2019-2020年八年级英语Module 3 Section 2 Words and Expressions.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Module 3 Section 2 Words and Expressions1. missionn. 使命,传教,使节,代表团 journey to do a special job: He went to Japan on a special mission. 他去日本负有特殊使命。 on business mission 因公出差 a bat mission 战斗任务 a mercial mission 贸易代表团 a delicate mission 微妙的使命 a double mission 双重目的 an official mission 官方代表团 a secret mission 秘密使命 a sublime mission 崇高的使命 accept the mission 接受任务 carry out ones mission 执行使命 dispatch(=send out)a special mission to 往派遣一个特使团 fulfil the mission 完成使命 take up (=assume) this mission 承担这使命 2. messagen. 信息,口信 news which you send to somebody: There is a message for Mr. Jones at reception. 传达室有别人带给琼斯斯先生的信。 Please give Julia a message to say that we shall be late. 请给朱丽亚带个信儿,告诉她我们晚点到。 a coded message 密码电报 a congratulatory message 贺电 a farewell message 告别辞 an international message 国际电报 a written message 书面通知 a message between two persons 两人之间的通信 message by wireless 无线电通信 a message for him from his boss 他老板给他的通知 a message of condolence 唁电 address a message to Congress 向国会提出咨文 announce a message of greeting from 宣读由发来的贺电 cable (=wire) a message 打电报发消息 convey a message from 转达的音信 leave a message for 为留言 receive (send) a message of 收到(发出)的电讯 3. justadj. 1. 光明正大的;公正的;不偏不倚的 right; fair; impartial: The thief received a just punishment. 小偷受到公正的惩罚。 Be just to him. 对他要公平。 2. 精确的 true; correct; accurate: You should mix the sand, the water in just proportions. 你应按正确的比例混合砂子和水。 3. 正当合法的;适切的 due; proper; well deserved; lawful: You have received a just reward. 你得到了应得的报酬。 a just claim 正当的要求 just indignation 义愤 a just decision 公正的决定 a just man 正直的人 a just opinion 合理的意见 a just punishment(reward) 应得的惩罚(报酬) just struggle 正义的斗争 a just title 合法的权利 adv. 1. 刚好,正好 exactly; precisely: He has offered me just what I expected. 他给我的东西正是我所期望得到的。 It is just half past ten. 现在正好是十点半钟。 Just outside the town there are about ten factories. 就在城镇的附近大约有十几家工厂。 2. 几乎不;刚巧 by a very little margin; barely; narrowly: I just caught the train. 我刚好赶上火车。 He just managed to pass the examination. 他刚好考试及格。 3. 仅;只 only; merely: He is just a simple man. 他只是一个单纯的人罢了。 Would you walk five miles just to see a film? 你愿意仅是为了看一场电影而走五里路吗? 4. 非常 quite; very: The weather is just lovely. 天气非常好。 Did you enjoy yourself?-I should just say we did! “你们玩得痛快吗?”“我该说我们玩得实在痛快极了!” 5. 方才,刚刚 at this or that exact moment: The train was just about to start. 火车刚要开走。 Her storybook is just out. 她的故事书刚出版。 6. 极短时间以前 only a short time ago or before: He has just e. 他刚来。 7. 用于婉转的命令语气 (used to call attention, or to soften a mand): Just a moment, please. 请稍等一下。 Just look at this funny picture! 请看这张有趣的画! 4. hearv. 1. 听见 notice sounds with the ears: I heard someone laughing. 我听见有人在笑。 I heard a concert on the radio yesterday. 昨天我听了收音机广播的音乐会。 Will you hear my lessons, please. 请你听听我的教训吧。 They heard a knock at the door. 他们听见有人敲门。 We often hear her sing this song. 我们常常听见她唱这支歌。 I wont hear of such a thing. 我不愿意听到这样的事情。 One could hear them singing and dancing merrily. 人们可以听到他们欢快的歌舞声。 He had never heard it openly discussed before. 他从来没听人公开谈论这事。 2. 听说;得知 receive information: I hear that he is in Shanghai. 我听说他在上海。 I hear with regret that your father is ill. 听说你的父亲病了我感到遗憾。 Have you heard about the accident? 你听说那意外事件没有? We hear with our ears. 