2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit8 Why don’t you get her a scarf 教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit8 Why dont you get her a scarf 教案 人教新目标版【课前预习】 预习目标:掌握本课的单词和短语。预习重点:1. 学习谈论和比较不同的东西和事物。2. 表示建议的表达法。预习任务:1、默写出下列单词:评论;意见 集子;相片集 私人的;个人的 特别的;特殊的 围巾 字典 相机 昂贵的 便宜的 有创造力的 足够的;足够地 日历表 2、写出我们学过的表建议的句型结构: 预习诊断:一 根据句意和首字母填空1 We often use a d_to look up the new words.2 On Sunday ,we want to take a c_to take some photos.3 Bike also called b_.4 we couldnt buy a big house,because the house is very e_.二 根据汉语提示完成句子A:I want to ask you a question?B:what?A:_ _I _my mother for her birthday?B:_ _ a scarf?(怎么样)A:Thats not _ _.(不够特殊)B: _ _you _her a camera?(你为什么不买)A:Thats _ _a good idea(听起来像).Thank you.预习质疑:1. 预习中尚不能解决的问题是 2. 希望老师在课上讲解的内容是 【课堂实施】1. 预习交流: 检查预习情况,小组交流。二 精讲点拨: 1、too adj./adv. 2、enough 的用法三、拓展延伸:根据下列句子,总结表建议的结构。1. Why not go to the museum?2. Shall we go to the zoo?3 。Lets have supper at six.4 。Why dont you ask your parents?5.How about watching TV? 6.What about going to the park? 四、系统总结: 小组讨论,总结本课重点。 【限时作业】一、请在框内挑选合适的词填到“_”上enough calendar personal expensive photo album photo album1.I dont want to get her a camera. Thats too _.2. “ Whats the date today?” “ Let me have a look at the _.”3. Dont ask her _ question. Or she wont answer it.4.I want to put these photos in the _.5. I dont like cats. They are not friendly _.四、同义句转换1 What about a tennis ball?_ _a tennis ball?2 Why dont you go to the zoo?_ _go to the zoo?3 The sweater is very expensive. The sweater isnt _ _.4 Thats too boring.Thats not _ _.【课后反思】 (八下)Unit8 Why dont you get her a scarf ?第 2 课时 section A 3a-Section B 2c【课前预习】预习目标:本课的单词和短语。预习重点:1.学习谈论和比较不同的东西和事物。2.表示建议的表达法。预习任务:1、默写出下列单词:收到;接受 家伙;人 蜘蛛 老鼠 (复数) 蛇 仓鼠 龟;海龟 孩子 (复数) 2.翻译下列句子:Joe曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么? 多么幸运的小伙子! 我认为狗对于一个六岁的孩子来说是个好宠物。 狗太难照顾了。 3. 背会下列对话A: Whats the best gift you have ever received?B:A bike.A:When did you get it?B:On my tenth birthday. A:Who gave it to you.B:My parents.A:What a lucky guy!4学习3a,把对话改为短文:The best gift Joe has ever received is a .He got it . His parents It him.What a guy he is! 预习诊断:1. 写出你所知道的动物:金鱼 狗 猫 鹦鹉 老鼠 蛇 蜘蛛 仓鼠 猴子 大象 熊猫 猪 2.翻译下列句子:你想买什么样的的宠物。 鱼容易照顾。 蛇太可怕了。 猫不够友好。 预习质疑: 【课中实施】1.预习交流:小组内交流,检查预习情况。2.精讲点拨:1.Dogs are too difficult to take care of . 2. enough 的用法3.拓展延伸:6-year-old 与child 6 years的区别4系统总结:小组讨论,总结本课重点【限时作业】一用所给词的适当形式填空1 Whats the _(good) gift Joe _ever_(receive)?2 On his _(six) birthday,he got lots of gifts.3 What about _(go) (swim)?4 Why dont you _(get) your mother something special?5 On his birthday,do you know who_(give) present to him ?