2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation学案(2) 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation学案(2) 人教新目标版Section A教师寄语:There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits. (在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有那些不畏劳苦攀登的人们,才有希望达到它神圣的顶点。)学习目标:1. 知识目标:单词:babysit, plan, how long, away, get back, send, postcard.句型:What are you doing for vacation?/Im going camping./That sounds nice. Im going hiking on the mountains./I dont like going away for too long.学习重难点:感知现在进行时表达将来意味: That sounds interesting.学习过程:一、预习导学1.完成下列单词或短语。_ v.临时照顾(小孩)_v.宿营;露营_v.计划;规划_v.徒步旅行;远足_多久;多长时间_.adv.向远处;离开_回来 _v.发送;寄 _ n.明信片 2.试译下列句子。假期你要做什么?_?我要照顾我妹妹。_?那听起来很无聊。_?二、自主学习1. plan1)动词,“计划;规划”。如: Were planning to visit Hawaii this summer.2)名词,“计划;方案”。如: He made a plan of the study.【归纳拓展】plan to do sth计划去干某事 plan on doing sth计划干某事 make a plan of / for sth制定的计划【易错点提醒】plan的过去式、过去分词均为planned,现在分词为planning。记住要双写字母“n”。【即景活用】1. Dont plan _ driving a car in Tibet, _?A. to; will you B. on; do you C. on; will you D. to; do you2Send 动词,“送;寄出”。如:She sent me a Christmas card.【易错点提醒】Send后常跟双宾语,既send sb sth或send sth to sb.如:He sent a letter to his friend. = He sent his friend a letter.【即景活用】连词成句 e-mail, tomorrow, will, an, send, Jim, I_3.ride1)动词,“骑乘”,过去式和过去分词分别是rode, ridden.2)名词,“骑马、骑车或乘车旅行”。如:Shall we go for a ride in the car?【即景活用】他在骑一辆自行车。_.三、合作探究1c PairworkWhat are the people in the picture doing for vacation? Make conversations.2c GroupworkWhat are you and your classmates doing for your new vacation? Ask and answer questions and then write down your plans.3b Pairwork四、拓展创新 4. Vacation Dreams Imagine your dream vacation.五、梳理归纳1.含义、句式结构以及常用的时间状语1)现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。2)句式结构 am/is/are +现在分词3)常见的时态标志词有:now, at the moment, look, listen等。2.现在分词的构成方式一般情况加-ing. meet meeting以不发音的-e结尾,去e再加-ing make making以重读闭音节结尾,双写末尾辅音字母,再加-ing. stop stopping3.现在进行时的用法1)表示说话时或目前正在进行的动作。They are playing.2)表示现阶段不断发生或频繁发生的动作或状态。 He is studying in No. 1 Middle School./He is always helping others. We all like him.3)一些表示位置转移的词,如:e, go, leave, fly, arrive, start, stay等,常用现在进行时表示即将发生的动作。Hes leaving for Beijing next month.六、达标检测一、单项选择( ) 1. What are you doing _ vacation?A. with B. of C. for D. at( ) 2. They are going camping _ August 2, xx.A. in B. on C. at D. to( ) 3. We are going fishing _ next week.A. / B. in C. at D. about( ) 4. That _ exciting news.A. sounds like B. sounds C. sound D. sounds like an( ) 5. How about _ the panda first?A. seeing B. to see C. looking D. see( ) 6. _ are you going for vacation? Hawaii.A. What B. When C. Where D. How二、单词填空1. I cant go swimming with you this afternoon. I _ ( babysit ) my little brother at home.2. Taian is a beautiful city in China. A lot of people go _ ( sightsee ) there every year.3. How long _ you _ ( stay ) in Hong Kong? For a week.4. My classmates are going to _ ( sport ) camp.5. The _ ( photo ) are very nice. Can you show me them?6. Im going _ ( hike ) tomorrow.三、按要求完成句子1. He is visiting his grandpa next week. (提问)_ _ he visiting his grandpa?2. She is going camping for vacation with her parents. (提问)_ _ she going camping _ ?3. We are relaxing at home for vacation. (提问)_ _ you _ for vacation?4. Show your photos to me when we get back to school.(同义句)_ _ _ when we get back to school.5. I like staying at home every day.(否定句)I _ _staying at home every day.6. Send me a postcard from Hong Kong. (同义句)Send a postcard _ _ from Hong Kong.7. Joe is staying in Hawaii for seven days. (提问) _ _ is Joe staying in Hawaii?课后反思:_ Section B教师寄语:The important thing in the life is to have a great aim and the determination to attain it.(人生重要的事情在于有一个伟大的目标,并有实现它的决心。)