我们用耳朵听。 She does hear very well. 她听力不错。 3. 考虑;听从 listen to with favour; accept; consent to; grant: He doesnt like to hear requests for money. 要钱的事他不予考虑。 5. severaladj. 几个,个别的,单独的 more than two but fewer than many: Ive seen that film several times. 那电影我已看过几次了。 I bought several books. 我买了几本书。 I wrote him several letters but he didnt answer. 我给他写过几封信,但他没有回信。 pron. 几个 Several of us went to the theatre yesterday. 我们有几个人昨天去看戏了。 Do you have a pen? Yes, I have several. “你有钢笔吗?”“有,我有几支。” 6. monthn. 月 one of the twelve parts of a year: December is the last month of the year. 十二月是一年中最后的一个月。 He wrote home every month. 他每月给家里写信。 We shall make an expedition to the source of the Yellow River this day next month. 下月的今天我们将到黄河的发源地去探险。 every alternate (=other) month 隔月 the calendar month 历月 the ing month 下个月 the current month 本月 the fourth month 第四个月 the fall months 秋季 the snow months 下雪季节 the summer months 夏季 a month magazine 月刊 a month next Tuesday 下星期二以后再过一个月 a month (months) ago 一(几)个月前 about a month 约一个月 after two months 两个月以后 during the month of May 在五月份 for six months 六个月之久 in months 近几个月中 in past three months 在过去的三个月里 within the month 本月中 month after month 一月又一月,每月 month by month 逐月 the month for roses 玫瑰花盛开的月份 require several months 需要几个月 spend a month 花费一个月 waste a month 浪费一个月 7. discovern. 1. U 发现 the act of discovering: At first, he was pleased with the discovery. 开始,这个发现使他高兴了一阵子。 The discovery of oil in Shandong was exciting news. 在山东发现石油是令人激动的新闻。 2. C 被发现的事物 something that is discovered: He made wonderful discoveries in science. 他在科学上有过伟大的发现。 Captain Cook was famous for his discoveries. 库克船长因为他的发现而出名。 8. recentlyadv. 最近地;近来地 lately; not long ago: This book was published recently. 这本书是最近出版的。 Ive only recently begun to learn Japanese. 我只是最近才开始学习日语的。 9. planetn. 行星 thing in the sky that moves round a star such as the sun: The earth is one of the suns planets. 地球是太阳的一个行星。 As far as we know, the earth is the only planet with life on it. 就我们所知,地球是唯一的有生命的行星。 Mars and Venus are planets of the sun. 火星和金星是环绕太阳的两个行星。 10. alone adv. 1. 单独;独自 by yourself; with no other people: She went home alone. 她独自回家去了。 Its foolish of him to go alone. 他单独去未免太傻了。 When his wife died, he lived alone. 他的妻子死后,他一个人生活。 An elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair alone. 一位上了年纪的病人孤单单地坐在轮椅上。 2. 仅仅;只有 only: He alone can do it. 只有他才能做这件事。 You alone can help me. 只有你能帮我忙。 He alone was in the room. 仅他一个人在房间里。 The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history. 人民,只有人民,才是创造历史的动力。 adj. 单独的 apart from others: He is alone. 他独自一人。 The ticket collector at the gate noticed that he was alone. 门口的检票员注意到他是独自一人。 We are not alone; we have friends all over the world. 我们并不孤立,我们的朋友遍天下。 11. solaradj. 1. (无比较级、最高级)太阳的,有关太阳的 the solar cycle: 太阳周期(日历上月日和星期的排列重复出现的年,每二十八年一次) a solar flare 发生于太阳表面的大爆炸,耀斑 2. 太阳作用引起的,利用太阳能的 solar heating 利用太阳能的暖气 12. universen. 1. 宇宙 the whole system of suns, planets. etc. existing in their places: Do you know Einsteins theory about the universe? 你知道爱因斯坦关于宇宙的理论吗? No one knows for universe extension. 谁也不知道宇宙的范围有多大。 2. 宇宙万物 the whole system of created things viewed as a whole 3. 全世界 the world 13. alsoadv. 也;同样;还 too; as well: He also asked to go. 他也要求去。 They also agreed with me. 他们也同意我的意见。 He is wrong, and you also. 他错了,你也错了。 The child had gone also. 