2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7学案2 (新人教版).doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7学案2 (新人教版).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7学案2 (新人教版)【学习目标】1学习并掌握新词汇:overe,graduate,caring,ours,look back at,make a great big mess,keep ones cool2通过阅读诗歌“I Remember”让学生回忆美好的三年初中生活,激起学生最美好的记忆。【学习重点】阅读一首校园英文诗,讨论回答问题,语法总结。【学习难点】能够用自己的语言描述生活中难忘的经历。会总结自己的得失。This period we will learn a small poem called “I Remember”,first ask a few students to answer my questions about the poem.Task 1Learn the passage by themselves on P107:students read the passage silently and rapidly,know the general idea and mark the new words,phrases and sentences.【学法指导】“keep ones cool”保持冷静caring adj. 体贴人的如:I will miss the school trees and flowers and our kind and caring teachers.我会怀念学校的树木花草以及我们善良,体贴的老师。have problems with在方面有困难have problems doing sth.care about(1) 表示“在乎”“介意”。如: The only thing he cares about is money.他只在乎钱。(2) 表示“对感兴趣”。如: I dont care about your opinion.我不在乎你的意见。情景导入生成问题用多媒体教唱毕业歌,然后询问同学们,初中毕业在际,有什么美好的记忆与大家分享,有什么离别愿望想对大家说?What do you want to say to your teachers?_.What do you want to say to your classmates?_.自学互研生成能力Task 1Lets read the new words and phrases.1I can read.(我会读)预习下列单词和短语,争取自己能正确拼读。拼读成功后再在课文中把单词和短语标记出来。overe,graduate,caring,ours,look back at,make a great big mess,keep ones cool2I can write.(我会写)翻译下列短语:(1)回首look_back_at(2)克服恐惧感的自豪pride_of_overing_fear (3)为做准备prepare_for(4)弄得一团糟make_a_great_big_mess(5)保持我的清高或冷静keep_my_cool(6)尽力赶上早读try_to_be_on_time_for_morning_reading3I can summarize.(我会总结)keep ones cool 沉住气;保持冷静。cool用作名词如:“I must keep my cool,” she thought.“Losing my temper isnt going to help.”与keep ones cool意思相似的有keep cool!保持冷静!Task 2Lets read 3a and get the main idea of the passage.1Fast reading.(快速阅读)快速阅读这篇文章,画出你不明白的词组、句子。2Intensive reading.(精读)Read the passage and answer the questions.(1)What kind of writing is this?This_is_a_poem.(2)What is the main subject of this writing?The_main_subject_is_the_writers_memories_of_school_over_the_last_three_years.(3)Who do you think the writer is?The_writer_is_the_student_who_is_just_about_to_graduate.3I can retell.(我会复述)你能写下文章的要点,并根据他们进行复述吗?大胆挑战下自我吧!请在黑板上书写这些要点。Task 21Fast reading.(1)Students read the passage silently and rapidly,try to be familiar to the general idea,finish the tasks in 3a.(2)Students try translating the more difficult sentences in the passage.2Intensive reading.Students read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks with the words in the box in 3b.3I can retell.Students sort out the text and try retelling the passage according to the table in English.【备注】I rememberLooking back at these past three years I remember many thingstrying to be on timeI remember the excitement: the school sportsPride ofI remember starting dayshyestthinking Inot passThen slowly made new friends.Helping each othertogether.Preparing for art festivalsbig messHaving funWishing everyone the bestWe have learned a different languageEnglish bringsNow time to graduateWe will leaveKeep my coolnot to cryWonderful memories of ours交流展示生成新知Preshow:Show in groups.(Time:six minutes)Task 1:1.First,the students read the words and phrases in groups.Then,read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups.2Students open the textbooks on P107 and learn the passage by themselves.Next,finish“I can write” in Task 1 carefully in groups,the group leaders check to see which member is the best and discuss them together.3All the groups try to summarize some key grammar by teaching themselves and referencing the notes on the text on P132.Task 2:1.First,the students discuss the main idea of the article, find out the key sentence of each paragraph.And mark them in the passage.Mark the sentences they dont understand.2Next,finish the tasks in 3a and 3b.3Read the poem expressively after the tape and then fill the blank in Task 2,students had better retell the poem.Improve by showing:Class show.(Time:sixteen minutes)Task 1:1.I can read.(1)Read together,pay attention to the pronunciation of “overe”and “graduate”;(2)Sum up and explain the usage of “remember”2I can write.(1)Students translate the phrases into English by answering quickly; (2)Read together;(3)Spot test:Consolidate the usage of phrases by making sentences.Task 2: 1.Fast reading.(1)Students read the article with the questions in 3a; (2)Students answer the three questions by answering quickly and know where the answers are in the text.2Intensive reading.Students check the answers in Task 2 and 3b,then check the answers in the whole class.3I can retell.Students write the key points on the blackboard and try to retell the text in English.当堂演练达成目标一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。excite,we,love,care,graduate1Their school is very beautiful,ours is even more beautiful.2Helen is a caring woman and she is always considering others more than herself.3Luke worked as a manager after graduating from university.4Ill never forget the exciting of the school art festival.5Jessica is a lovely girl with two big eyes.二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1当我们面对困难时,我们应该沉住气。We should keep our cool when we face difficulties.2当我回想起那些日子,我禁不住笑了。When I looked back to those days,I couldnt help laughing.3迈克在他妈妈出去的时候把卧室搞得一团糟。 Mike made a mess in the bedroom when his mother went out.4彼得来自异国他乡。Peter is from a foreign land5我们在准备期末测试。Were preparing for the final exam.课后反思查漏补缺收获:_存在困惑:_

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