2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 4 Our world.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 4 Our world. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions: robot, scientist, appear, take the place of, situation, in danger, repair, machine, mend, lazy2. Learn Object Clauses: be sure(1)Im sure robots can do some work faster and better than humans.(2)Are you sure?(3)Yes, Im sure/quite sure. / No,Im not sure.(4)Im sure robots will make humans lose their jobs.(5)Im sure robots can do dangerous work.(6)Do you think you will have a robot in 20 years?3. Talking about popular science and modern technology.4. Expressing certainty and uncertainty. Teaching aids教具录音机/图片/多媒体3e68. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:10分钟)(教师拿一个带音乐、会跳舞的玩具机器人,和一个玩具汽车进行比较,复习形容词的比较级并逐渐导入新课。)T: Boys and girls, look, what are these?Ss: They are toys.T: Which one do you like better, the robot or the car?(教师说时拿着机器人演示,让他们理解robot的意思同时在黑板上写robot,并领学生读。)(板书)robotSs: The robot.T: Very good. OK, read after me.(领读后继续提问。)T: Why do you think so?S1: Because I think the robot is more interesting than the car.S2: Yes. I agree. I think it is the most interesting of all the toys.T: Im quite sure. In fact robots are machines. (教师边说边在黑板上写machine,注意在此处用be sure,初步让学生理解be sure是表示肯定的一种说法。)There are many more machines like robots. Are you sure?(板书)machineS3: Yes, Im sure.(引导学生用Im sure来回答。)T: Then, where did the first robot appear?(教师边说边写appear在黑板上,用invent提示它的含意。并举例让学生领会该词意思。)(板书)appearThat is to say when the scientists invented the first robot.T: In the past, we dont have a puter. But now, we have. So we say puter appeared. While I was walking down the stairs, I saw a mouse. We can also say a mouse appeared while I was walking down the stairs. Do you understand the meaning of this word?(教师指appear。)Ss: Yes, “出现”.T: Where did the first robot appear?S4: I dont know.S5: Me, either.T: It doesnt matter, you can go to the Science Center to find out the answer.(学生回答什么答案都可以,关键是为了导入appear和the Science Center。)T: Many students seem to like robots. Could you tell me what can robots do for us?(学生的观点各异,教师可把1a的重点句式列在黑板上或多媒体上,让学生在讨论的过程中,既掌握了基本的句型 ,又领会了生词的意思。)T: Please discuss this question with your partner. The expressions on the blackboard can help you. You can do it just like me.For example:(教师用黑板上的信息举一例子。)(1)Robots may take the place of humans in some work situations.(2)They can also do lots of dangerous work instead of humans.(3)Im sure robots can do some work better than humans.(4)Are you sure? Yes, quite sure. / No, Im not sure.(学生明白划线的词或短语后,再举例。)T: Are you sure robots may take the place of humans in some work situations?S6:Im sure they can do that.T: Can they do lots of dangerous work instead of humans?S7: Im not sure. Maybe they can do these things.T: Do you think robots can do some work better than humans?S8: Yes, Im quite sure.T: What else can robot do for us?S9: T: Very good, please practice with your partner.(3分钟后,教师要求部分组像例子那样在班上表演,了解是否会用肯定和不肯定作答及对生词的掌握情况。)T: Excellent! Just now you discussed what robots can do for us. Now I want to know some information about robots. Could you help me?Ss: Yes. We will.T: My bike is broken. It doesnt work. I have to repair it.T: Are you sure robots can repair my bike?(边说边在黑板上写repair,引导学生理解其含意并会读,然后重述上一问题。)(板书)repairS10: Im not sure.S11: Im quite sure they can repair it.T: Im sure you are right. We can also say they can mend it. (在黑板上写下mend和汉语意思。)(板书)mend 修理Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈 现(时间:10分钟)1. T: Boys and girls, we know robots are very useful to humans.But when did the scientists invent the first robot?(在黑板上写这个问题。)When did the scientists invent the first robot?Ss: Sorry, we dont know.T: OK, lets listen to the tape and find out the right answer to this question.2.