2019-2020年八年级英语Module 7 Section 2 Words and Expressions.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Module 7 Section 2 Words and Expressions1. feelingn. C 感情,感觉 I said it in that way so as not to hurt his feelings. 我为了不伤他的感情才那么说的。 Ive lost all feeling in the left arm. 我左臂完全失去了知觉。 We had a feeling that something horrible was going to happen. 我们觉得要发生可怕的事情。 an antagonistic feeling 反感 good feeling 好感 ill feeling 恶感;反感 a feeling heart 多情善感的心 a feeling remark 动人的话 from a feeling of duty 出于责任感 have a feeling of honour 有荣誉感 improve the feeling between them 增进他们之间的感情 work up sb.s feeling 激起某人的感情 wound sb.s feelings 伤某人的感情 2. impressionn. C 感想;印象 thoughts or feelings that you have about something: I had a very good impression of him. 我对他的印象极好。 Thats rather the impression I wanted to give. 那正是我要给人们的印象。 His speech produced great impression on the audience. 他的演讲在听众中产生巨大的影响。 What are your impressions after reading the book? 你看完那本书后有什么印象? What was your first impression of London? 你对伦敦头一个印象是什么? acquire new impressions 获得新的印象 deepen the impression that. 加深的印象 express ones impression 谈感想 give a favorable impression on sb. 给某人以好印象 leave an impression on the visitor 给参观者留下印象 make a lasting impression on sb. 给某人留下不可磨灭的印象 make an impression: give someone a certain idea of yourself 给人留下印象 Frank made a good impression so the manager gave him the job. 弗兰克给经理留下了好印象,因此经理给了他这个工作。 The speech made a strong impression on the House. 这演说给议员们留下深刻的印象。 3. smellvt. 嗅;闻到 notice something with your nose: I dont (cant) smell anything. 我什么也闻不到。 The camels smell water far away. 骆驼嗅到远处有水。 Smell it and tell me what it is. 你闻闻看,告诉我这是什么。 v. 闻起来;气味(如何) have a certain smell: These roses smell lovely. 这些玫瑰花散发芳香。 The fish smells bad. 这鱼有臭味。 vi. 散发臭气 give out something that seems bad to the nose: Those dirty socks smell! 那些脏袜子臭极了! n. 1. 气味;香味 an odor; a scent: Theres a smell of cooking. 有烧菜做饭的味儿。 What a lot of smells there are here during the hot weather! 在天气热的时候这儿各种气味俱全。 This flower hasnt much smell. 这花的香味儿不浓。 2. 嗅觉 the sense of smelling: A dogs smell is much sharper than a persons. 狗的嗅觉比人的灵敏得多。 3. 嗅 the act of smelling; sniffing: Have a smell of this meat; does it seem all right? 你闻闻这肉,没有坏吧? Put this bottle to your nose and have a smell of whats inside it. 把这个瓶子凑近鼻子,闻闻里头的东西。 4. deliciousadj. 1. 可口的,美味的;芬芳的 very good to eat or to smell: They tasted delicious. 他们尝起来味很美。 What delicious food youve cooked. 你做了多么好吃的食物啊! 2. 使人愉快的,让人高兴的 giving great pleasure or satisfaction: What a delicious joke! 多么令人高兴的笑话! 5. souradj. 1. 酸味 with a sharp, bitter taste: Lemon is sour. 柠檬很酸。 If you keep milk for a long time it turns sour and bitter. 如果牛奶放的时间长了,它就会变得又酸又涩。 2. 发酸的;酸腐的 made sour by fermentation; spoiled: This is sour milk. 这是酸牛奶。 3. 乖戾的;脾气不好的 disagreeable; bad tempered: a sour temper 乖戾的脾气 sour kraut 泡菜 v. 变酸 bee or make sour: The milk has soured. 牛奶变酸了。 6. soupn. 汤 liquid food that one eats with a spoon: Would you like some more soup? 你还要些汤吗? a clear soup 清汤 a thick soup 浓汤 7. tasten. 1. 味觉 feeling or recognizing food with the mouth: The apple is sour to the taste. 这苹果是酸的。 A cold dulls ones taste. 感冒使人味觉迟钝。 2. 滋味;味道 feeling that a certain food or drink gives in a mouth: Cake has a sweet taste. 