2019-2020年八年级英语上册 2 8A Unit 2 School life Reading学案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 2 8A Unit 2 School life Reading学案 牛津版学习目标:1 学会用各种阅读方式,读懂文章,了解英美国家中学生的学校生活;2 了解作者的个人感受和观点;3 通过预习,对与课文相关的问题作出判断。学习重点:读懂课文,了解英美国家中学生的学校生活学习难点:了解作者的个人感受和观点预习热身一熟读背诵P2426 生词,完成下列填空1. My school is a _(mix) school.2. What does the word hero mean ? It means someone you _very much .3. The dishes smells _(taste)4. I enjoyed _at the party last night .(I)5. What _do you like best ? English ? 6. I read an _by a girl from the USA.(文章)7. We _reading English every morning .(练习)二自主探究,请带着下面这些问题阅读教材1. Which school is John at ?2. What is Johns favorite subject ?3. How does Nancy go to school every day ?4. How often does Nancy play softball /5. What does Nancy sometimes do after school ?课堂交流展示一交流展示课前练习二小组讨论:What do you think British / American school would be like ? 三听课文录音,全班展示完成P26 C1 四阅读课文第一部分,做判断正误练习:1. John is in Year 9 at Woodland School , a mixed school.2. John knows Home Economics best of all .3. He knew how to cook healthy and tasty meals before ing to this school.4. There is a Reading Week in his school every year.5. They think Reading Week is too short because they want to read more books.五带着下列问题,阅读课文第二部分1.What did Jim do in school last year ?2.How does Nancy go to school every day ? What does she think of it ?3.What do the students do in Buddy Club? 4.Why does Nancy say Julie is her hero ?5.What do American students do during lunchtime ? 六跟录音朗读课文七讨论:What school life would you like ,British school life or American school life ? Why课堂达标检测一根据首字母或中文提示写出单词1. This dish t _delicious , doesnt it ?2. Whats your favorite s_? Music .3. We must p_ English every day if we want to learn it well .4. My mother can cook _(健康的)and tasty meals .5. Millie goes to the Reading Club _(两次)a week 。二用所给单词的适当形式填空1. This is a _(mix)school . Boys and girls have lessons together .2. I can finish the work all by _(I).I dont need any help.3. Last Sunday , they had a great time _(go)fishing together.4. During this _(year)Reading Week . I read the fewest books in my class.5. When do you have your _( dance) lessons every week?三根据课文内容完成下列填空John : John is in Year 8 at Woodland School near _. Its a _school. His favorite _is Home _.He likes learning how to _and sew .Now he knows how to cook healthy and _meals .His school has a Reading Week every year . During this _Reading Week , he read the _ books in his class. Nancy : Nancy is in 9th Rocky Mountain High School in Denver .Her brothers name is Jim . He had _lessons in school last year. Now, he _her to school every day .She plays softball _a week .She loves this game and spends a lot of time _.Every Monday , she goes to a _club. Her buddy is Julie .She is a _in 12th grade . She helps her learn all her new school. She thinks Julie is her _.

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