孩子也走了。 conj. 还;而且 in addition; besides: He gave me this book, also some candy to eat on the way home. 他给了我这本书,还给我一些糖果叫我在回家的路上吃。 14. partn. 1. 部分 some, but not all, of a thing or things: Only parts of his story is true. 他的故事只有一部分是真实的。 We spent a part of our holiday in France, and a part in Germany. 我们的假期一部分在法国度过,一部分在德国度过。 Parts of the book are quite good. 这本书有些部分相当不错。 2. 等分;分之一 one of several equal bits: A minute is the sixtieth part of an hour. 一分钟是一小时的六十分之一。 A dime is a tenth part of a dollar. 一角银币是一美元的十分之一。 3. 本份;作用;职责 someones share in doing something: I will do my part well. 我会做好我份内的事。 Whats your part in the plan? 你在这个计划中起什么作用? 4. 角色 a person in a play, etc: The part of the old grandmother was played by Julia. 剧中的老奶奶的角色由朱丽亚扮演。 5. 零件;部件 one piece of a machine, watch, bicycle, etc: Hes taking a machine part to the factory. 他正把机器零件带到工厂去。 Steel can be used for the working parts of machines. 钢可以用来制造机器的工作部件。 The chain is an important part of a bicycle. 车链是自行车的重要部件。 6. 地方;地区 parts (pl.) area; place: The great increase in the production of cocoa which took place during the first part of the present century has brought wealth to many parts of West Africa. 本世纪初可可生产大量增长,给西非许多地区带来了财富。 Wheat is a plant which is grown in many parts of our country. 小麦是我国许多地区都种植的一种植物。 This is a part of the town that I do not know very well. 城里这个地区我不太熟悉。 a novel in three parts 一本分为三部分的小说 three parts of wine to one part of water 三份儿酒搀一份儿水 vi. 分离;使分开 go away from each other; make people leave each other: The stream parts there. 河在那儿分流啦。 We parted the best of friends. 我们临别依依不舍。 They parted in anger. 他们不欢而散。 He waved goodbye when we parted. 我们分手时,他挥手告别。 vt. 1. 割开;分开;拉开;离开 force apart; divide; separate: part your hair 把头发分开;梳分头 I part my hair on the left side. 我把我的头发在左边分开。 2. 打碎;撕碎 to break or tear: He parted the rock with a mighty blow of the hammer. 他用锤猛力一击,把石头敲碎了。 15. galaxyn. 1. 天星系;G-银河系;银河 2. 一群(杰出或著名的人物)16. lightadj. 1. 明亮的 bright; not dark: Its still quite light. 天还亮着呢。 We have a light room. 我们有一间明亮的房间。 This room has a lot of windows and is very light. 这间屋子有很多窗户,非常明亮。 It gets light at about 5:30 in the morining. 早上大约五点半天亮。 2. 浅色的;淡色的 with a pale colour: Yellow is a light colour, but black is dark. 黄是浅色,黑是深色。 She was in a light blue dress. 她穿着浅蓝色的衣服。 Blue and white make light blue. 蓝色和白色合在一起就成了浅蓝色。 3. 轻的;轻便的 with little weight; easy to lift or move; not heavy: This box is lighter than that. 这个箱子比那个轻。 The little girl is so light that I can lift her with one hand. 这个小姑娘很轻,我一只手就能举起来。 Its as light as a feather. 它象羽毛一样轻。 as light as air 象空气一样轻 a light pair of shoes 一双轻便的鞋 4. 一些;少量的 a little; not much: A light rain began to fall. 下起一阵小雨。 5. 轻微的;微弱的 gentle; not strong: He felt well enough for light work. 他感觉(身体)很好,要做点轻微工作。 Your footsteps were so light that I didnt hear them. 你的脚步太轻了我没有听见。 This is not a light task. 这个任务不算轻松。 n. 1. 光;光亮 where there is no darkness; brightness: The sun gives us light and heat. 太阳给我们光和热。 The light energy es from the sun. 光能来自太阳。 The stars are not giving much light tonight. 今夜星光不亮。 Light and heat are sent off, together with heavy smoke. 光和热随着浓烟散发出去。 2. 发光体;灯 instruments or thing that makes brightness for us; lamp, etc: Please switch on the lights. 请开灯。 Turn off the lights when you go out of the room. 离开房间时关上灯。 Bring me some lights, please. 请给我拿几盏灯来。 