2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit2教学设计 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit2教学设计 外研版一、学习目标:1、.语法:能够运用现在完成时询问和表达经历。2、词汇:能够正确使用下列单词和短语:e true, western , abroad , fantastic , anywhere , Italian , delicious , sandwich , more than , sell , seat , beside 理解下列单词和词组:Chinatown , pizza , musician dagger taste3、句子:掌握下列句子:1. Wei Ming has been all over China by plane. 2.Have you ever been to a concert ? 3. Yi Wen has tried western food in a hotel in Nanjing .二、学习方法:学生根据要求进行自主预习和学习,然后小组合作交流讨论疑问,最后由教师进行点拨讲解,完成本单元的学习。三、学习过程:(一)复习检测:“大脑风暴”默写下列单词或短语。(5分钟)1、西方的 2、成为现实 3、在国外,到国外 4、极好的 5、任何地方 6、美味的 7、三明治 8、超过,多余 9、卖光 10、乐手,音乐家 11、座位 12、在旁边 (二)读前导入:(5分钟)1、Work in pairs .Ask and answer the questions .A: Have you ever been to a concert ?B:Yes ,I have ./ No , I havent .注意:1)、现在完成时的肯定回答和否定回答。 2)、下列动词的过去分词:be -been try -tried have -had fly-flown (三)多层阅读:(10分钟)1、Read the passage as quickly as possible and answer the following questions .1)Where has Wei Ming been ? 2) Does Han Li like San Francisco ?3) What has Yi Wen tried in Nanjing ?4)Where has Wang Ming been ?5)Who did He Meifeng like ?2、Read the passage again and finish Activity 4.Then ask Ss to explain the expression and underline meanwhile. (四) 精读足练。(10分钟)1、读课文找出文中的重点短语和句型。1)、Wei Ming has been all over China by plane .all over 全 all over the world 全世界2)、I like San Francisco very much because theres a lot to see and do there .theres a lot to see and do 动词不定式做后置定语修饰a lot 3)、Hes given concerts all over China and the tickets have always sold out . sell out 卖完 4)、At the end she got up ,and Zhang Ziyi was in the seat beside her .at the end=in the end 最后5)、It was my dream e true。我的梦想实现了 。2、Read the passage again and finish Activity 5.Answer the questions about the words and expressions in the box .(五)、写作训练。(5分钟)1、Choose two or three of the questions in Activity 1.Think about your answers and write notes giving more information .eg: Backstreet Boys ,fantanstic hamburgers 2.Write sentences using your notes .Ive seen the Backstreet Boys in a concert.They were fantastic! 四、课后延伸:(8分钟)一)、复习巩固:1. - you doing your homework? -Yes, I have.A. Do, finish B. Are, finishing C. Have, finished D. Did, finish2. Hes China twice. Hes visited many interesting places there.A. been to B. gone to C. going to D. going to go to3. Who been to America? - Nobody .A. have, have B. has, has C. have, has D. has, have4、一次非常棒的体验 5、遍及全中国 6、超过,多余 7、一个中国航空的机长 8、实现 9、头等奖 10、去过某地 11、出国 .12. The train tickets have already (卖完) out.13. Liu Huan is the greatest Chinese m .14. Is there a you havent visited? -Shanghai.二)、分层作业:Prepare a photo about ones experiences and try to talk about it.Write a short passage about it in notebooks. 五。 本堂课小结(2分钟)1. 通过本节课的 学习,你有什么收获和不足之处呢?


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