九年级英语下册 Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 He is really the pride of China复习课教案 仁爱版.doc

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九年级英语下册 Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 He is really the pride of China复习课教案 仁爱版.doc_第1页
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Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 He is really the pride of China基于“课程标准、中招视野、两类结构”九年级Unit5 Topic2 复习课教案设计(复习课)一、复习目标确定的依据:1、课程标准相关要求:英语课程标准(xx年版)要求学生能够掌握和理解的单词,短语和句式单词:pioneer wise influence whom lead coast birth trade university Pacific degree express discovery eastern短语:Pass away , set up, e to an end ,be proud of, succeed inDoing sth ,die of, in charge of, be honored as, depend on语法:能掌握who/whom/whose 引导的定语从句。2、教材分析: 本话题介绍孔子,郑和,钱学森的事迹能激发爱国热情。用1课时复习所学内容。继续学习who/whom/whose 引导的定语从句。3、中招考点:who/whom/whose 引导的定语从句是中考的考点,因此一定要让学生弄明白三者之间的区别并能够联系区分which、that运用。4、学情分析:学生对于定语从句不难掌握,但是对其用法较难灵活运用。部分学生学习兴趣不是很足,基础较差,对这who/whom/whose/that /which引导定语从句记忆不准,引导词难以分辨。二、复习目标1复习P9P16的单词、短语及语法并能灵活运用2.复习who/whom/whose 引导的定语从句并能灵活运用三、评价任务1、针对目标1,通过复习P9P16的单词,让学生能熟练说出、写出P9P16的单词,并能进行英汉互译。2、针对目标2掌握who/whom/whose 引导的定语从句能够熟练做题。复习目 标教学活动评价要点要点归纳目标1复习P9-16的生词、短语,并能进行英汉互译自学指导11.复习内容:课本P916的单词。2复习方法:先根据音标试读,同桌互相正音,提问。3.复习要求:会读会写,能英汉互译4.复习时间:5分钟 通过复习P916的单词,让学生能熟练说出、写出P916的单词,并能进行英汉互译。复习检测一 根据句意及汉语意思写出单词 1. Qingdao is a beautiful city near the _(海岸). 2.The little boy from a poor village wants to go to Beijing_. 3.China lies in the _part of China 4.Our country is developing_and friendship with other country . 5It is not _(明智的)of you to give up at this moment. 6.Dick has a big_(影响)on his young brother. 7.-_(谁)are you waiting for here? 8.Almost every kid can get an _in China now. 9.In the United States,Qian Xueshen received his ph.D_in both aerospace and mathematics. 10.Confucius, a _in the field of education. 复习指导二 1.复习内容:P9-16页的重点短语和句型 2.复习要求:熟练掌握灵活运用 3.复习方法:同桌互提,互背 4.复习时间:5分钟复习检测二根据汉语意思,完成句子 1. 汤姆的爷爷两个月前 了,那使他很伤心.Toms grandfather_ _ two months ago .It made him very sad. 2.如果你想成为一位老板你应该 你自己的公司.If you want to be a boss, you should _ _ your own pany. 3.在元朝 之后,朱元璋成为明朝的第一个皇帝. After the Yuan dynasty _ _ _ _,Zhu Yuanzhang became the first emperor of the Ming dynasty. 4.宁泽涛是中国人民的骄傲.Ning Zetao is _ _ _ Chinese people. 5.他们 山顶。They _ _ _ up onto the top of the mountain. 6.在过去,医疗条件非常差,很多人 _ _疾病.In the past ,the medical condition was very poor and many people _ _ illness. 7.你要学会独立,不要事事 你的父母。You should learn to live by yourself,dont _ _your parents. 8.从那时起他 推进中国的导弹研发。From then on he was _ _ _developing China s missiles research programes.同桌互提,互背熟练掌握灵活目标2:能够掌握who/whom/whose 引导的定语从句,熟练做题 1.复习内容:复习who /whom/whose引导定于从句 2.复习方法:互相讨论,互相总结 3.复习要求:查找手中资料,总结who /whom /whose的区别 4.复习时间:8分钟 复习检测三 用that, which,who,whose,whom完成下列句子。 1.The students_ are playing games there e from Class Two . 2.The museum _we will visit next Sunday was built in 2002. 3.The people _we met there were very friendly to us. 4.Do you know the boy _name is Paul in your school? 5.The house _stands on the hill is Mr. Coopers. 6.The woman _wears a pair of sunglasses is my aunt. 7.Do you know that boy _ sweater is yellow. 8Yang Liwei is a hero _we are proud of. 查找手中资料,让学生互相讨论,互相总结that, which,who,whose,whom等关系词.要点归纳:作宾语和定语的关系代词 1.whom指人为who的宾格形式,其前无介词时,可以用who /that 代替。在句中作宾语也可省略.e.g.The girl (who /whom /that)I like isn t here now.我喜欢的那个女孩现在没在这儿。2.Who在从句中既可作宾语也可作主语。e.g.The tall man (who)is playing basketball is Yao Ming.3.whose在从句作定语既指人又指物。e.g.He is the owner of the house( whose)roof is being repaired. e.g.Is this the boy(whose)parents went to Canada last year. 当堂训练 1.Her_made me a better person A influenced B influence C influencing Dinfluences 2.-I havent seen your grandfather for a long time . -He _two years ago .It made me very sad. A passed B passed away C passed by Dpassed on 3.He has _a big pany by himself in his twenties. A put up B set up C pick up D get up. 4.At last ,we succeeded in_(save)the little boy. 5.她掌管两家公司所以很忙。 She _ _ _of two panies ,so she is very busy. 四、教学过程

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