2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 5 Films GrammarI》教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 5 Films GrammarI》教案 牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 5 Films GrammarI》教案 牛津版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 5 Films GrammarI教案 牛津版教学内容:grammar (I) 课时 :Period 5设计者: 审核:教学目标:1.掌握并能使用过去完成时.2.掌握并能使用should,ought to,had better, have to 及must来提出建议。I课前预习准备:一、 通过预习掌握下列单词和词组;run back to put all her effort into ballet trainingleave her magazine in the classroom out of breathlose her purse the first one to arrive二、 通过预习熟悉The Past Perfect tense语法结构 had + v.ed (动词的过去分 词) 三,通过预习大概了解过去完成时的时间状语和时间副词。四、完成下列练习跑回 把他所有的精力都投入到芭蕾舞训练中 上气不接下气 把杂志遗忘在教室里 1You _ (be ) to Shanghai before you came here in xx?2. He _ (visit ) the museum before it was burned down .3. _ she _ (go ) to school already when her house was broken this morning ? 4. _ they _ (do ) their homework before they watched TV ?II.教学内容组织和教学设计环节教学重点 : 1. To use the past perfect tense to talk about past actions2. To use the past perfect tense to ask questions about past actions教学难点: How to use the past perfect tense 。 In what situations can we use it 。二 Teaching steps 1. 导入 教师通过展示8B Unit 1 语法部分中的图片,让学生回顾已学过的现在完成时.学生回答的同时,教师将句子呈现在黑板上,并用红笔标出.通过师学生对话复习Reading 部分引出过去完成时.2.Introduce the Past Perfect Tense and the fines expression.3.Explain the examples in Part A.4.Ask students to read the sentences and find out what action happened first.5.Check the answers6.Explain words and phrases students dont understand.7.Write out the past participle of the words.8.Fill in the blanks . The students work alone.9.Tell the students the negative and the question forms.10.plete the dialogue and check the answers.11.Homework:III.知识的连接与拓展了解与过去完成时和与一般过去时的区别: 一般过去时描叙过去发生的动作或存在的状态与现在无关. 过去完成时表示动作在过去的过去动作已经完成.IV.知识的过关与检测1. 熟练掌握并使用过去完成时。(简单句和复合句中 )及各种句型的转换.2. 熟记四会单词和词组二、完成下列练习单项选择1By the time we got to the cinema ,the film for five minutes。A has begun B had begunC have been on D had been on 2She my brother for 3 years before I her 。A knows ,had met B have known ,metC had known ,met D had known , meet 3The teacher asked me how long I this book 。A borrowed B keepC has kept D had kept4The old man for three days when the police found him in the woods。A died B had diedC had been dead D was dying5 You your homework yet ? Yes ,I it before I played football。A Did finish ,finished B Have finished ,finished C Had finished ,had finished D Have finished , had finished 翻译句子1到上学期末你们学了多少英语单词?How many English words 。2到昨天晚上为在止, 他把这些单词读了三遍。By yesterday morning ,he 。3八点钟前,我们到达了那个城镇。We before 8:00。4当他们到达电影院时,电影已经开始十分钟了。When they ,the film 。5当我到达北京时,他已经离开了。He when I arrived in Beijing 。教学反思及补救措施:


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