterday.11)他朋友上周辞职了. His friend_his _ last week.12)林涛找到了一份当服务员的工作。Lin Tao found a job _a _.Lily:_?Lucy:Yes,I did.Lily:_?Lucy:Im going to learn an instrument._?Lily:Oh,Im going to get good grades.Lucy:_?Lily:Im going to study hard and do lots of exercises every day.Lucy:_!Im sure you can.Lily:Thanks. 学后反思:After school introspect:Period Five (Self-check)学习目标:Learning objective:Key word:exchangeKey phrases:travel to,enjoy doing sth. exchange student学习重难点:复习巩固本单元重点内容前置学习:Lead learning:We got over 1,000 1, faxes, and emails from our readers about their New Years resolutions. Thank you! Many readers are going to work 2 in school this year. Lots of readers are going to 3 . Some readers said they were going to eat 4 vegetables. A few readers 5 they were going to learn a new language. Some 6 said they were going to exercise more to keep fit. Some 7 said they were going to study the subjects their children learn at school. They said they 8 to municate better with their kids. An old lady said she found a job 9 a foreign language teacher. She is going to 10 a teaching job in China next year. ( ) 1. A. stampsB. fruitsC. letters ( ) 2. A. hardB. harder C. hardest ( ) 3. A. play sports B. play gamesC. play with ( ) 4. A. many B. more C. a little ( ) 5. A. say B. saysC. said ( ) 6. A. girls B. boys C. men ( ) 7. A. fathers B. mothers C. parents ( ) 8. A. wantB. wantedC. wants ( ) 9. A. like B. asC. for ( )10. A. look forB. look atC. find 展示交流:To show a munication:合作探究:Team probe:我还学会了32个短语,这可大大丰富了我的词汇量喔。看我轻松译短语!1puter programmer_2puter science _3.professional basketball player_4.take acting lessons _5.grow up _6.practice doing sth. _7.move to _8.dream job _9.somewhere interesting _10.sound like _11.find a part-time job _12.a year or two _13.save money _14.at the same time _15.buy sth. for sb. _16.hold art exhibitions_17.all over the world _18.travel all over the world _19.one day _20.send to_21.make a resolution _22. New Years resolutions _23.exchange student _24. learn to do sth. _25.play an instrument _26. get good grades _27.make the soccer team _28. get lots of exercise _29.get a letter from sb. _30.work hard _31.keep fit _32. municate with sb. _我还能背诵这15个重点句子咧。1.What are you going to be when you grow up?2.Im going to be a basketball player.3.How are you going to do that?4.Im going to practice basketball every day.5.Im going to take acting lessons.6.Hes going to move to New York.7.When I grow up, Im going to do what I want to do.8.m going to move somewhere interesting.9.Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy.10.Im going to find a parttime job for a year or two and save some money.11.One day, Im going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.12.Im not sure yet.13.Im going to learn a foreign language.14.I want to travel to interesting places and see new things.15.I want to be a reporter because I enjoy talking with people.达标拓展:Standard expand:be going to+_是_的一种形式,表示即将、将要发生的事或计划、打算、决定要做的事情,be随主语的人称和数的变化而变化,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tonight,tomorrow,tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening,nextweek/month/year,in five years,when I grow up等等。一般将来时的其它表达形式:be+_will+_学后反思:After school introspect:Period 5 December _(A)Danny and Jason are going to high school now. Danny wants to be an engineer.He is going to build houses, roads, and bridges. Jason is interested in math and science,but he is going to study medicine.He wants to be a doctor. Rosa is good at music.She wants to be an artist.She is going to sing and dance for people.Anna wants to be a woman astronaut.She says,“Im going to explore(探险)space some day.”“What do you want to be,Amy?”Anna asks me.“Oh,I want to be a teacher.When I grow up,Im going to teach in the countryside.”Each of us is doing his or her best at school.Im sure we will do something good for our country.根据短文内容完成下面的表格。NameWhat to beWhat to doDanny1._6._Jason2._7._Rosa3._8_Anna4._9._Amy5._10_(B)Mrs Brown is going to have a birthday party for Alice.Alice is her daughter.She will be ten years old.A lot of her friends are ing to the party.Fifteen of them are girls.Mrs Brown is getting ready for the party. Mrs Green is helping her.“Thats a big nice cake,”says Mrs Green to Mrs Brown.“Thank you very much.”Mrs Brown is shopping now.She is going to buy fruit for the party.Mrs Brown buys a lot of pears,apples,oranges and bananas.Then she goes home.Its six oclock in the afternoon.Everything is ready.Now the first girl is arriving.The party is going to begin in thirty minutes.根据短文内容回答问题。11.Who is Mrs Brown going to have a party for?_12.How many girls of Alices friends are there at the party?_13.Who is helping Mrs Brown?_14. What does Mrs Brown buy fruit for? _15.When is the party going to begin? _


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