学习目标:知识目标:单词:fishing, rent, famous, take a vacation, Greece, Spain, Europe, leave, countryside, nature, forget, finish, tourist, famous句型:He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decide on Canada./I just finished making my last movie.学习重难点:感知现在进行时表达将来意味:学习过程:一、预习导学1.完成下列单词或短语。_观光;旅游_著名的;出名的_欧洲 _农村;乡村_大自然_忘记_结束_游客2.试译下列句子。他原想去希腊或西班牙,但最后决定去加拿大。_.这次我想做些不同的事情。_.我知道那儿有许多说法语的人。_.二、自主学习1. leave动词,“离去;出发;忘带;把留给;使处于(某种)状态”。如:He left home in a hurry. He left his son a lot of money when he died. Please leave the door open.【归纳拓展】leave for动身去leave sb by oneself把某人单独留下 leavebehind忘带;留下;把落在后面【辨析活用】leave / forget两者都和“忘记”有关,但含义和用法有所不同。leave:意为“把某物遗忘在某处”,其后一般要接具体的地点。如:He left his homework at home.forget:意为“遗忘某物或忘记做某事”,是指忘记一件具体的东西,其后一般不可以有具体的地点。常用短语为forget to do/ doing sth.如:Dont forget to turn off the lights when you leave.【即景活用】(xx河北模拟)这个孩子太小了不应该把他单独留在家里。The child is so young that you cant _ him _ _ at home.2. different形容词,“不同的;有区别的”。如:My coat is different from yours.【归纳拓展】派生词:difference n.差异;差别;不同 differently adv.不同地短语:be different from与不同 be different in在(方面)不同 make no difference to对不起作用;对没有影响【即景活用】These coats are different _ size.A.from B. of C. to D. in3. famous 形容词,“著名的;出名的”,同义词为well-known.如: The city is famous for its silk.【辨析活用】be famous for +出名的原因/be famous as +出名时的身份、产地Jackie Chan is famous for his action movies.Jackie Chan is famous as a movie star.三、合作探究1.2c Pairwork2.3a Read the magazine article. What are Ben Lamberts vacation plans? Write the number of each picture next to the correct activity.四、拓展创新1.3c. Write an article. 2.4. Survey.五、达标检测(一)单项选择( ) 1. Theyre going to San Francisco _ July 7 _ next month. A. on, in B. in, on C. in, / D. on, /( ) 2. _ is he doing for vacation? He is going to Hawaii to surf. A. What B. Where C. When D. How( ) 3. Whats it _ there? A. like B. look like C. likes D. liking( ) 4. Can I ask you _ questions _ your vacation plans? A. any, about B. some, with C. any, with D. some, about( ) 5. I want to spend time _ my grandfather _ the countryside. A. with, in B. on, in C. in, in D. on, with( ) 6. Today is my sons birthday. Im making _ for him. A. anything nice B. something nice C. nice anything D. nice something( ) 7. She _ 8,000 yuan on the puter yesterday.A. spent B. cost C. take D. paid( ) 8. What should we _ us when we go hiking? A. bring with B. take to C. take with D. bring to( ) 9. Do you have _ to tell us? A. something new B. new something C. anything new D. new anything( ) 10. _ do you watch TV every week? About three hours. A. How often B. How long C. What time D. How many( ) 11. Whats your brother like? _. A. He likes playing soccer B. He likes all of usC. Hes short but fat D. Hes very well( ) 12. All of us are _ in the _ film. A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interesting, interesting D. interested, interested(二)用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Dalian is a beautiful place _ ( go ) sightseeing.2. Its twelve oclock. The children _ ( have ) lunch in the cafeteria.3. This Sunday we are going bike r_ in the park. How about you?4. Yao Ming is a f_ basketball player. Lots of people like _ ( watch ) him play.5. My sister thought about _ ( babysit ) her pet dog.6. He didnt leave u_ his mother came back.7. Do you plan _ ( take ) a vacation in Hawaii?8. The book is so good, I cant wait _ ( read ) it at the moment.9. You should finish _ ( make ) these kites this afternoon.(三)完成句子1.假期你打算做什么? _ _ you _ _ vacation?2.我听说泰国是个观光旅游的好地方。I hear Tailand is a good place _ _ _.3.明天他要动身前往意大利。 He _ _ _ Italy tomorrow.4.昨天你们什么时间打扫完教室的?When _ you _ _ the classroom yesterday?5.你有什么重要的事要告诉我吗? Do you have _ _ to tell me?6.明天是星期天,去钓鱼怎么样?Its Sunday tomorrow. _ _ _ _?7.我迫不及待地打开妈妈送的礼物。I _ _ _ _ the present Mum gave me. 课后反思:_

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