蛋糕的味道是甜的。 When I have a cold, I lose my sense of taste. 我感冒时吃东西就没有味道。 I dont like the taste of this meat. 我不喜欢这块肉的味道。 The grape has a sour taste. 这葡萄有酸味。 It has no taste. 这东西没味儿。 3. 一口;一点 small amount of something to eat or drink: The taste you gave me made me hungry for more. 你给我尝了一口,我很想再吃点儿。 Wont you have a taste of this cake? 你要不要尝一下这块蛋糕? 4. 尝味;体验 a little of anything that you do or have: Did you like your first taste of riding a horse? 你喜欢头一次骑马的滋味吗? 5. 爱好;趣味 what you like: Everything in his house is in good taste. 他家里样样东西都很雅致。 He has a taste for poetry. 他爱好诗词。 She spends a lot of money on clothes because she has expensive tastes. 她在衣服上化费很多钱,因为她好买贵东西。 He has a taste for good pork. 他喜欢吃上等猪肉。 There is no accounting for tastes. 趣味是难讲清楚的。 I have a taste for English literature. 我对英国文学有兴趣。 6. 鉴赏力;欣赏力;审美力 the power to notice or judge what is proper, beautiful, etc. in nature, art, etc.; the sense of beauty: She has rather poor taste in books. 她对书籍的欣赏水平相当低。 They dont show much taste in choosing pictures. 他们在挑选绘画方面没有表现出多少鉴赏能力。 in bad taste 趣味低级;粗俗;不得体;不礼貌 in good taste 风雅;大方;得体;有礼 v. 1. 品尝;辨味 feel or recognize a certain food or drink in your mouth: The fruit doesnt taste nice. 这水果的味道不好。 What does it taste of? 它有什么味儿? What does it taste like? 它吃起来是什么味儿? Does it taste sweet? 甜吗? Taste this cake and tell me whether you like it. 尝尝这块蛋糕,告诉我你是否喜欢。 The fish tastes bad. 这鱼味道欠佳。 Ive caught cold and cant taste (anything). 我得了感冒,吃东西嘴里没有味儿。 I can taste onions in this dish. 这个菜里我吃出了洋葱味。 His business is tasting teas. 他的职业是品茶。 2. 具味道 have a certain feeling when you put it in your mouth: This tea tastes too sweet. 这茶太甜了。 3. 吃一点;喝一口 eat or drink a little of something: The cook tasted the stew to see if it had enough salt. 厨师尝了一点炖肉,看看是否够咸。 I have not tasted food all day. 我一整天都没有吃东西。 4.(文学)经验;体会;领略;赏 experience;(lit) have or get the experience of: He has tasted the sweets and bitters of life. 他已尝遍了人生的甜酸苦辣。 8. saltyadj. 盐的;咸的;含盐的 tasting of salt; containing salt: Sea water is salty. 海水是咸的。 9. lovelyadj. 1. 秀丽的;可爱的 giving pleasure because it looks or sounds good, etc: The lovely girl is planning to be a nurse. 那个漂亮的小女孩打算当护士。 2. 欢乐的,使人愉快的 that you enjoy very much: They had a lovely time there. 他们在那儿过得很快活。 10. feelvt. 1. 摸,触 to touch, to know something by touching: Doctor Chen felt my pulse. 陈大夫给我诊了脉。 Feel this soft wool. 摸摸这柔软的羊毛。 Blind people recognise things by feeling them. 盲人靠触觉辨认东西。 2. 感觉,觉得 be in a certain physical moral or emotional state: You cant see air, of course, but you can feel it. 你当然看不见空气,但你能感觉到它。 She felt herself unworthy of the praise. 她感到自己不配受到这种表扬。 I feel my heart beating. 我感到心在跳。 I felt myself degraded. 我觉得降低了身份。 Suddenly we felt the atmosphere grow tense. 突然我们觉得空气紧张起来。 He feels it his duty to help others. 他认为帮助别人是他的责任。 I feel that he has told the truth. 我认为他说的是实话。 3. 摸索 search: He felt in his pocket for the key. 他在口袋里摸钥匙。 4. 感觉 be consciously: Hes not feeling well this morning. 今天早晨他觉得不太舒服。 Faced with this situation they felt both joy and fear. 他们在这样形势面前,感到又高兴又害怕。 The news made me feel very sad. 这消息使我很难过。 They all felt rather worried. 他们都相当着急。 5. 给人的感觉;摸起来 be rough. smooth, wet, dry, etc. when you touch it: Cotton feels soft. 