二用所给词的适当形式填空Yesterday afternoon two thieves wearing police uniform arriving at the museum and ask the guard (1)_(show) them Monets paintings. They said that they had received a telephone call at the police station that morning telling them that the paintings were in danger. The guard immediately let them (2) _(see) the paintings. The thieves told them (3)_ (turn off) the alarm system and then suddenly they made him (4)_ (lie) on the ground and they tied his arm and legs. They worked very quickly and carefully and when they had collected the best paintings they (5)_(leave) the museum quietly and calmly through the front door.三句型转换1 I should get my mother a scarf for her birthday.(对划线部分提问)_ _you_ your mother for her birthday?2 What about some apples?(同义句)_ _ some apples?3 My friend gave me a CD on my birthday.(对划线部分提问)_ _you a CD on your birthday?4 I think the watch is personal.(改为否定句)I_ _the watch _personal.【课后反思】 (八下)Unit8 Why dont you get her a scarf ?【课前预习】预习目标:1.掌握本课的单词和短语。2.能复述课文。预习重点:写作:我最喜欢的动物预习任务:1、写出下列单词和短语:大腹便便的;大肚子的 猪 有利条件;优点 不利条件;缺点 完美的;理想的 兔;野兔 伙伴 叫康尼的大肚猪 太而不能 给她建一所特别的房子 足够的时间 2.学习3a 1.读课文,填表格The advantageof keeping the pigThe disadvantageof keeping the pig预习诊断:一 、翻译1.鹦鹉是最不寻常的动物。_are_pets.2.这些天来最流行的宠物是大肚猪。The_kindofpet_isthe_pig.3.Tom养了一只叫做Connie的乌龟.Tomhasa_Connie.4.然而,和猪一起的生活并不总是完美的。However,_isntalways_.5. 有时我没有足够的时间和父母一起度过。Sometimes I dont have _ my parents.6很多人想用不同的方式提高他们的英语。Many people want to _their English _ _ _7.努力学习,你就会取得进步。Study hard,and youll_ _.8.这是我曾经收到的最不寻常的礼物。This is _ _ _gift I have_ _.9.我认为对一个80岁的老奶奶来说猫是最好的宠物。I think a cat is a good pet _grandmother预习质疑: 【课堂实施】1. 预习交流:小组内交流,检查预习情况。2. 精讲点拨:(1) a pot-bellied pig named Connie(2) make her a special house 3. 拓展延伸:I dont have enough time to spend with her.4. 系统总结:小组讨论,总结本课重点【限时作业】一完型填空Children in the USA _ K Day very much. K is _ kites. March the 7th is the day. _ that day many children gout _ the open air. They _ their kites with them. Some kites are very big. _ are small. They are _ different colors. Every kite has a long string. Now the kites _ in the air. How nice they look!( )1. A. like B. is like C. are like D. likes( )2. A. on B. in C. for D. with( )3. A. In B. On C. For D. At( )4. a. in B. on C. near D. outside( )5. A. bring B. take C. carry D. get( )6. A. Other B. Others C. The other D. Another( )7. A. in B. on C. at D. with( )8. A. let B. letting C. lets D. letted( )9. A. at B. in C. on D. with( )10. A. is flying B. flies C. are flaying D. fly三、请你当参谋 我打算花100元,为一个15岁的女孩和一个12岁的男孩买生日礼物,你能为我提些建议吗?请把你的建议和说明填在下列表格中。suggestionsreasonsa 15-year-old girl1. 12-year-old boy7.8.9.1011.12【课后反思】 (八下)Unit8 Why dont you get her a scarf ?第 4 课时 selfcheck 【课前预习】预习目标:本课的单词和短语。预习重点:能复述课文。预习任务:1、默写出下列单词和短语:睡着的 选择 礼物 打开 树叶 稍后;随后 长凳;长椅 瑞典 代替;而不是 短语:入睡 赠送;分发 而不是 太多的礼物 太多的钱 不同种类的礼物 使她高兴 别人 支付 把钱捐给慈善机构 2.