(设置听的任务,听完回答。)In _, something like _ appeared. They may _ the place of humans in some work _. They can also do lots of _ work instead of humans. And Im _ robots can do some work _ than humans.(教师可在小黑板上提前设置好这些填空题,然后让学生听后填空,若学生听一次写不完整,可多听两次或更多。教师通过检查答案,了解学生听的效果。)3.(核对答案后,让学生提问题,划出重点词句,解决学生的问题,并将关键词句板书到黑板上。)T: Boys and girls. Please read this passage and underline the key words and sentences.tell me something about robots, the Science Center, invent the first robot, In 1921, something appeared,what robots do, take the place of, situations, do lots of work, Im sure, Are you sure?(教师根据学生情况,对关键词解释、造句等。)T: Stop here.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:7分钟)1. T: Very good, every student is so excellent. Now its time to read this dialog.(先让学生自读,然后跟磁带读,核对语音、语调。)T: Please read this dialog by yourselves and then read after the tape to check your pronunciation and intonation.2.(人机对话,学生可读两遍,扮演两个角色。)T: Youre Kangkang. Listen to Maria and make a dialog with her. Go!3.(呈现关键词,学生串演Section A 1a。)T: Work in pairs. Practice for a little while. Then close your books. Look at the key words here and act the dialog out.(学生在练习时,教师在教室中走动,纠正不正确的语音、语调和表演中出现的疑难点。)T: Group A, can you act out the dialog?(学生只看关键词,不看课本对话。)T: Great! (根据情况,决定学生表演的组数。)4.(完成1b。)T: Just now you can act out the dialog very well. Now please look at 1b, can you write down the right answers according to the dialog?Ss: Yes.T: Are you sure you can write down the answers without looking at the dialog?S1: Yes. Im quite sure.S2: Well, Im not sure.T: At first please write them down, then check them according to the dialog.(两分钟后,让学生自己检查。)T: Are your answers all correct?Ss: T: If yours are all correct, please hands up.(了解学生全对的人数和错一个或几个单词的人数,便于教师掌握学生学的情况。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习 (时间:10分钟)1. (让学生开始听2。)T: Please look at the pictures in 2 for a short while, then listen and number the pictures. Are you ready? Go!(学生听一遍后,看学生全对的人数,若全对的少,就再放一遍录音。)T: Stop! If you are all right, please hands up.T: Very good.2. (导入第三步 Group work。)T:From the listening, we know robots can do many good things, but can robots do bad things for us? Please look at Part 3. Discuss the good and bad things that robots can do for us according to the information in Part 3. You can do it like the dialog, and you can express your own opinions.(让学生在讨论的过程中自学生词lazy,培养他们的自学能力。3分钟后,教师让一、两组学生表演他们的对话,了解他们对目标语言的使用情况。)T: Shall we stop? Which group can act out your dialog?(学生可能举手。)T: OK, you please.(表演完毕,让他们填表格,并加上自己的观点,即写出更多的机器人能做的好事情和坏事情。然后在小组内讨论,最后各组派代表在全班学生前发表意见。)T: Great! Now please add your opinions and discuss them in groups, then report them to the class. OK?Ss: OK.(学生讨论、发表意见之后,让他们写一段文字从正反两方面描述机器人,复习本节课所学的内容。)T: Now, can you report your opinions?Ss: Yes, Im sure.(让学生自己报告。)T: You are all excellent! Are you sure you can write a passage to talk about the robot?Ss: Im quite sure I can.T: OK, please begin!(学生开始写,教师在教室中走动,指出学生写作中存在的问题,帮助他们改正。)T: Stop! Who can read your position to us?(学生读,在读中再次练习本课目标语言和新词的用法。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)1. (让学生讨论除了目前看到的拥有各种功能的机器人外,现代最需要具有什么功能的机器人,什么形状的,让他们画出来,先在小组内讨论,最后全班汇总,并把意见写给科学馆。)T: From the information above, we know many kinds of robots. Now please discuss what kinds of robots we need very much, and then draw the robots. First discuss in groups. Then report your opinions to the class. At last write down the opinions of the class and finish your drawing. Send them to the Science Center.2. Homework:复习Section A的生词和重要的句式。Section BThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn the following words:toward, planet, mistake for , balloon, seem, seem to, call for, wakeup, real 2. Review Object Clauses(be sure)and Past Continuous Tense.(1)Im quite sure there are UFOs.(2)Even scientists arent sure whether there are UFOs.