棉花摸上去很柔软。 I felt my way in the dark. 我在黑暗中摸索前进。 n. 触觉 the sense of touch: I dont like the feel of a blanket against my skin. 我不喜欢毯子碰在我的皮肤的那种感觉。 11. tightadj. 紧的;牢固的 firm so that you can not untie or undo it easily: These shoes are too tight-I need a bigger pair. 这鞋太紧我需要一双大一点的。 The top of the bottle is tight-I cant move it. 瓶子盖得紧紧的我打不开。 This knot is so tight I cannot undo it. 这个结太结实了,我解不开。 The stopper is so tight that it cant be withdrawn. 塞子那么紧,拔不出来。 The money market is very tight. 金融市场很紧。 adv. 紧地,牢地 tightly, firmly: Pull the string tight. 把线绳拉紧。 Tie the string tight on that parcel or it may e undone. 把这包裹上的绳子捆牢,否则会散包的。 12. angryadj. 1. 生气的;愤怒的 feeling or showing anger: She looks angry. 她看起来在生气。 My father was very angry when I broke the window. 我把窗玻璃打破了,父亲非常生气。 She was angry that the door was locked. 她因门锁上而生气。 2. 易发火的 of mood, easily angered: He is in an angry mood. 他现在容易发火。 3. 狂暴的;激烈的 wild and stormy ; as if angry: angry sea 波涛汹涌的大海 angry sky 风雨交作的天际 angry waves 巨浪 angry wound 发炎的伤口 13. noisyadj. 嘈杂的,喧闹的;熙熙攘攘的 making much noise: She found some difficulty in looking after the noisy children. 她觉得照看这些吵吵闹闹的孩子十分困难。 The department store is in a noisy street. 百货公司在一条熙熙攘攘的大街上。 Lorries are very noisy. 卡车的噪音很大。 a noisy restaurant 嘈杂的饭馆 14. guyn. 1. C (男) 人, (的) 家伙 an odd guy 奇怪的家伙 a nice guy 好人; 好好先生 a regular guy 好家伙,好汉 a good bad guy 好坏人 家伙 2. C (出现在西部 电影或电视上的) 好人 坏蛋 Hi, guys ! 喂!各位! 3. C 奇装异服的人; 样子奇怪的人 4. C 常 GGuy Fawkes 的滑稽 怪诞 人像 vt. (以滑稽方式模仿) 嘲笑,嘲弄 15. pizzan.(意大利式)烤馅饼,烘馅饼16. cookien. 小甜饼 a small, flat, sweet cake: She brings me cookies. 她带给我小甜饼。 17. passn. 1. 山间小道;关口 narrow road or path through high hills or mountains: The pass was very dark. 这条过道很暗。 2.(考试)及格 doing well enough in an examination, test, etc: How many passes did you have in your exams? 你的考试有几门及格? 3. 通行证;入场券 special piece of paper that says that you can go into a place, etc: Roger has a pass to get into the hospital after visiting hours. 罗杰有探视时间之外可以进入医院的出入证。 He has a pass to the movie. 他有一张看电影的免费票。 4. 传球 kicking, throwing, or hitting the ball to someone in the same team in football, netball, hockey, etc: The football player threw a long pass. 那个橄榄球运动员抛了个长球。 v. 1. 经过;路过 go by someone or something: I passed by your house. 我经过你的家。 Hugo waved as he passed Hilary in his car. 雨果开汽车从希拉里旁边经过时摆了摆手。 I passed the shop this morning but I didnt stop. 今天早上我从商店门前经过,可是我没有停下来买东西。 I passed Mr. Smith just now. 我刚从史密斯先生身边经过。 The police had blocked the road and would not let the cars pass. 警察封锁了道路,不让汽车通过。 The train passed through the station without stopping. 火车经过车站时没有停就开过去了。 2. 度过 spend time: We played cards to pass the evening until the train came. 那天晚上我们打牌消磨时间,一直打到火车来为止。 Where will he pass the summer holidays? 他将在哪儿度暑假? They passed a night in the hut. 他们在那小屋里度过一夜。 3. 过去;消逝 go by: A week passed before his letter arrived. 一个星期过去了他的信才到。 Time passes very quickly. 时间过得真快。 The week has passed very quickly. 这个星期过得很快。 4. 递给;传给 give something to someone: Read the notice and pass it to your neighbour. 看完这份通告后把它传给你的邻居。 Please pass me the salt. 请递给我盐。 Will you please pass me that book? 请递给我那本书好吗? 5. 通过考试;及格 do well enough in an examination, etc. Some of the weaker students did not pass the examination. 