2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 14 Have you packed yet教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 14 Have you packed yet教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 14 Have you packed yet教案 人教新目标版 Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary:bathing suit, water, travel, guidebook, beach towel, street map(2)Target Language:Have you watered the plants yet? Yes, I have already watered them2 Ability Objects(1) Train students listening ability(2) Train students municative petence3 Moral Objects: Have everything in readiness before you do itIn this way, you can finish it perfectly or have a good time Teaching Key Point:Target Language Teaching Difficult Points1 How to train students listening ability2 How to train students municative petence Teaching Methods1 Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material2 Pairwork to make every student work in class Teaching Aids: 1 A tape recorder 2 The blackboard Teaching ProceduresStep RevisionT: Last week we finished Unit 13 In this unit, we learned how to talk about how things affect usFor example, Loud music makes me tense That movie made her sad Now I ask some students to make sentences with the structuremake meS1: Parties make me excited S2: School vacations make me happyS3: That movie made me want to leave S4: The story made me cryS5: The awful picture makes me nervousT: Very good From today on, we will learn Unit 14 Now I ask a student to e to the blackboard and write the numbers 1 to 20 on the blackboard(After the student has written the numbers 1 through 5, start talking to the rest of the class)T: Has he written the number 1 yet? Class repeat the question Has he written the number 1 yet?Ss: Has he written the number 1 yet?T: (Pointing to the number 1 on the board) Yes, he has already written the number 1 Class repeat Yes, he has already written the number 1Ss: Yes, he has already written the number 1T: (Writing the word already on the blackboard) This is the word alreadyClass repeat Already Look at the blackboard (pointing to the blackboard) Has he written the number 50 yet? Class repeat the question Has he written the number 50 yet?Ss: Has he written the number 50 yet?T: (Pointing to the highest number already on the blackboard)No, he hasnt written the number 50 yetClass repeat No, he hasnt written the number 50 yetSs: No, he hasnt written the number 50 yetT: (Writing the word yet on the blackboard) Tish is the word yet Class repeat Yet Now, look at the two words already and yet Which one is used to talk about things that have happened in the past? Ss: AlreadyT: YeahVery goodSo the other word yet is used to talk about things that will happen in the futureYeah? SS: YesStep 1aThis activity introduces key vocabulary and helps students review vocabulary they already knowRead the instructions aloud to the classSay, Who can give an example of a beach vacation and sightseeing in a city? Ask a student to give the example (bathing suit, travel guidebook)Get students to add some things to the lists under the two headings A beach vacation and Sightseeing in a city Have students do the work individually firstWhile they are working, walk around the classroom checking the progress of the studentsLet students tell the class the words they wrote Write the words on the blackboard Read them and let students repeat Then ask other students to add other words to the lists Sample answersA beach vacation1 bathing suit2 beach towel3 sunglassesSightseeing in a citytravel guidebookstreet mapcameraStep 1bThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversationLook at the picture Ask, What can you see in the picture? (There is a family in the picture They are getting ready for a beach vacation)Point to the box Invite a pair of students to read the conversation to the classA: Have you packed the beach towels yet? B: No, I haventLook at the six chores on the list Let students read each item, then ask different students to explain the meaning of each item in their own words Make sure students understand the meaning of each item Go through the instructions with the class Point to the blank lines in front of each item in the list Say, You will hear a family talking as they get ready to go on vacation Listen carefully Make sure what the family talks about and put a checkmark in front of each chore that is already donePlay the tape The first time students only listen Play the tape a second timeNow listen to the tape again This time please put your checkmarks on the correct blanks Check the answers with the whole classAnswers packed the camera watered the plants locked the windows bought a travel guidebook bought a street map packed the beach towelsTapescriptWoman: Have you packed the beach towels yet? Boy: No, I havent Cant Judy pack them?Woman: No, shes busy Could you please water the plants? Boy: Ive already watered themWoman: Oh, thanks Man: What about the travel guidebook and the street map?Woman: Ive already bought the travel guidebook, but I havent got the street map yetMan: Thats OK Ill get it Have you packed the camera?Boy: Yes Ive already put it in my suitcaseWoman: Well, I guess thats everythingBoy: Almost everything We havent locked the windows yetStep 1cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target languageGo through the instructions with the whole class Look at the example in the box Invite a pair of students to read it to the classSA: Have you watered the plants yet? SB: Yes, I have already watered themTell students they will be making conversations with a partner Look back at the chores in Activity lb Say, Now look back at the chores in Activity lb Make conversations talking about what the family members have already done and what they havent done yet, using words from the chores, such as packed the camera, locked the windows, bought a street mapWhile students are working in pairs, walk around the classroom and listen to some pairs If necessary, offer language support Then get several pairs of students to say their conversations to the classConversation 1 SA: Have they packed the camera yet?SB: Yes, they have already packed the cameraConversation 2 SA: Have they bought a street map yet?SB: No, they havent bought a street map yetNotes 1 