2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 1 The Developing World》Topic3 SectionA 教案 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 1 The Developing WorldTopic3 SectionA 教案 仁爱版The main activities are 1a , 1b and 3. 本课重点活动是1a, 1b和3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words:manage, medical, treatment, provide, granddaughter, grandchild, fire, stairs, downstairs.2. Learn direct speech and indirect speech:(1) “What are you reading, Jane?” Maria asked. (2) Jane said that this program helped homeless people return to work and live a normal life. 3. Master word formation: pounds. 4. Learn to help others in trouble. . Teaching aids 教具多媒体/图片(流浪者/灾难)/小黑板或幻灯片/“找朋友”歌曲. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)(通过人口过密带来很多问题,引出本课话题。)T: Who can show your opinions about population problem to us?S1:The large population problem is very serious now. And in every minute about 261 babies will be born in the world. If we dont pay any attention to the problem, it will cause many difficulties. We will be short of energy and water. There is heavy traffic So we must do something to control the population and we should e up with ways to reuse the rubbish and try to develop new resources. S2:(和上一个同学观点可能基本相同)If we dont control the population, people will have no places to live in. Many people will lose their jobs and their living conditions will get worse and worse. The crime will increase, and the society will be dangerous. (教师总结点评。) T: Your opinions are correct and clear. Yes, if we dont control it, there will be more people to have no house to live in and no food to eat. It will bring the government a lot of pressure. So the government must provide them with food and living places. (教师可以口头解释“the people to have no house to live in”means “the homeless people”让同学们感知 “homeless”。)(板书并讲解provide。)provide: offerprovide sb. with sth.T: The people in many places are very poor. They are homeless. What should we do for them if we see the homeless people?(引导学生如何向处于困境的人献爱心。)S3:I want to give some money to them.T: (指着S3问全班学生)What did S3 say just now?(教师转述引出间接引语并板书。)T: S3 said he wanted to give some money to them. S4: I will take them to my home.T: What did S4 say? (教师和学生一起回答。) S4 said she/he would take them to her/his home. S5: But is your house big enough to hold so many people? T: What did S5 ask?He asked if her/his house was big enough to hold so many people. S6: (引导学生做几个直接引语变间接引语的练习。) T: Your ways are not bad. But I really hope that all the people can take action to control the population and improve our living conditions. For the problem, the government has managed to solve it. (教师释义领读manage。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:7分钟)(展示几幅流浪者,灾难图片,让学生体会,唤起同情心。)T: Lets listen to 1a twice and try to find out the answer to the question. (教师在黑板上或在幻灯片上呈现听力任务。)What measures does every government decide to take to help the homeless people?(这个问题很难,学生听两遍可能不会完全得到正确答案然后让学生翻书阅读。)T:Please open your books and read it carefully again and find out the correct answer. You can discuss it in groups. (学生讨论之后,让学生给出答案。)S1:It provides medicine for homeless people. S2:It provides them with nice homes. S3: It trains them so that they can find jobs again. T: I think you are right. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:12分钟)1. T: Please read the dialog in 1a again and then I will ask some of you to act it out. (在学生准备的过程中,教师在黑板上写下关键词。)a program that helps homeless people; return to work and live a normal life; people in need; food and medical treatment; nice homes;train them; feel good about; for the better. T: OK. Stop here. Lets invite some groups to e to front of the class and act out the dialog. Try to involve yourself in the real situation. (几组同学表演过后,教师点评。) T: G1 act well. G2 is creative Now please answer the question according to the passage. You should sum up and describe it in your own words. The question is: What does the successful program do for homeless people? (为了巩固本课重点活动,用此问题让同学进一步熟悉此对话内容。) S1: The program is to help homeless people. It can help them return to work and live a normal life. It provides them with good food and medicine, nice living places and trains them so that they can find jobs again. 