有些吃力的学生没有考及格。 Arthur passed his driving test. 阿瑟通过了驾驶考试。 He did not pass the English examination this time. 这次英语考试他没及格。 New laws were passed. 通过了新的法律。 pass first in the exam 考试获第一 18. freshadj. 1. 新鲜的 new and clean: These are fresh eggs that I bought from the farm today. 这些是我今天从农场买回的新鲜鸡蛋。 This meat is not very fresh. 这肉不很新鲜。 These vegetables are fresh from our garden. 这些蔬菜是刚从我们的菜园摘下的。 2. 新的,未用过的 new, not used: Is there any fresh news? 有什么新消息吗? Ill write my letter on a fresh piece of paper. 我要用一张干净纸写信。 He is a fresh hand in running the machine. 开机器他是个新手。 3. 凉爽的,清新的 cool, clean: To breathe the fresh air will do your lungs good. 呼吸新鲜空气对你的肺是有好处的。 4. 新从来的 lately arrived, just e from: The new teachers fresh from university. 这位新老师刚从大学毕业。 5.(水)淡的,不咸的 (of water) not salt 19. mattern. 1. U 物质 what everything is made of: Most matter has three states 大多数物质具有三种状态:固态、液态和气态。 The plant changes it into the matter we call food. (植物)把取得的物质变成我们称为食物的物质。 2. C 事情,问题 affairs; something to talk about or do: We have more important matter to be considered. 我们还有重要的事待考虑。 We set the matter at rest. 我们把问题解决了。 There is an important matter I would like to talk to you about. 有一件重要的事我要和你谈。 Dont do that, it will only make matters worse. 别这么干,那只会把事情搞得更糟。 3. C 麻烦事,毛病 wrong, in a bad state, etc: Is anything the matter? 有什么问题吗? Whats the matter with Frank today? 弗兰克今天怎么了? vi. 关系重要,要紧 be of importance: Pain does not matter to him. 他不在乎疼痛。 It doesnt matter that you came late. 你来晚了,这没什么。 He said it didnt matter whether we stayed or went. 他说,我们去不去都可以。 It doesnt matter to me which one you choose. 你挑哪个与我无关。 It doesnt matter much, does it ? 没什么大关系,是不是? What does it matter? 这有什么关系? It doesnt matter about closing the window. 关上窗子没关系。 20. worriedadj. 发愁;着急 anxious: She looked worried. 她看来很着急。 She felt worried because her husband hadnt got home. 她因丈夫没有回家而着急。 Im worried about his health. 我很担心他的健康。 a worried look 担心的神色 21. sweatern. 厚运动衫;毛衣22. softadj. 1. 软的;硬度低的 not hard; not firm: My shirt has a soft collar. 我的衬衣领子是软的。 Wood is softer than stone. 木头比石头软。 The ground is soft after the rain. 下过雨后地上很松软。 2. 柔嫩的;光滑 not rough; smooth: This cloth is made of soft silk. 这布料是用光滑的丝织成的。 3.(颜色)淡的;柔和的 not strong in colour: I was satisfied with the soft colour of the room. 我对房间的柔和颜色很满意。 4. 模糊的;听不清 that one cannot see or hear clearly; not bright; not loud 5. 软弱的 too kind or gentle: She has a soft heart. 她心肠很弱。 6. 温和的 not angry or excited; gentle: We felt the first soft wind of spring. 我们感到了春天的第一阵和风。 She speaks in a soft voice. 她说话声很柔和。 7. 不含酒精的 with no alcohol: Lemonade is a soft drink. 柠檬水是一种不含酒精的饮料。 I prefer soft drink. 我要软饮料。 soft ball 垒球(运动) a soft bed 软和的床 23. smartadj. 1. 俊俏的;漂亮的 clean and neat; new and bright; elegant: The magazine showed pictures of this years smart dresses. 杂志上刊登了今年最新式的服装照片。 Go and make yourself smart before we call on the Toms. 在我们去访问汤姆家以前,你先把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的。 He made a smart job of it. 他把这事干得非常出色。 a smart hat 一顶漂亮的帽子 a smart new car 一辆漂亮的新汽车 a smart suit 一套时髦的衣服 2. 伶俐的;聪明 clever; with a quick mind: Whales are very smart animals. 鲸是很机灵的动物。 Don is smart in mathematics. 唐在学习数学上很聪明。 a smart pupil 伶俐的小学生 3. 