(3)Im sure there are no UFOs.(4)Im not sure whether/if robots will make humans lose their jobs.(5)A UFO flew over my head while I was walking toward the bus stop yesterday.(6)While he was trying to call for help, an alien came out of the UFO and woke him up.3. Talk about modern technology. Express certainty and uncertainty. Teaching aids 教具录音机/小黑板/图片/多媒体. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:12分钟)1.(利用图片复习过去进行时和肯定、不肯定的表达方法。 图片上显示的是过去的图片。如没有图片就直接显示有关键词和时间的卡片。)T: I know you were very busy yesterday. Lucy was as busy as you. Look at these pictures then make sentences.T: Now look at the first picture. You can say like this: Lucy was getting up at 630 yesterday morning.(让学生在下面思考2分钟,教师开始提问。)T: For the second, how to express it? Who can?S1: Lucy was having breakfast at 700 yesterday morning.(在描述时,教师指出学生的对错,为下一步进行对话打基础。)T: Very good. Next lets make up dialogs according to them.For example:T: What was Lucy doing at 630 yesterday morning?S2: She was getting up at this time yesterday.T: Please practice with your partner just like this.(两分钟后,挑几组表演,了解学生对过去进行时掌握的情况。)2. (在活动中进一步复习过去进行时和肯定、不肯定的说法。)(把学生分成五人一组,其中一个人表演动作,另一个人描述,用上过去进行时的结构和表示过去的时间。另外三人猜时要用上Im sure./ Im quite sure./ Im not sure.练习之后以小组为单位在课前表演。每组派两个代表在全班学生面前一个表演动作一个向其他学生提问题,让其他组的学生来猜。提问正确,回答正确分别得一分,否则都不得分。)T: You all did excellently! You can describe these pictures. Then can you guess your classmates actions of last Sunday?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Lets play a game. Five students form a group. One student acts out one action, the other one asks questions about it. The others guess the meaning of the action. You can do it like this:(教师找一位学生帮忙,到全班学生面前做动作。)T: What was he doing at 900 last Sunday?S3: He was swimming.T: Are you sure?S3: Yes, Im quite sure.T:(转向做动作的同学)What were you doing?S4: I was swimming.T: Please make up similar dialog with your partner. You have to express the actions using the Past Continuous Tense and the time in the past.(2分钟后,挑几组到全班学生面前表演,教师当裁判,记下各组的得分,得分多少以红旗的数目来计算。)T: Look! Which group has the highest score?Oh, G6 is the winner! Congratulations!3. (教师从报纸、杂志或网上找一些UFO和外星人的图片,导入新课。)T: Look at these pictures, do you know them?Ss: Yes, they are “不明飞行物” and “外星人”.(他们经常在电视或其他地方见过,但不一定知道英语怎么说,教师允许他们这么说,然后再补充说明。)T: Yes. Very clever, they are UFOs and aliens.(在黑板上写下这两个新词。)UFO, alienT: Read after me.T: Yesterday, someone said they saw the UFO in this city. Listen! A reporter was making a survey about this event among the people.(教师课前录制好此段录音。)R: Where were you when the UFO arrived?P1: I was at home.R: What were you doing while the UFO flying in the sky?P2: I was shopping in the street.R: Are you sure there are UFOs?P2: Yes, Im quite sure.R: What did it look like?P2: It looked like a plate.P3: Im not so sure. Until now, even the scientists arent sure whether there are UFOs.P4: I am sure there are no UFOs. You see, there are no living things on other planets.(在黑板上写下planet, 让学生猜其意,然后教师给予解释。)planetT: Now, please listen again.(听后,让学生分组,一个人扮演记者,其他人扮演被采访的人,如果有时间还可练习编写相似的对话。)T: OK, now, suppose you are the reporter, how will you interview? Please practice similar dialogs with your partners. Five people can form a group.(调查后让他们表演,练习本课的主要语言项目并复习新词。)T: Shall we stop? OK, which group can act out your dialog for us?(根据学生情况,决定所提问的组数。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈 现(时间:5分钟)1. T: Just now, you know what your classmates were doing, but do you know what Jane was doing while a UFO flew over her head?Ss: No.T: OK. Lets listen to the tape and find out the right answer.(布置听的任务,听完回答。)(把问题写在黑板上。)What was Jane doing while a UFO flew over her head?T: Stop! Who can answer the question?S1: She was walking toward the bus stop while a UFO flew over her head.T: Right. Listen to the dialog again, and then finish 1b. Please do it by yourselves while listening.