2. T: Your description is very correct. Next, lets play a game “Follow me”. Ill give you an example. You must do it like that. (为了巩固间接引语,设计一个“跟我学”的游戏。) T: Im reading a newspaper. You must say: The teacher said she was reading a newspaper. Do you understand me? Ss:Yes. T: OK. Lets begin. My father is a doctor. Ss: The teacher said her father was a doctor. (教师总结一下间接引语的肯定句用法。) T: Be careful. If I say “Are there homeless people in Canada?” You must say: The teacher asked if there were homeless people in Canada. Do you understand me? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Lets begin. Is the worlds population 6. 5 billion? Ss:The teacher asked if the worlds population was 6. 5 billion. (总结一下间接引语疑问句用法,讲述与肯定句的不同,让学生会区分它们的用法。) T: Now. You can write two sentences yourselves. Then ask one by one. T: Are you ready? Lets begin from me. This city has a wonderful program to help homeless people. S1: The teacher said that this city had a wonderful program to help homeless people. How oldare you, S2? S2: S1 asked how old I was. S2: Can you dance? S3: S2 asked if I could dance. S3: China is developing quickly. S4: S3 said China was developing quickly. S4: S5: (三分钟后停止游戏。)3. T:Open your books and finish 1b. Then we check the answers. (教师指导一下,如何完成。) Example: What are you reading, Jane? Maria asked Jane what she was reading. (学生就很快会完成另外五句的间接或直接引语,让学生起来回答。)S2:Are there homeless people in Canada?S3:Jane told Maria every country has homeless people. S4:This program helps homeless people return to work and live a normal life. Maria asked Jane how they managed it. T: You did very well. Lets read the four sentences together. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:11分钟)1. T:Though there are many homeless people in the world, the world is full of love. Lets know a girl called Carly, please listen to the tape in 2 and choose the right answers. (教师播放两遍2录音后,找同学核对答案。请学生思考如何把这四个问题转换成本课知识点,把直接引语变成间接引语。) T:Who can retell it? Try your best and take it easy. The more, the better. S1, you are the first. S1:Carly is a 16-year-old Indian girl. T:What did he/she say? S2, please. S2:He/She said Carly was a 16-year-old Indian girl. T: OK, lets go on to retell it. S3, please. S3: Her parents died in the flood. T: What did he/she say? S4, please. S4:He/She said her parents died in the flood. 2. (通过本环节的训练,锻炼了同学们听的能力及口语表达能力,同时巩固了直接引语变间接引语。) (教师设置情景,引入合成词的讲解。)T: Excellent. I think you may be tired. Lets have a break and listen to a song.(教师放歌曲“找朋友”。)T: We hope we have many friends who can get along with us. English words also have their own friends. Lets help them find good friends. (用小黑板或幻灯片出示3。)T:You can do it in groups. (学生讨论两分钟后,请同学口头完成,并猜测词义。)T: Who has helped them find friends? Then guess their meanings. S5:“mother”and “land”are good friends. I think its meaning is “祖国”. S6:“basket”and “ball”are good friends. It means “篮球”. S7:“birth”and “day” are good friends. Its meaning is“生日”. T:Youre very helpful. We should often help each other. In English, there are many words like these. Its for us to make our vocabulary bigger. Lets try to give more examples, please do it in groups. (学生讨论过后,让各组汇报本组讨论结果。对表现最佳,说出合成词最多的小组给予表扬。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)(学生口述合成词时,教师在黑板上写出几个合成词让他们猜测词意。)1. T: OK. Stop here. Please look at the pounds on the blackboard and guess their meanings in groups. earthquake nightdress bystanderblueprint baby-sitter townsman(学生讨论后,说出词意,猜不出来的教师给出答案。)2. Homework: Find out more examples and add them to your vocabulary. 板书设计:Project Hope has changed my life.Section Ahomeless peopleWhat are you reading, Jane?in needIm reading a newspaper from Canada, Maria.provide sb. with sth.Maria asked Jane what she was reading.provide sth. for sb.Jane said that she was reading a newspaper from Canada.grand songrandsonAre there homeless people in Canada, Jane?down stairsdownstairsMaria asked Jane if there were homeless people in Canada.

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