整洁的;干净的 neat; clean: The members of the bank were smart in their new uniforms. 银行的工作人员穿上制服后很整洁。 4.(痛得)厉害;剧烈的 causing sharp pain: I banged into the tree and got a smart blow on the head. 我撞到了树上,把头撞得很痛。 5. 活泼的;轻快的 active; fast: The gym teacher said we should walk at a smart pace. 体操教师说,我们应该用轻快的步伐走。 vi. 1. 感到剧痛;招致剧痛 feel a sharp, stinging pain; cause a smart pain: The cold water made my fingers smart. 冷水使我的手指剧痛。 2. 精神上感到痛苦 suffer in the mind; feel hurt: He was still smarting from the insult. 他仍在为那次侮辱而痛心。 24. seemvi. 似乎;好象 make you think that something is so: That apple is bad but this one seems all right. 那个苹果不好,但这个似乎还好。 He seemed an honest man. 他似乎是个诚实的人。 It seems good to me to do so. 这样做在我看来很好。 They seem to regard it as a small triumph. 他们似乎认为这是一个小小的胜利。 When a car gets closer it seems to get bigger. 汽车驶近时,看起来要比较大一些。 He seems to have lost confidence in himself. 他似乎已丧失了自信心。 I met Mr. Smith for the first time yesterday, and he seemed very nice. 昨天我第一次和史密斯先生见面,看来他人很不错。 He seemed (to be) very happy. 他似乎很高兴。 She seemed alone. 她似乎孤独。 All his efforts seem in vain. 他的努力似乎都白费了。 She seemed to have forgotten her promise. 她似乎忘记了自己的诺言。 I seemed to hear a voice in the distance. 我(觉得)好像听见远处有人声。 She seemed to think the plan was useless. 她好像认为这个计划是没有用的。 They seemed to be eating something. 他们好像在吃什么东西。 It seems (that): it appears; it gives one the impression 看起来好象是 It seems (that) he was late for the train. 看来他来(或去)晚了,没赶上火车。 It seemed that he was ill, so I called in the doctor. 看起来他是病了,所以我请了医生。 It seemed that nobody knew anything about the matter. 看来没有人知道这件事。 It seems to me (him, us, etc.) that something is wrong. 据我(他,我们)看,好像出了什么事了。 seem as if (seem as though): be likely that 看来好像 It seems as though Ken will win the race. 看上去肯要跑第一了。 It seems to me as if I saw you somewhere. 我好像以前在哪儿见过你。 25. politeadj. 有礼貌的;客气的 not rude; talking and acting in a way that does not make other people sad, angry, etc: It is polite to say Please when you ask for something. 当你向别人要东西的时候,说声“请”才有礼貌。 He is always polite to everyone. 他对每个人都彬彬有礼。 a polite remark 客气话 a polite boy 有礼貌的男孩 polite language 文雅的语言 26. warmadj. 1. 暖和的,温暖的 not cold, fortably hot: It is spring and the weather is being warm. 春天到了,天气渐渐暖和起来了。 This is the warmest day weve had this month. 今天是这个月以来最暖和的一天。 e near the fire and get warm. 到炉子旁边来暖和一下吧。 2. 保暖的;保温的 that will make or keep you warm: You ought to wear warmer clothes. 你得穿得暖和点儿。 My coat is warm. 我的上衣很暖和。 3. 友好的 friendly: He gave me a warm smile. 他向我热情友好地笑了笑。 The foreign friends were given a warm wele by the children. 外宾受到孩子们的热烈欢迎。 4. 热情的;亲切的 friendly; kind: She has a warm heart. 她是个热心肠的人。 We are warm friends. 我们是亲切的朋友。 vt. 变热;使热;使暖和 bee warm; make something warm: This running warmed him to a certain extent. 这样跑一跑使他暖和了一些。 Walter warmed his hands by the fire. 华尔特在火炉边烤烤手。 The fire soon warmed the room. 一会儿炉火就把房间烤暖了。 They were warming themselves before the fire when I came. 我来时他们正在炉前烤火。 vi. 变为温暖,热心或同情 bee warm; enthusiastic or sympathetic: The milk is warming on the stove. 牛奶在炉子上热着。 We warmed to our work. 我们对工作变得热心了。 27. cheerfuladj. 1. 快乐的 happy: She is always cheerful and smiling. 她总是高高兴兴,笑嘻嘻的。 He always looks cheerful. 他看上去总是很高兴的。 a cheerful old man 愉快的老人 2. 