pack(here)get ready for a journey by doing this2 guidebookbook for travellers, tourists, etc, with information about a place3 Have you watered the plants yet?Yes, I have already watered them: Present Perfect TenseThe structure is have+ p pPay attention to the two words already and yet Already is used in affirmative sentences; while yet is used in negative and interrogative sentencesStep SummaryIn this class, weve learned some important words, such as water, travel, guidebook, beach towel Weve also learned the target language Have you watered the plants yet? Yes, I have already watered themStep Homework:Make conversations in pairs to review the target languageStep Blackboard DesignUnit 14 Have you packed yet? Section AThe First PeriodTarget languageA: Have you watered the plants yet?B: Yes I have already watered themUnit 14 Have you packed yet?The Second Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary refrigerator, garage, suitcase, clean out, put in, turn off(2) Target Language Have you watered the plants yet? No, I havent Have you packed the camera yet? Yes Ive already put it in my suitcase Have you fed the cat? No I havent fed her yet2 Ability Object(1) Train students listening ability (2) Train students speaking ability3 Moral ObjectWe must be ready with our work before we do it Teaching Key Points1 Key Vocabulary clean out, put in, turn off2 Target LanguageHave you watered the plants yet? No, I haventHave you packed the camera yet? Yes Ive already put it in my suitcaseHave you fed the cat? No I havent fed her yet3 StructuresHave you packed the camera yet? Yes Ive already put it in my suitcaseHave you fed the cat? No I havent fed her yet Teaching Difficult Points1 the target language 2 How to train students listening ability Teaching Methods1 Listening method to improve the students listening ability2 Pairwork to make every student work in class Teaching Aids 1 A tape recorder 2 The blackboard Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionCheck homework Get some pairs to read their conversations Collect their conversations and help students correct any mistakesStep 2aThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target languageLook at the picture Ask, What can you see in the picture? (A boy and a girl are in the kitchen They both look a little stressed out)Go through the instructions with the class You will hear a boy and a girl talking about getting ready to go on vacation Write M after each thing that Mark says and T after each thing that Tina saysLook at the sample answer Say, Tina said, No I havent cleaned out the refrigerator yetGet students to repeat No I havent cleaned out the refrigerator yetPlay the recording for students the first time This time students only listen to the recording Play the recording a second time This time let students write Min front of Marks statements, and T in front of Tinas statementsCheck the answers with the classAnswers1T 2T 3M 4T 5M 6TTapescript: Boy: Mom and Dad said they want to leave in ten minutes Are you ready, Tina?Girl: No I havent cleaned out the refrigerator yet I have to do that right nowBoy: Tina! Youre unbelievable What about your bike?Girl: Ive already put it in the garage But I havent locked the garage yetThats your job, MarkBoy: I know Ive already done most of my jobs Ive taken out the trashGirl: Have you fed the cat yet?Boy: Not yet Ill do it in a minute Have you turned off your radio?Girl: Yes, I have I think were almost readyStep 2bThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target languageGo through the instructions with the class Look at the list of questions with blanks in front of each oneThen look back at the statements in Activity 2aSay, Some of the statements in Activity 2a are answers to questions in Activity 2b Write the number of the correct answer from Activity 2a in front of each question in Activity 2bGet several students to read the questions in Activity 2b to the class Look at the sample answer Ask a student to read the question and answer to the classAre you ready, Tina? No, I havent cleaned out the refrigerator yetPlay the recording for students Let students write their answers in the blanks Play the recording again if necessaryCorrect the answersAnswersHave you fed the cat yet? 5 What about you bike? 2 Are you ready, Tina? 1Have you turned off your radio? 6Step 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language Look at the sample conversation in the speech bubbles Invite a pair of students to read it to the classSA: Are you ready, Tina? SB: No I havent cleaned out the refrigerator yetGo through the instructions with the class Say, With your partner make a conversation using information from Activities 2a and 2b Have students work in pairs While they are working, walk around the classroom checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as neededInvite two pairs to say their conversations to the classConversation 1 SA: Have you fed the cat yet? SB: Not yet Ill do it in a minuteConversation 2 SA: Have you turned off your radio? SB: Yes, I haveStep Grammar FocusLook at the grammar focus box Get three students to read the questions and answers to the classHave you watered the plants yet? No, I haventHave you packed the camera yet? Yes Ive already put it in my suitcaseHave you fed the cat? No I havent fed her yetLet students make up other sentences in pairs using have youyet questionsFor example: Have you had lunch yet? Have another student answer truthfully: Yes, I have or Yes, I have already had lunch, or No, I havent had lunch yetPay attention to the use of already and yet Say, When we use the words have and already, we are talking about something that happened in the past, but not a long time ago When we use the words havent and yet, we are talking about something that will happen in the future, but not a long time from now It will happen soon For example: Ive already had breakfast, but I havent had lunch yetDraw a simple diagram to help students understand the grammar focusGet some pairs to say their sentences aloud to the classA sample sentenceIve already had lunch, but I havent had supper yetCulture noteMany Americans are used to taking at least one vacation trip a year But in China, some of the students may not be in