(若听的效果不好,教师可再放一遍对话。)T: If you finish 1b, please hands up.2. (划关键词。)(让学生跟读磁带,并划出重点词句。)T: Well done! Now, lets follow the tape and underline the key words.(教师在黑板上列出关键词句。)flew, while walking, look like, quite sure, a plate, not so sure, scientists arent sure, whether, I am sure, no living things, planets(询问学生对关键词、句是否有疑难,并核对自己的答案。)Step 3 Consolidation第三步 巩 固(时间:8分钟)1. (学生自读对话,注意语音、语调。)T: Please read the dialog by yourselves again. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2. (学生跟读磁带,核对自己的语音、语调是否正确。)T: Now, read after the tape and check your pronunciation and intonation. Go!3. (人机对话。)T: Youre Jane. Listen to the tape and make a dialog with them. Go!(然后,教师可调换学生的角色,多听一遍。)4. (呈现关键词,学生串演1a中的对话。不会之处允许看书。)T: Now, please act out the dialog by yourself according to the key words.(练习2分钟后,让学生分组,分角色在小组内表演。)T: Please stop! Next, work in groups. You should close your books, only look at the key words here.T: Shall we stop? OK, which group can act out the dialog without your books?SG1:(学生在表演时,可以用学生真实的姓名,创设贴近学生实际的情景,使他们兴趣更浓。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习 (时间:12分钟)1. (完成1c。)T: From 1a we know, the scientists arent sure whether there are UFOs. But Im sure there are robots. Are you sure?S1: Im quite sure. I saw many robots.T: Im sure robots will make humans lose their jobs S2: Im not sure whether/if robots will make humans lose their jobs T: Very good. Can you make up similar dialogs using the sentences in the box in 1c?(学生两人一组练习,复习be sure的宾语从句。)T: OK. Please practice with your partners.(2分钟后,挑几组学生表演。)2. (完成2a。)T: Just now you discussed whether there are UFOs. Are you sure there are UFOs?Ss: T: OK, lets look at the passage in 2a, please read it quickly to find out the answer.(学生应在1分钟之内读完,要求快速阅读,找出答案。)T: Stop! Can you find out the answer?S3: Yes. There are no UFOs according to the passage.T: Good. Please finish the exercise.(学生选出正确答案后,进行第二阶段阅读,阅读之前自学生词balloon, mistake for, seem to培养他们的自学能力。)T: Next, please read this passage again, then answer the questions on the blackboard.(1)Where can people only get information about UFOs?(2)What do people often mistake for UFOs?(2分钟后学生回答问题,设置这两道题的目的是帮助学生更好的理解短文。)T: Your are great! Please underline the key words, then retell it.(教师把关键词列在黑板上,帮助学生记忆。)story, see UFO, in fact, information, through books, movies, the radio, the TV, Internet, mistake, kite, balloon, nobody, see a UFOT: Can you retell the passage according to the key words?(挑学生复述。)3. (完成2b。)T: From the passage above, we know nobody seems to have really seen a UFO. But are you sure there are aliens?Ss: I saw them on TV T: OK. Lets look at who the real alien is. Please finish 2b. Before you do it, you can learn the new words in 2b by yourselves.(板书答案。)information, Internet, man-made, balloons, cameT: If your are all right, please hands up.(根据学生举手的人数,了解学生掌握的情况。)4. (完成2c。)T: Well done! Now please discuss in groups and answer the questions in 2c about the passage above.(2分钟后,检查学生回答的结果,并看是否有疑问之处,然后教师解决。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)1. (复习过去进行时。)要学生与他们的同桌讨论“昨天晚上在不同的时间内他们在干什么?”写下同桌的活动,然后谈论他们自己的活动,可以这样设计:T: Now, lets make a survey, one student asks his/her partner what he/she was doing at different times of yesterday evening, then fill his/her answers in the chart(as follows). And then write down your own answer. Discuss with each other and choose who had the best time. At last the winner will report to the class.Time (yesterday evening)Your partnerYou7008009002. Make a survey.(把学生分为10人一组,讨论以下问题,然后填表格,每组派代表向全班同学报告,班长总结有多人认为, 相信或不相信。)(1)Do you think there are people on other planets?(2)Do you believe that UFOs are real?