翻译下列句子(1)It is enough to make her happy. (2)Later the same gift may be given away to someone else. (3)In the USA,some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts. 预预习诊断:1.用下列短语造句。Sth.cost sb. some money not at all fall asleep its important to do sth. 2阅读课文,写出不同国家的送礼方式。Gift giving is different in different countries.In Japan In Canada In the USA In Sweden 预习质疑:1.预习中尚不能解决的问题是 2希望老师在课上讲解的内容是 【课堂实施】1.预习交流:小组内交流,检查预习情况2.精讲点拨: rather than 与instead of 意思相近,意思是 rather than 前后要接两个同类的词或词组,如名词、形容词、动词等。如:我想回家而不去看电影。我要骑自行车去那儿,而不是乘公共汽车去那儿。 3.拓展延伸: enough 修饰名词放在 ,修饰形容词或副词放在 如: 足够的钱 足够富 足够使她幸福。 许多人有足够的东西。 做一顿饭就足够了。 我没有足够的时间和她在一起。 4.系统总结:小组讨论,总结本课重点【限时作业】一用方框中的词的适当形式填空Insteadrememberrather than choosecost1 The car_him a lot of money.2 We all_Mike as monitor yesterday.3 A man helped me last Sunday,but I didnt _his name.4 Id like to go swimming_go shopping.5 Kate is ill.so wellask Rose_.二 完成句子1 这个包太重了,我搬不动。The bag is_heavy_me _carry.2这些书将会被赠送给孩子们。Thesebookswill_tochildren3 你为这支钢笔付了多少钱?How much did you _ _the pen?4 他妈妈给他做了一顿特别的饭。His mother _ _ _ _for him.5 昨天我看电视的时候,爸爸睡着了。My father_ _while I was watching TV.【课后反思】 (八下)Unit8 Why dont you get her a scarf ?第5 课时 Reading 【课前预习】预习目标:本课的单词和短语。预习重点:能复述课文。预习任务:1默写出下列单词和短语:参加;进入 几乎 清楚地;明显地 舞台 本地的;本国的 胜利者 谦虚的;谦逊的 感兴趣的 鼓励;激励 进步;进展 建议 除之外 提及;说起 与交朋友 对感兴趣 取得进展 鼓励某人做某事 说本族语的人 2.翻译下列句子(1)Today many Chinese people want to improve their English in different ways. (2)Some of these singers were able to sing English songs just as well as native speakers. (3)She also said that singing English songs made her more interested in learning English. (4)This kind of contest encourages people in China to speak English. (5)Have you ever heard of the Beijing Speak English program? 3、细读课文,回答问题(1)How many singers entered the singing contest? (2)Did they sing well? (3)Who is the winner of the womens petition?How old is she? (4)Make a list of the ways to improve English. 预习诊断: 一、翻译下列短语以不同的方式 提高英语 唱得清楚 一个40岁的男士 足够好 取得进步 对感兴趣 与交朋友 学英语的好方法 二、翻译句子1.她英语说得能和以英语为母语的人一样好。 2.看英语电影使我对英语更感兴趣。 3.看书使我快乐。 4.老师鼓励我多说英语。 【预习质疑】 【课堂实施】1预习交流:小组内交流,检查预习情况as.as.的用法2精讲点拨:Some of these singers were able to sing English songs just as well as native speakers . 3.拓展延伸:(1).as.as 的用法(2)not as (so).as 的用法4系统总结:小组讨论,总结本课重点【限时作业】一用所给词的适当形式填空 1 Ithink pets are our good _(pany).2 Keep quiet!The baby is _(sleep).3 Many boys are_(interest) in playing basketball.4 Ithink Rose is _(trendy)girl in our class.5 This is a _(person)letter,so you cant read it.二完成句子1我打算做一顿特别的饭。 Im going to _. 2妈妈在我过第八个生日时给我买了一辆自行车。Mom _ me a bicycle _ 3小狗太难照看了。 A baby dog is _ difficult _ take care of.4我应该给我的朋友买什么作为生日礼物呢?What _ I _ my friend _ his birthday5鹦鹉很容易照看而且还说话。Parrots are easy to _ and they talk.6.这个礼物不够特别。 This gift is _ special _.【课后反思】


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