四川省广安市2019中考英语二轮复习 阅读理解编习题(2).doc

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2019伏龙初中中考英语阅读理解编习题(2)附答案Passage A(2019中考保健与健康类选练)Do you sleep well? If your answer is no, the following might help you.Set a certain bedtime and rising time A certain bedtime and rising time can help you build up your body clocks. Set a bedtime which is good and natural for you. Dont change your bedtime and rising time on weekends.Avoid exciting activities just before sleeping Exciting activities get your thoughts running. At the same time, if you make tomorrows plan or read an exciting story before turning off the light, it doesnt give you enough time to relax before you try to sleep.Keep the bedroom for sleeping only Its a bad habit for you to use your bedroom as a place to eat, watch TV, read, talk on the phone, or discuss important matters with your family members. Break that habit to get better sleep.Dont go to bed too earlyYour body usually lets you sleep only the number of hours it needs. You should decide how many hours you must sleep in order not to experience daytime sleepiness.Take a warm shower before your bedtimeA twenty-minute warm shower at a temperature of about 45 50 not only is a great relax at days end, but also raises your body temperature by several degrees. The ing drop in temperature of your body will naturally make you feel sleepy.1. If you want to build up your body clocks, you should _. A. set a certain bedtime and rising time B. go to bed neither too early nor too late C. keep the bedroom for sleeping only D. take a warm shower before sleeping2. Why should you avoid exciting activities just before sleeping?A. Because they will get your thoughts running B. Because you have to make tomorrows palnC. Because you should read an exciting story D. Because you will have to turn off the light.3. Your bedroom should be kept for _ only. A. talking B. eating C. reading D. sleeping4. According to the passage, _ will make you feel sleepy. A. taking a cold shower B. your body temperature droppingC. your daily experience D. raising your body temperature参考答案1A 2 A 3D 4B Passage B【*模拟】When I was a kid, my dad worked in a shop in the center of our town. Sometimes, I went to the shop with him and I made a little pocket money by buying things for his workmates. But I never paid attention to all the things and people around me. One day, as my dad and I were driving to the shop, I looked out of the window of the car and I saw an old man standing at the street corner. There was a rose in his hand, he was smelling the rose. For some reason, our eyes met and we looked at each other for about twenty seconds. There was nothing unusual about this man but the meet was unusual to me. Up to that moment in my life, I had given no thought to anyone on the street, in shops or anywhere else. I had no interest out of my family. But I was interested in that old man. For the first time I had interest in a stranger. What kind of life had he lived? Where had he been in his time?Once a great man encouraged us to “stop and smell the rose”. Now I want to tell these words to you. Stop what you are busy with and try to fully understand things and people in your eyesight. If you dont care about others on your road of life, then you are missing your life itself. 31. How did the writer make a little pocket money? A. By asking his father to give him. B. By stealing others money.C. By buying things for his fathers workmates.D. By asking in the street.32. What was the old man doing when I saw him? A. He was selling roses. B. He was walking in the street. C. He was talking to the writer. D. He was smelling a rose.33. When did the writer have interest out of his family? A. When he was a kid. B. When he met the old man with rose. C. When he went to school. D. When he went to work. 34. What is the main idea of this passage? A. If you care about others on your road of life, then you are having your life itself. B. If you care about others on your road of life, then you are missing your life itself.C. If you meet an old man with a rose in the street, then youll have interest in your life. D. If you have interest in others, then you are having your life itself. 参考答案 3135 CDBAA Passage C【*模拟】Many young people want to be pop stars. Pop stars are rich. Many people think they are leading a happy and easy life. In fact, they have very hard lives. They spend much of their time on travel. Sometimes the travel is interesting, but in most time it is boring to pop stars. The following chart is a days life of a pop star.Feb. 10, xx5:00Woke up and had breakfast in the hotel, packed bags. Took taxi to airport.7:30Plane took off half an hour later than usual for the bad weather.8:30Plane landed. Waited for luggage for half an hour. Signed for fans at the airport.9:45Arrived at the hotel and had a short rest.10:00Started out to attend the meeting with fans and gave an interview to the local reporters.11:00Went to radio