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Unit6Do you like bananas?第一课时Section A (1a2d)A基础起航 .写出图片中各物品的英语单词。(注意单复数)1_an_orange_2._icecream_3_bread_ 4._a_pear_5_a_hamburger_ 6._strawberries_7_bananas_ 8._tomatoes_.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。like, bread, icecream, orange, have1.Well, Sally brings three _oranges_ to school.2Some _bread_ is on Lilys desk.Yeah! Its delicious.3Do you like apples?Yes, and I _have_ them every day.4Jerry doesnt like _icecream_. Its too sweet (甜的)5Mary _likes_ red. In her room you can see a lot of red things.写出下列句子中have的意思。1I have two baseball bats._有_2Have a good day! _经历_3Lets have salad. _吃_4Do you have milk for breakfast? _喝_ B语法扬帆 .用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1He eats two _hamburgers_(hamburger) for lunch. Thats not healthy.2I like potatoes but I dont like _tomatoes_(tomato)3Harry _likes_(like) fruit salad very much.4Do you have any _bread_(bread) in the fridge?5Salad _is_(be) good for us.6Do you like _banana_(banana) icecream?7Does he like _milk_(milk) for breakfast?.单项选择。(D)1._ you like bananas? Yes, I do. AAreBCanCIs DDo (A)2.John _ hamburgers, but his sisters_ bread.Alikes; like Blike; likeClike; likes Dlikes; likes (C)3.Here are some pears, but Bill and Jack dont like_Ait BtheyCthem Dtheir (C)4.Do you like strawberries? _. But I like apples and pears. AYes, I do BNo, I cantCNo, I dont DYes, I am(B)5.Lets _ some salad for Johns birthday party.Ato get BgetCgetting Dgets(B)6.Every morning I have _egg, some bread and a glass of milk.Aa BanC/ Dthe(A)7.Lets _hamburgers in the KFC.Thats fine for me.Ahave BhelpCthink Dwatch.用所给单词的正确形式填空或根据上下文填写合适的单词。(每空一词)My name is Jack Smith. I usually have two meals 1._a/one_daybrunch and dinner.“Brunch”means breakfast 2._and_lunch. I 3._have_(have) brunch at a restaurant. I have a hamburger, some French fries 4._and_a banana for it. After brunch, I 5._play_with my good friendTom, and we 6._have_(have)dinner together. For dinner, I like an 7._orange_(orange) and a tomato. Tom 8._likes_(like) a hamburger and some soup. 9._After_dinner, I always have icecream for dessert. I know it isnt healthy, but I like 10._it_very much.C提升冲浪 .根据上下文补全对话,其中有一项是多余的。Tom: Hi, Li Ming. Whats this?Li Ming: 1._D_ Tom: Let me have a look at it. 2._A_ Li Ming: She is Li Na. 3._E_ Tom: Yeah! Oh, what does she like?Li Ming: She likes playing tennis.Tom: 4._B_ Li Ming: She likes shrimps(虾)Tom: 5._C_ Li Ming: Yes, of course she does.A.Who is she?BWhat food does she like?CDoes she like vegetables?DIts a photo.EShe is a good tennis star.FIs she a Chinese?.完形填空。Hello! My name is Dave Brown. My_1_ name is Dave. I play _2_ every day and I am very healthy.I eat a lot of _3_ and vegetables.For fruit,I like apples,oranges, pears and_4_For vegetables,I like broccoli,tomatoes and _5_I like icecream._6_ I like chicken for dinner every day!I like playing_7_, too. I run in the morning. I like Liu Xiang. Do you _8_ him? Yeah,he is a running star. I like_9_ basketball,too. I play it every afternoon.It is not _10_Healthy food and lots of sports make me healthy.(A)1.A.first BlastCfamily Dmiddle(B)2.A.work BsportsCfruit Dfood(C)3.A.salad BeggsCfruit Ddessert(B)4.A.icecreamBbananasCmilk Dhamburgers(C)5.A.oranges BapplesCpotatoes Dchicken(B)6.A.Because BAndCOr DSo(A)7.A.sports BfruitCvegetablesDbooks(D)8.A.need BcallCmeet Dknow(A)9.A.playing BdoingCgoing Dhaving(A)10.A.difficult BinterestingCgreat Drelaxing.阅读理解。My name is Dan and I have two brothers, Bob and Ray. We like hamburgers for lunch. Bob and I like French fries, but Ray doesnt. I dont like eggs for breakfast, but Bob and Ray do. I like fruit for breakfast. We really like chicken and salad for dinner. (C)1._ doesnt (dont) like French fries.ADan BBobCRay DDan and Bob(C)2._ like hamburgers.ADan and BobBBob and Ray CDan,Bob and RayDDan and Ray(B)3.Dan doesnt like eggs for_Adinner BbreakfastClunch Dthree meals(B)4._like(s) fruit for breakfast.ABob and Ray BDanCBob DRay(A)5.They like _for dinner.Achicken and saladBfruit and eggsChamburgers and French friesDsalad and fruit 猜出画线单词的中文意思及词性,并收入自己的小词典。1dessert _n甜点_2broccoli _n西兰花_


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