The street lights are usually turned on at 7:30 in the evening. 街灯通常在傍晚七点半开。 The light had already gone out when I got to the cinema. 我到电影院时灯已经熄灭了。 If you have no electric light you must use candles. 如果你没有电灯,你就必须用蜡烛。 3. (火柴等发出的)火;火花 fire from a match, etc: Give me a light, please. 请借个火。 Can you give me a light for my cigarette? 你能给我个火点支烟吗? 4. 观点;外观 a way of looking at things; an aspect; a view: Each of us sees things in his own light. 我们每个人都以自己的观点看待事物。 Your explanation puts the matter in a new light. 你的说明使这事有了新的见解。 5. 典范,显赫人物 a famous person; a person looked on as an example: She is one of the shining lights of the school paper. 她是校刊上最出众的人物之一。 v. 1. 点火;生火;点燃 make something start to burn or shine: Please light the fire. 请点火吧。 Mother did not light the stove. 母亲没有生炉子。 He struck a match and lit the lamp. 他擦着一根火柴把灯点着。 2. 照亮;照明 give light to something so that you can see it clearly: This room is lighted by electricity. 这个房间用电照明。 He carried a torch to light the way. 他拿个火把照路。 The fire lit up her face. 炉火照亮了她的脸。 3. 亮起来 to make or bee brighter: The room suddenly lit up. 房间突然亮了起来。 Its time to light up. 该点灯了。 adv. 1. 轻轻地 lightly: She sits light. 她轻轻地坐下。 2. 轻便地,轻装地 without heavy baggage: The newspaper reporter traveled light. 这位新闻记者轻装旅行。 17. beyondprep. 1. 在较远的一边;在另一边 on the further or other side of: The post office is beyond the bridge. 邮局在桥的那一头。 go beyond the mountains 到山那边去 from beyond the sea 来自海外 2. (时间)晚于;超过 (of time)later than; more advanced than: Some shops keep open beyond midnight. 有些商店营业到半夜以后。 3. 为不能及;超出理解力之外 out of the reach of; outside ones understanding; He was beyond the help of the teacher. 他使老师束手无策。 4. 除之外 (negative and interrogative) except: I know nothing beyond this. 除这之外,我什么也不知道。 adv. 在远处 farther away: look beyond 向远处看 18. evenadv. 甚至,还 more than one expect: Even a child can understand it. 连小孩子都懂得这一点。 He ever never opened his book. 他连书都没有打开过。 It was cold even in August. 甚至八月也很冷。 He speaks French even better than English. 他的法语比英语说得更好。 adj. 1. 平的,平滑的 flat, smooth: This region is even with no high hills. 这个地区是平坦的,没有高山峻岭。 2. 一致的,同样的 the same: The snow is even with the window. 雪与窗齐。 Each team had two goals, so they were even. 每个队都进两个球,它们打平了。 3. 偶(数)的 not odd (of numbers): 4, 6, and 8 are even numbers but 5 and 7 are not even. 四、六和八是偶数,五和七不是。 4. 平静的 calm: He is of an even temper. 他脾气平和。 19. secretadj. 1. 隐秘的 kept from the knowledge or sight of others; hidden: He kept the matter secret from his family. 他把这件事瞒着家人。 2. 秘密的 done, made, or carried out without the knowledge of others: Ive hidden the letter in a secret place. 我把信藏在一个秘密的地方了。 secret agent 特务 a secret agreement 秘密协议 secret ballot 无记名投票 a secret drawer 暗抽屉 a secret hiding place 秘密的躲藏处 secret ink 隐显墨水 a secret room 隐秘的房间 secret valley 幽谷 secret police 秘密警察 secret process 秘密制造方法 secret service (政府的)特务机关;(美国)联邦经济情报局 secret society 秘密社团 a secret door in the wall 墙上的一扇暗门 the secret of success 成功的秘诀 n. 秘密 something only very few people know: I mustnt tell you that, it s a secret. 我可不能告诉你,这是一个秘密。 I have a secret which I mustnt tell anyone. 我有一个绝对不能告诉任何人的秘密。 2. 秘诀 a hidden cause or reason; the true method: The secret of health is moderation in all things. 健康秘诀是凡事都要适度。 3. 玄妙;奥秘 something not widely known; a mystery: the secrets of nature 大自然的奥秘

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