2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit4 Lesson30教案 冀教版 .doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit4 Lesson30教案 冀教版Lesson30 Keep the Candle Burning!?Step1:复习巩固、激情导入复习:提问Lesson29知识点1-3导入: Do you think science is interesting? Why or why not?Step2:出示目标、明确任务1.牢记本课黑体词汇:match/light/burn/use up等;2.熟读课文,把握其意;3.背诵重点句子1-4,并灵活运用相关知识点。?Step3:自主学习、合作探究任务一:限时5分钟,熟读所有词汇,牢记黑体词汇任务二:熟读课文,把握其意,画出不理解处,同桌之间交流任务三:背诵重点句子,并自学知识点,画出不理解处,同桌之间交流1.Fill the dish half full of water.2.To make a candle burn, you “light” it.3.As the candle burns, it uses up oxygen in the air.4.There is about one-fifth oxygen in the air, so the water rises and fills about one-fifth of the jar.1.The candleholder is “holding” the candle.?Step4:师生互动、展示提升互动一:单词记忆比赛互动二:课文熟读接力赛互动三:知识点展示大比拼知识点一:Fill the dish half full of water.Half(1)副词意为“部分地,一半地,差不多”Eg:The bottle is only half full.(2)也可作形容词,名词,意为“半个的,一半的,一半”Eg:half a year=a half year;half an hour=a half hour;Half of them are already here.Two halves make a whole知识点二:To make a candle burn, you “light” it.Make/let/have sth./sb. do sth.意为“使某物或某人做某事”Eg: Let the candle burn for two or three minutes.知识点三:As the candle burns,it uses up oxygen in the air.1)as作连词的各种用法asas结构中第二个as是连词,它往往连接一个不完整的句子,表示比较,意思是 和一样;像一样 “Eg:John is as healthy as his sister.表示方式,意为”像,按照,如同。 “Eg:Run as I do.Leave it as it is.表示时间, 意为”当的时候,一边一边,随着“Eg: She sang as she worked.I saw him as he was getting off the bus.You will grow wiser as you grow older.表示原因, 意为”因为“Eg:As you are tired,you bad better rest.表示让步, 意为”虽然,尽管“Eg:Rich as he is ,he is not happy.Much as I like it,I will not buy it.2)use sth. up意为” 用尽,利用 “Eg:She used up the chicken bones to make soup.When the candle stops burning,it has used up all the oxygen in the air.知识点四:There is about one-fifth oxygen in the air,so the water rises and fills about one-fifth of the jar.分数的表达形式:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1,分母加s.概括为口诀:分子基,分母序。分子1,分母加s. ”Eg:1/2=one/a half=one second=one-second;1/3=one third=one-third;2/3=two thirds=two-thirds;1/4=one/a quarter=one-quarter;3/4=three quarters=three-quarters;3/5=three fifths=three-fifths;知识点五:The candleholder is “holding” the candle.hold为动词意为“拿,抓,握,抱,保持,容纳”Eg: Shall I hold your bag?He held a book in his hand.He held his head up.I dont think the car will hold you all.?Step5:巩固练习、检测验收教学反思:


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