令人高兴的;快乐的,愉快的 bringing or suggesting happiness: a cheerful day (room, smile) 令人高兴的一天(房间、微笑) 28. starev. 1. 盯;凝视 look at someone or something for a long time: She was staring out of the window. 她凝视着窗外。 2. 瞪大眼睛瞧 look at someone or something with wide open eyes: In the West people think its rude to stare at a person. 在西方,人们认为盯着看人是不礼貌的。 She stared him up and down. 她上下打量他。 n. 盯;凝视 a long, steady look: Famous people get used to the stares of the crowds. 出了名的人习惯于人群的盯视。 29. rudeadj. 1. 粗野的;粗鲁的;无礼的 impolite; lacking courtesy: He spoke in a rude tone. 他用粗鲁的声音讲话。 Dont be rude to your teacher. 不要对老师无礼貌。 2. 粗糙的,简陋的 roughly made: The pioneers lived in rude cabins. 拓荒者住在简陋的小屋里。 3. 没有文化的 without culture: He es from a rude country background. 他出生在没有文化的农村。 30. shakevt. 1. 摇;发抖 move quickly, from side to side, up and down, etc.; tremble: The house shook in the gale. 大风吹得房子都摇晃了。 She was shaking with fear. 她怕得发抖。 The dog came out of the water and shook itself. 狗从水中出来,抖了抖身子。 She shook her head and said No . 她摇摇头说“不”。 Shake the sand out of your shoes. 把鞋子里面的沙子抖出来。 He shook his head sadly. 他难过地摇摇头。 Whos the rade you just shook hands with? 刚才和你握手的那位同志是谁? 2. 使摇;使发抖 make something or someone tremble or move quickly from side to side, up and down, etc: An earthquake shook the city. 地震使这个城市摇动了。 The cat shook the rat. 那只猫叼着那只耗子甩动。 vi. 震动;颤动 sway; vibrate; tremble: The bumping and shaking make extra work for your eyeball muscles. (车辆的)颠簸和摇动给眼球的肌肉带来额外的工作。 This shaking had begun two years ago. 这颤抖的(毛病)是两年前得的。 n. 摇动;震动 the act of shaking: A shake of the head was her answer. 她的回答是摇摇头。 Give him a good shake; hes half asleep. 摇醒他,他已经半睡了。 31. bown. 1.(奏提琴用的)弓 a long thin piece of wood like a bow used for playing the violin: A violin is played with a bow. 提琴是用弓来拉奏的。 2. 弓 a weapon that shoots arrows: to bend a bow 张弓 bow and arrow 弓矢 3. 结;蝴蝶结 knot made with loops of ribbon, string, etc: Tie your shoe laces in a bow. 把你的鞋带结成蝴蝶结。 She had a bow of red ribbon in her hair. 她的头发上有一个用红丝带打的蝴蝶结。 4. 弓箭射手 bowman; archer: He is the best bow in the country. 他是国内最好的射手。 v. 鞠躬;点头;低头;屈服 to bend forward the upper part of the body to show respect: I bowed my thanks. 我鞠躬致谢。 They bowed their heads in prayer. 他们低头祷告。 His father is bowed with age. 他的父亲因年高而弯腰驼背。 32. slimadj. 细长的;苗条的 (slimmer, slimmest) nicely thin: slim legs 细长腿 a slim person 瘦高的人 a slim volume 薄薄的一册 v. 少吃使自己变苗条;减肥 try to get thinner by eating less food, etc. 33. brownadj. 褐色;棕色 of the colour of earth or wood: The leaves are turning brown. 树叶变成褐色的了。 The table is painted brown. 那桌子被漆成褐色。 brown bread 麸皮面包;黑面包 brown coal 褐煤 brown hair 棕色的头发 brown paper 牛皮纸 brown sugar 红糖 to be in brown: study deep in thought 沉思;出神 34. darkadj. 1. 黑暗的 without light; not light: The cave was quite dark inside. 洞里相当黑。 It began to get dark. 天黑下来了。 2.(颜色)深色的 with a deep colour: I like that suit of dark colour. 我喜欢那套深颜色的衣服。 Sailors wear dark blue clothes. 水兵穿深蓝色的衣服。 3.(头发,皮肤等)黑色的 brown or black, not blond: He has dark hair. 他头发黑的。 n. U 黑暗;暗处 where there is no light: Dont leave the child alone in the dark. 不要把孩子一个人留在黑暗处。 The little boy was afraid of the dark. 这个小男孩怕黑。 e home before dark.


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