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Unit 7 FilmsPeriod 4Integrated skills & Study skills第5课时分层训练 Period 4.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1I hope I can find a _(适合的) job when I leave school.2Our hometown has not changed a lot, _ (也不) has his. 3Many tourists had to_(取消) their trip to Malaysia because of the disaster.4No one knows who has the _(愚蠢的) idea to build the restaurant like that.5There is a _ (特价优惠) at weekends. .用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1A book _(fall) from the shelf and landed on my head.What bad luck!2xx常州I had my finger cut when I _(divide) the watermelon into pieces.3We seem _(have) a different problem here, right?4Tom is standing beside the desk which _ (cover) with many books. 5Neither he nor I_ (be) from Canada. We are from Australia.根据汉语意思完成句子1这位老人已经离开家乡很多年了,他很想知道家乡现在什么样。The old man _ his hometown for many years. He wants to know what it _ now.2这部令人激动的电影让恐龙栩栩如生,再现银幕。This _ film _ on screen.3那个小男孩似乎充满了活力。The little boy _ energy. 4事实上,他们从一开始就爱上了对方。_, they _ from the very beginning.5你觉得成龙的动作片怎么样?_ the action films acted by Jackie Chan? .单项选择()1.Everyone says my daughters are _, and so they are.AlivingBliveClively Dalive()2.xx宿迁I dont like horror films. Theyre terrible._AEither I do BNeither I doCEither do I DNeither do I()3.xx银川Would you like to go _?Aanywhere relaxingBrelaxing somewhereCsomewhere relaxingDsomewhere relaxed()4.I didnt go shopping yesterday. I went hiking _Atoo BinsteadCinstead of Deither()5.Look! There is a horse racing programme on TV now.Hmm It _ exciting.Afeels Blook likeCseems Dseems like.xx通辽补全对话,方框中有两项多余A: Hello, this is Laura. May I speak to Cindy?B: Hi, Cindy speaking.A: 1._B: I am watching a film on the Internet.A: 2._B: A popular film called Zootopia.A: 3._B: Yes, its about animals dreams. I am deeply moved by it.A: Sounds good. Ill enjoy it when Im free.B: Im sure youll like it.4._A: Oh, I found an interesting place to go for a picnic. Want to join us tomorrow?B: Umm, let me have a look first. 5._A: Sure. Please do remember to give me a reply.B: OK. Thanks for calling.A. I hear its very popular.B. Is it about animals?C. What are you doing now?D. What film is it?E. Would you please send its information to me?F. When do you usually go to the movies?G. Well, but why do you call me? 详解详析Period 4Integrated skills & Study skills【课时分层训练】课内基础自测.1.suitable2.neither3.cancel4stupid5.special offer.1.fell2.was dividing3to have4.is covered5.am .1.has been away from; is like 2exciting; brings dinosaurs alive 3seems to be full of4In fact; fell in love with each other5What do you think of/How do you like课后巩固提升.1.C2D考查倒装句。句意:“我不喜欢恐怖电影。它们太可怕了。”“我也不喜欢。”承接上文,用neither或nor引导倒装句,表示“也不”;上句助动词用do,本句也用do。故选D。3C4.B5.C.15CDBGE

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