the habit of taking an annual vacation, or even making a trip to another city For some students, financial limitations and family obligations make such travel impossible For others, it may be that taking trips is not something that is mon in their home cultureStep SummaryIn this class, weve learned key vocabulary clean out, put in, turn off and the targetlanguage Have you watered the plants yet? No, I havent Have you packed the camera yet? Yes, Ive already put it in my suitcase Have you fed the cat? No I havent fed her yetStep HomeworkGet students to write some sentences according to the target languageStep Blackboard DesignUnit 14 Have you packed yet?Section AThe Second PeriodTarget languageA: Have you watered the plants yet? B: No, I havent A: Have you packed the camera yet? B: Yes, Ive already put it in my suitcaseA: Have you fed the cat? B: No I havent fed her yetUnit 14 Have you packed yet?The Third Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary chop, wood, light, village, well, farm(2) Target Language: Have you bought a newspaper? Yes, Ive already bought a newspaper2 Ability Objects(1) Train students integrating skills(2) Train the ability of expressing students own opinions3 Moral ObjectsWe should make a plan for our everyday activities and make a schedule It can remind us how to spend the time It is good for our study and life Teaching Key Point Train students integrating skills Teaching Difficult Point How to improve students integrating skills Teaching Methods1 Fast-reading method 2 Groupwork and pairwork Teaching Aids1 A projector 2 The blackboard Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionT: Yesterday we learned the target language The structure is Have youyet? Yes Ive alreadyHave you? No I haventyetNow who can make sentences using the structure?S1: Have you turned off your radio yet? S2: Yes Ive already turned it offS1: Have you finished your homework? S2: No I havent finished it yet T: Very goodStep 3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target languageShow the key vocabulary words on the screen by a projectorchop v 砍;劈 wood n 木头;木材 light v 点燃;点着village n 乡村;村庄 well n 井;水井farm n 农场;农庄Read the words and ask students to repeat again and again until they can pronounce the words fluently and accuratelyBefore reading the e-mail message, ask the students what chores do you usually do? Please tell me(do my homework, clean my room, water the plants, clean our classroom etc)Go through the instructions with the class Look at the e-mail message Let a student read the e-mail aloud to the classCorrect any pronunciation errors to make sure the student is providing a good model for the rest of the classGet students to read the e-mail message individually, and underline the different chores on their own, Check the answers with the classAnswers1 do my homework 2 take the dog for a walk 3 water my moms plants4 do some shopping 5 chop wood 6light the fire 7collect water 8 feed the animalsLet students read the e-mail again for further prehension While they are reading Walk around the classroom, offering help if they have any words or phrases they dont understandNotes1 choresmall duty or piece of work, especially ordinary everyday task (in the home, on a farm, etc )In the e-mail message, there are many chores, such as do my homework, take the dog for a walk, water my moms plants2 chattalk about unimportant things3 kid(sl) child; young person4 well(here n)shaft, usually lined with brick or stone, for obtaining water from an underground source5 anywayin any possible way; by any possible meansStep 3bThis activity provides reading, writing listening and speaking practice using the target languageLook at the pictures of the three people and read their names aloud to the classThen point to the chart Let students read the information in it Make sure students understand the information in the chart by asking questions and point out thingsT: Look at the three pictures above the chart Under each person is a list of the things he or she has done or will do today Now look at the chart What do you see in the first column?S1: Numbers Clock timesT: Thats right Those are clock timesThose times show what the three people were doing at 9:00,at 10:00,and so forth It is 12:00 noon now so the 1:00 and 2:00 times show things they will do later today What has Steve already done?S2: Hes already done his homework.Hes already bought a newspaperHes already fed the dogT: Thats correct What things hasnt he done yet?S3: He hasnt watered the plants He hasnt cleaned his room T: OK Very goodGo through the instructions with the class Put students in several groupsSay, Each student in a group will decide to be one of the people The other students in the group will ask questions to find out which person in the chart he or she has decided to be Make sure students understand how to do the exerciseLook at the example in the box Invite a pair of students to read it aloud to the classSA: Have you bought a newspaper? SB: Yes, Ive already bought a newspaperAsk students, which of the three people could it be? Can you find out? YeahIt could be Steve or EliseGet students to do the work in groupsWhile they are working, move around the classroom checking the work of each groupAsk two groups to do the work as the examplesGroup 1: Have you watered the plants? S1: Yes Ive already watered the plantsGroup 2: Have you fed the dog? S2: No I havent fed the dog yet(Person 1: Kathy; Person 2: Elise)Step Part 4This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target languageGo through the instructions with the classInvite a good student to give an example of things that he or she has and hasnt done this week: I have done my homework But I havent done some shoppingPut students in some groups of three Let students plete the work in groupsFinish the tableReview the task Get some groups to share the results of their surveysSample answersYouLi Hong (students name)Wang Bin (students name)Things I have doneScience projectPlanCleaningThings I havent done yethomeworkShoppingWashingOptional activityAsk students to write their own schedules, listing the time of day they do each thing Then get students to work in pairs Student A t


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