station to attend the live show.12:00Had lunch with local producer.13:00Went to theatre and prepared for the nights show. The lighting of the theatre was good, but the band(乐队) did poorly.17:00Back to hotel. Tried to have a rest. Still worried about the band.18:00Had supper, but eat little.18:30Went to theatre again and got ready for show.19:00Sang very well, and audience gave a warm wele. The band improved a little.22:00Show was over. Very tired from it.23:00Back to hotel. Took a bath. Too excited to sleep, so watched TV.0:00Fell asleep, with TV on.35. According to the chart, the pop star was a _.A. singer B. dancer C. player D. pianist36. According to his plan, his plane should have taken off at _.A. 6:30 B. 7:00 C. 7:30 D.8:0037. From this passage, we get to know that _.A. not all people like pop starsB. pop stars have their own bandsC. fans are troublesome for pop stars D. to be a pop star is not all fun参考答案 3640 BDDBA Passage D(xx汕头市潮南区模拟)If youre one of those people who like to use apps to kill time, youre not alone. Here are four apps for you to spend your free time.BaicizhanFirst of all, the app tells you how many English words you need to learn every day. Thats not all. It can also be very fun. The learning process is like playing a guessing game. Instead of just showing the Chinese and English meanings of a new word, the app asks you to first choose the correct picture from four, according to an English description. And then, you can practise remembering the new word in other ways.Douban FMA digital (数字的) radio applike Douban FM might be the right music app for you. Without a playlist, you will never know what the next song is. Songs just keep playing one by one. You can use the “heart”, “trash” and “skip” buttons (按钮) to mark the songs you like, dont like, and want to cut short. Those marked with a heart will be kept in another list as your favorites for you to enjoy again at any time you want.Moment CameraApp stores have too many camera apps with filters (滤镜). They are all designed to make your smartphone camera better. But which one gives you the best influence? Moment Camera. Many people like this app because of its sequence shots (连拍) and differentsized frames (边框) for photos. But the best thing about the app is not what it does, but what it leaves out. It is simple, clean, and easy to use.FlipboardIt is one of the hottest news apps right now. But the difference with Flipboard is that you can make everything personal to you. Open up the app, choose whatever interests you, and click the “” button. In the end youll have your own magazine with news, articles, and information. So unlike the boring magazines you read in the past, you can be sure that every page of this one will interest you.()1. If you have problems in remembering English words, which app can help you?A. Baicizhan. B. Douban FM.C. Moment Camera. D. Flipboard.()2. When you use the Flipboard, you can _.A. listen to music B. know about the newsC. take pictures D. play guessing games()3. Which is Not the advantage of Moment Camera?A. It provides users with sequence shots. B. It is a kind of camera app with filters.C. Its difficult for users to use Moment Camera. D. It offers you differentsized frames for photos.()4. If you use the heart button, it means _.A. you dont like the songs at all B. you want to cut short the songsC. you want to cancel the songs D. you want to enjoy the songs again()5. What can we know from the passage?A. Douban FM is a digital radio app for you to learn about sport news.B. Baicizhan just shows the Chinese and English meanings of a new word.C. Flipboard gives you a chance to choose the news that interests you.D. Moment Camera is the only app to make your smartphone camera better.参考答案15 A B C D CPassage E 话题体裁词数难度建议用时意外事故说明文1365分钟阅读下面关于运动损伤处理的说明,进行图文配对,将相应的图片序号填入第14空格中,并完成第5小题。Every year millions of people are injured while exercising. Here are four things you can do at once after an injury. 1 Rest. Stop using the injured part of your body. Lie down if necessary. 2 Ice. Put ice in a plastic bag. Place the ice on the injured area. Leave the ice in place for 30 minutes. Take away the ice for 15 minutes. Then put the ice back on for another 30 minutes. 3 Pressing. Put a piece of clean cloth around the ice and the injured area. You should tie the cloth hard enough to hold the ice, but not too hard. 4 Lifting. Raise the injured area. If possible, raise the area higher than the level of your heart. Remember. If you have a serious injury, see a doctor as soon as possible. 5. In which part of a newspaper can you most probably read this passage? A. News. B. Health. C. Fashion. 1. 【解析】选B。根据“Lie down if necessary. ”可以判断。2. 【解析】选D。根据关键词“ice”来判断。3. 【解析】选C。根据“You should tie the cloth hard enough to hold the ice. . . ”可以判断。4. 【解析】选A。根据“Raise the injured area. ”可以判断。5. 【解析】选B。根据短文我们可以看出这是关于受伤后如何急救的一些知识,所以,我们会在报纸的“健康”部分看到。故选B。


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