(3)If there are aliens, are they probably friendly or unfriendly?Statements NamesJimThere are people on other planets.There are no people on other planets.UFOs are real.UFOs are not real.Aliens are probably friendly.Aliens are probably not friendly.Please discuss these questions with your partners, then fill in the form. After a while, each group report your opinions. At last the monitor writes down the numbers of the answer to every question.Section CThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:list, order, in alphabetical order, pay attention to, begin with, and so onWe can go shopping without leaving our houses.We can use the Internet for finding a job.2. Talking about popular science and modern technology.3. Learn how to look up new words in an English dictionary.4. Expressing certainty and uncertainty.5. Go on learning Past Continuous Tense. Teaching aids 教具图片/录音机/词典/调查表. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:10分钟)1. Greetings(复习Section B里有关UFO的知识。)T: Are there UFOs in the world?S1:T: What are the scientists ideas?S2: They arent sure whether there are UFOs.T: What are the childrens ideas?S3: Jane Shes sure she saw a UFO yesterday.Michael Hes quite sure there are UFOs.Kangkang Hes not so sure whether there are UFOs.Maria Shes sure there are no UFOs.T: What does a UFO looks like?S4: No one seems to know UFOs. People often mistake some man-made objects such as kites or balloons for UFOs.T: What do you think about UFOs?S5: 2. (复习Section A所学的1a的内容。)What can robots do for us?(由这个问句导入,让学生展开想象,从而引出本课的目标语言,激发学习兴趣。)T: How does the robot work?Ss:(出示图片。)T: Whats this? Its another great invention with the name of puter. What can we do with the puter?S6: We can use puters for playing games.We can use puters for sending e-mails.We can use puters for searching the Internet.Internetusefor doing sth.(将生词板书在黑板上。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈 现(时间:10分钟)1.(教师设置听力任务,让学生带着任务去听录音可集中注意力。并将问题板书在黑板上。)What other things can we do on the Internet?T: Listen to the tape carefully, then find out the answers to the question. You can find as many as you can.(师生共同总结,为学生进行口语表达打下基础。)S: We use Internet for shopping without leaving our house/studying/finding a job/finding the way to a new place/listening to the songs/watching movies, and so on.T: Listen to the tape again, and repeat.(让学生跟录音模仿朗读。)2. Work alone and do 1b by yourselves.(学生独立完成1b。)T: OK, lets turn to activity 1b Work alone. Look at the pictures and plete the sentences with the words below.(教师巡视教室,帮助有困难的学生。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:10分钟)1. T: Follow the tape and draw “up and down” with your pencil.(教师放录音1a,学生跟读,用铅笔标出语音、语调。)Ask the students to listen to the tape and read after it.(要求学生听磁带并跟读。)2. Ask the students to read together with the tape.3. Make a survey.(教师将事先准备好的调查表发放给学生。)(1)How often do you use the Internet?Often. Sometimes. Never.(2)What do you often do on the Internet?Go shopping. Study. Listen to music.Find a job. See a movie. Download useful information.Play games. Write e-mails.(3)Are you sure the Internet is good for us?Yes, Im sure of that. No, Im not sure of that.(4)Do you spend too much time on the Internet?Yes, I do. No, I dont.According to the results, make a discussion, then report.(根据上面的调查结果,小组讨论,然后在全班学生面前汇报调查结果。)You can begin like this:T:The Internet is more interesting among the students T: Yeah. I think the most exciting time is ing. Who can have a try to report? Ill give him five points.(让学生汇报调查结果,然后进行辩论。)T: Is it good or bad to spend too much time on the Internet? Please give your opinions.(At least five points.)WhyForAgainstStep 4 Practice 第四步 练 习 (时间:10分钟)T: Internet is very useful and interesting. And Im sure it is good for us. But dont spend too much time on it. We should study well first.Do you know how to look up an English word in a dictionary? Read 2a

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