2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years Period 4教案 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years Period 4教案 新人教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years Period 4教案 新人教版Step 1 Warming upTalk about your hometown.Where is your hometown?Do you like your hometown?What are some of the special places in your hometown?Step 2 Group work1aCheck () the places or things you can find in your town or city._ a museum_a primary school_ a bridge_ a zoo_ a park_a hill_ a library_ a riverStep 3 Listening1b Listen and answer the questions1. Does Martin like Jennys hometown?Yes, he does.2. Does Jenny still live in her hometown?No, she doesnt.3. What is behind the science museum?What do people do there on weekends?A big park. People go there to let theirkids run around and climb the hills1cListen again and fill in the chart about the places in Jennys hometown.PlaceNew or oldHow long has it been there?Town libraryOldfor hundredsof yearsScience museumNewsince lastAugustRestaurant down the streetoldfor as long asJenny canrememberStep 4 group work1dTalkabout your town/city with a partner according to the conversation.A: My city is lovely.B: What are some of the special places there?A: Well, theres a concert hall there. Its been around for at least 20 years.Step 5 Warming upHow often do you visit your hometown?What are the changes in your hometown?Step 62acareful readingAnswer the questions before you read. Then read the passage to find out your answers are the same as in the passage.1. Why do millions of Chinese leave the countryside every year?To search for work in cities2. How often do you think these people visit their hometowns?I think they visit their home towns once or twice a year3. What new buildings does the government usually build in towns and villages?Large hospitals and new schools2bFind expressions in the passage that have the same meanings as these words and phrases.1. look forsearch for5. go backreturn2. considerregard6. changesdevelopments3. across fromopposite7. areaplace4. in ones opinionaccording toStep 7 Exercise2cplete the summary with words from the passage. You may need to change the forms of the words.Many Chinese people these days leave their _ to work in _. They usually _ to their hometown one or two times a _. Zhong Wei hasnt been back in close to three years. He has been working in a _ factory inWenzhoufor the past 13 yearsPeople like him are _ in how their hometowns are changing. New buildings are often built by the _. Zhong Wei thinks these changes are _ because things need to change in order to bee better. But he also thinks some things _ change, and his hometown is still the place that holds all his childhood_.Keys: hometowncitiesreturnyearcrayoninterestedgovernmentgoodwill never memoriesStep 8 Group work2dThink of changes that happening in your town or city today. Which changes are generally good? Which changes could be seen as bad?Step 9 Language points1.Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside tosearch forwork in the cities.Search用作不及物动词时,意为“搜索;搜查”。短语search for意为“搜寻,找寻”。e.g. He is searching for his sunglasses.他正在找他的太阳镜。【拓展】作及物动词,意为“在搜查”或“搜查”。e.g. They searched the forest for the lost child.他们在森林里寻找那个走失的小孩。2.Amongthese is Zhang Wei, a 46-year-old husband and fatheramong在三者或三者以上之间。e.g. Tom sits among the students.汤姆坐在学生之间。between在两者之间e.g. Tom sits between Mary and Frank.汤姆坐在玛丽和弗兰克之间。a 46-year-old husband and father意为“一位46岁的丈夫和父亲”,相当于a husband and father of 46years old.four-year-old是一个复合形容词,特点“一是数词、名词、形容词之间要用连字符连接,二是数词后的名词用单数形式。e.g. Tom is a 10-year-old boy.= Tom is a boy of 10 years old.汤姆是一个10岁的男孩。Lily is an 8-year-old girl.莉莉是一个8岁的女孩【拓展】另一种类似的复合形容词作定语的结构是:数词+连字符+名词,或数词+名词的所有格。e.g. a two-month holiday=a two months holiday一个为期两个月的假期。Ten-minute walk/drive/ride=ten minutes walk/drive/ride步行/开车/骑车10分钟的路程3Its ashame, but I just dont have the time,shame不可数名词,意为“羞耻;羞愧;惭愧”与a连用,表示“可耻的人或事;可惜(遗憾)的事”。e.g. He felt no shame for what he had done.他对自己所做过的事不感到羞愧。Its a shame (that) you cant stay for dinner.你不能留下来吃晚饭,真遗憾。【拓展】相关短语:to ones shame令人感到羞愧的是feel shame at 因而感到羞愧in shame羞愧的have no shame无羞耻心4. Many people like Zhong Weiregardwith great interest how their hometowns have changed.regard及物动词,意为“将认为;把视为”。常用短语regardas意为“将视为;把当做”,as为介词,其后接名词或代词。e.g. I regard you as my best friend.我把你当做我最好的朋友。We regard him as our brother.我们把他当成兄弟看待。5. Children have learned to read and count at my old primary school since the mid-20thcentury.century可数名词,意为“世纪;百年”,其复数形式为centuries。e.g. The mid-20th century意为“20世纪中期”eighteenth-century writer 18世纪的作家。A hundred years is a century.一百年是一个世纪。6.According toZhong Wei, however, some things will never change.according to意为“依照,按照”,to为介词,后接名词、代词或从句e.g. He divided them into three groups according to age.他把他们按年龄分成三组。7. Most of the children in my time liked to play together under that big tree,especiallyduring the summer holidays.especially副词,意为“尤其;特别;格外”,在句中作状语,用于列举某个特例或某事物的特殊性。形容词为especial“特别的,特殊的”。e.g. Flowers are always weled, especially in winter.鲜花总是受到欢迎,尤其是冬天。8. consider动词,意为“考虑”,=think about,后跟名词,代词,动名词,宾语从句或“疑问词+不定式”。e.g. Please consider my suggestion.请考虑我的建议。I am considering changing my job.我正在考虑换份工作。He has never considered how to solve the problem他从未考虑过如何解决那个问题。【拓展】在与动词连用时,只能用动名词形式的动词或短语有:consider “考虑”enjoy “喜爱”practice“练习”keep(on)“继续(一直)”mind “介意”finish“完成”have fun “高兴”feel like “想要”look forward to “盼望”cant help “禁不住”give up “放弃”歌诀:喜欢错过别介意,完成愉快勤练习,禁不住考虑想放弃9. in my opinionin ones opinion=in the opinion of sb.意为“依看”。e.g. In my opinion, its best to make some cards for our teachers.依我看,最好给我们的老师做些卡片。10. holdhold及物动词,意为“拥有;抓住”,过去式和过去分词均为helde.g. He holds a major share in the pany.他持有该公司的大部分股份。He is holding a book in her hand.她手里正拿着一本书。【拓展】hold用作及物动词,还可意为“举行;主持”,相当于havee.g. They will hold a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow.Step 10 Exercises单项选择1. I dont believe that this _boy can paint such a nice picture.A. five years oldB. five-years-old C. five-year-old2. According _ Mr. Wang, well go on a trip this weekend.A. inB. thatC. whoD. what3. Look! Shes standing _ the ten children.A. amongB. betweenC. ofD. from4. -Can you give me some information about vacation trips?- Why not _ going toHainanIsland?A. considerB. mindC. keepD. think5. -Did you go to Kenli during the Peach Blossom Festival (桃花节)?-Yes. The flowers were beautiful. Bees were flyingthem.A. inB. amongC. betweenD. through6. Nowadays millions of Chinese leave the countryside to_ for the work in cities.A. lookedB. searchC. findD. see7. Mr. Jack _Chinafor several years.A. has been toB. has e toC. has been inD. came toStep 11 homeworkWrite something about changes that are happening in your hometown.

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