2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Friends(I).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Friends(I)教学目标:Grasp all the new words of the reading.教学重点:Learn to use the new words smoothly and to skim text for over all meaning and scan for details.Teaching steps:一、 Greeting:二、 Warming up:1. Practise some spoken English(Use questions and answers to talk about peoples appearance and personality) (Use the information of P3)2. Review some language points of Period One.三、 New Teaching:(一) New words: (some unlearn new words)1. generous adj. 慷慨的、大方的、宽厚的e.g.: a generous boy It was generous of the rich man to give his money to charity(慈善机构).补充: be generous in doing sth 乐于做某事。 It was generous of do so. 这样做,他真慷慨大方。2. willing adj. 乐意的、愿意的 = pleased or ready to do be willing to do sthLucy is willing to help me with my English.露西乐意帮我学英语。May is always willing to help her friends. 梅总是乐意去帮她的朋友。注:不可把这句看作现在进行时态。3. ready adj. 乐意的,愿意的,准备就绪的be ready to do sth 准备好做某事be ready for为做好了准备4. seat n. 坐位give a seat to sb 让座5. singer n. a famous singer6. poor adj. 不好的、差的 Her English is poor. 贫穷的、贫困的 a poor boy7. eyesight n. 视力have poor eyesightJohns eyesight is poor so he needs to wear glasses.8. smart adj. 聪明的 = cleverPeter is very smart as he can always answer his teachers questions.彼得非常聪明,因为他总是能回答他老师的问题。9. sense n. 感官感觉,观念、意识the sense of sight 视觉the sense of hearing 听觉10. humour n. 幽默 have a sense of humour 有幽默感a man without humour 没有幽默感的人We like his good sense of humour.11. bored adj. 无聊的 feel bored感到无聊12. unhappy adj. 不开心的 =反义词happy13. joke n. 玩笑tell funny jokes 讲滑稽的笑话have a joke with sb和某人一起讲笑话。He cant take a joke.他经不起开玩笑。It is no joke.这可不是开玩笑。Play a joke on sb.开某人的玩笑。14. fit vi. 被容纳15. knock vi. 碰撞、撞击 knock over our books 撞翻我们的书 knock into sb撞在某人的身上 v. n. 敲、击、打 knock at the door There is a knock on the door.16. advertisement n. 广告 read a advertisement17. shoulder-length adj. should-length hair 披肩发 Peters shoulder-length hair makes him look like a woman.18. true adj. 忠实的、真的、真实的、真诚的 a true friend一个忠实的朋友 a true story一个真实的故事19. vote v. 选举、投票 vote for sb投票选某人(二) To guess general meaning from keywords and context.(三) To skim text for overall meaning and then scan for details. Answer the following questions:(1) What does he/she look like?(2) What kind of person is he/she?(3) What does he/she want to do in the future?四、 Practice1. Read and try to use the words correctly.五、 Some exercises(一)、从II栏中找出与I栏中对应的释义I II( ) 1. smart A. the ability to see( ) 2. true B. giving or ready to give freely( ) 3. generous C. clever( ) 4. eyesight D. from the top of the head to the shoulder( ) 5. secret E. honest and kind( ) 6. sense of humour F. pleased or ready to do( ) 7. shoulder-length G. a liking for jokes, funny situations( ) 8. willing H. a thing that is not or must not be known by other people(二)、根据句意或中文提示填空 1. She is as_(苗条) as I am. 2. Betty is _(慷慨). 3. Tom_(分享) the room with Jack. 4. They have good_(视力). 5. Paul has a good sense of_(幽默). 6. This is an_(广告). 7. She is _(善良) and never says a _ word about anyone. 8. They tell funny_(玩笑).(三)、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. They are_(well) to help others. 2. We want to be_ (sing) when we grow up. 3. I have a friend_ (name) Daniel. 4. My brother never feels_ (bore). 5. It is an_ (happy) day.(四)、选择题( ) 1. Would you like to have_? A. some milk B. some milks C. any milk( ) 2. Nice food makes us_ even more hungry. A. feeling B. felt C. to feel D. feel( ) 3. Listen carefully, I have _to tell you. A. something interesting B. interesting something C. nothing interesting D. interesting nothing( ) 4. Im happy_ with them. A. to B. be C. to be D. will be( ) 5. Bob is telling a funny story. His classmates are_ him and they are laughing. A. writing B. listening to C. giving D. helping ( ) 6. Thanks _ me to your party. A. for ask B. for asking C. to ask D. asking( ) 7. I shared the apple_ my brother. A. with B. and C. between D. both( ) 8. _ are watching TV now. A. The Green B. Greens C. The Greens D. The Greens( ) 9. What do you study English_? A. to B. of C. for D. with( )10. Why not_ and play with us? A. going B. ing C. go to D. e(五)、阅读理解 Jim, with his father goes to see Grandfather. In the train Jim often puts his head out of the window. His father says, “Jim! Dont put your head out of the window!” But Jim goes on putting his head out of the window. Here his father takes Jims cap quietly, hides(藏) it behind his back and says, “You see your cap is gone.” Jim is afraid and cries. His father says, “well, whistle(吹口哨) once. Maybe your cap will e back.” Jim whistles. His father puts quickly the cap on Jims head. Oh! It is great! Jim laughs. He quickly takes his fathers cap and throws it out of the window. “Now it is your turn to whistle, Dad!” He says Happily.根据以上短文内容判断下面的句子,符合短文内容的写“A”,不符合的写“B”( ) 1. Jim and his father go to see Grandfather by bus.( ) 2. Jims father tells Jim not to put his head out of the window.( ) 3. Jims father take Jims cap and hides it behind his back.( ) 4. Jim doesnt want to have his cap back.( ) 5. Jim takes hi fathers cap and throws it out of the window.B The Dead Sea(死海) is not a sea. It is a big lake in the Jordan valley. It is near the city of Jericho. The Jordan River runs into the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is 75 kilometres long and it is 516 kilometres wide. The lake is 400 metres below sea level(水平面). The sun is hot there and the water is salty(咸的). Fish cannot live in the salty water and plants(植物) cannot grow near it. People like floating on the lake, reading books or newspapers. The water is blue and the air is fresh(新鲜的). In winter people e to the lake. They sit in the sunshine(阳光) or bathe(洗澡) in the warm water.根据短文内容,从下面各题所给的选项中选择最佳的一项。( ) 1. The Dead Sea is a _. A. sea B. river C. lake( ) 2. _ runs into the Dead Sea. A. The Nile River B. The Changjiang River C. The Jordan River( ) 3. How long is the Dead Sea from the north the south? It is_. A. 75 kilometres B. 516 kilometres C. 400 metres( ) 4. The sun is _ there. A. hot B. cold C. cool( ) 5. You can often see people_ on the lake. A. floating B. running C. walkingHomework1. Grasp all the new words of this part.2. 当第二课时教后感:

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