2019-2020年九年级英语下册 Module 7 Eating together教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语下册 Module 7 Eating together教案 外研版Teaching style: Listening and speaking.Teaching objectives:1. To learn and understand the topic words through talking and listening. 2. To understand the conversation about the party.3. To describe an eating experience.Teaching points:1. Main points1) Key vocabulary -finger, basket, bread, fork, knife, lemonade, pancake, serve, spoon, hold, hot, roll.2) Key structures: -I have been asked to decorate the hall. Pizza was invented in Italy. 2. Difficult points: how to understand the conversation Teaching aids: Some flashcards, tape recorder, video picture etc.Teaching procedure:Step 1. RevisionGreetingsCheck homework.Revise food and drink.Step 2. Presentation 1. Make the students work in pairs. Look at the party invitation and answer the questions “Whats a school leavers party? Whats a traditional dish? ”etc.2. Play the tape. Make students listen and answer the questions. Use the words and expressions to help.Step 3. Listen and read 1. Listen to the tape and answer the question: “Whens the party?” Then have a check.2. Then listen to the tape the second time, plete the table with notes. Listen again and have a check. Make students read the conversation carefully, answer the questions. The teacher has a check. 3. Explain the important points if necessary.Step 4. Pronunciation and speaking1. Work in pairs. Play the tape through several times while they listen and follow. Let the students read the sentences. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the stress of the sentences. 2. Work in pairs. Say the sentences aloud. Make sure you pause after each sense group. Then make students listen and check.Step 5. Work in pairs, make plans for a party. Think about food and drink, decoration,music and dancing. Then make students work with another pair. Talk about your parties, and say what plans have been made.Step 6. PracticeRevise the words and structures in this unit. Then do some exercises. 一、首字母填空 1. I can feel it in my f_, I can feel it in my toe. 2. Put a s_ of relish on the dish. 3. Sichuan food is very h_. We like it. 4. I eat a piece of b_ and two eggs for breakfast.5. Westerners eat their meals with k_ in their right hand and f_ in their left hand.6. The hall can h_ 5,000 people.二、根据汉语完成句子1. 我想食物可以在学校的厨房被加热,但是必须在家烹调好了。I suppose it can_ _ _ in the school kitchen, but it should be cooked at home.2. 我已经被要求去装饰大厅。I _ _ _ to _ the hall.3. 匹萨饼是在意大利发明的。Pizza _ _ in Italy.4. 我明白你的意思。I see _ _ _Key: 一、1. fingers 2. spoon 3. hot 4. bread 5. knife, fork 6. hold 二、1. be heated up 2. have been asked decorate 3. was invented 4. what you mean. Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most food.Teaching style: Reading and writing Teaching objectives:1. To get information from the reading material and do the exercise.2. To know the way of eating a western meal.3. To improve the skills of reading.Teaching points:1. Main points:1) Key vocabulary: Roman, saying, cheers, plate, explanation, cross, generally, over.2) Key structures: -Knives and forks are used for most food. Youll be invited to serve yourself.2. Difficult points: The passive voice. Teaching aids: tape recorder, handoutTeaching procedure:Step 1. Revision Revise the words and the structures in unit 1.Make students ask and answer questions about the dialog in unit 1.Step 2. PresentationThe teacher asks the students look at the photo of a western meal. Make them think what things they see at a meal in china, and what things are different. (They use a knife and fork.)Step 3. Reading1. Ask the students to read the passage the first time and answer the questions on page 58. Have a check.2. Read it again; plete the column in the west with notes. Ask the students to do the activity individually, and then check with a partner. Call back the answers from the whole class 3. Work in pairs and answer the questions in Activity 4. First do it individually, and then check with a partner. Have a check. Explain if necessary.4. Make the students read the passage again. Ask “what are the most surprising pieces of information about meals and eating customs in the west?” Then have a discussion.Step 4. Writing1. First, plete the column in China in Activity 3 with notes about meals and eating customs in china. pare the differences of eastern and western customs.2. Make the students write a passage for a tourist magazine with western readers called “when in china, do as the Chinese do.” Circulate and monitor their production. 3. Make some students read their writing.Unit 3 Language in useTeaching style: Revision and applicationTeaching objectives:1. To check and practice vocabulary and sentences learned in this module.2. To summarize and consolidate tenses learned before.3. To use the passive voice.Teaching points:1. Key structures: -blind, sense, taste, owner, bee, officer, course.2. Difficult points: how to use the “be+vpp”.Teaching method: Formal and interactive practiceTeaching aids: tape recorder, OHP, handoutsTeaching procedure:Step 1. Revision Revise the vocabulary in Unit 1 and 2.Revise the structures.Step 2. Presentation1. Ask the students to read the important sentences in this module.2. Revise the grammar. Make the students take notes.Step 3. Practice 1. Write sentences to explain these signs.2. plete the passage with the correct form of the verbs. Pay attention to the passive voice. Then have a check.3. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and say what you think happened.4. plete the newspaper report. Use the correct form of the words in the box. 5. Answer the questions about the words in the box.Step 4. Listening1. Make the students listen to the tape and match the conversations with the pictures. Then have a check.2. Listen again and choose the best answer. Then have a check.Step 5. Reading Make the students read the e-mail and answer the questions. Then the teacher has a check.Step 6. Around the worldMake students read the notes to learn the birthday parties in the USA. Step 7. PracticeDescribe an eating experience. 1. Describe a special or unusual meal they have eaten.2. pare the list with other students.3. Write a plete list on the board.Step 8. Do some exercises一、选择填空1. I want to know if there _ an English evening tomorrow. If we _ it, I should get ready for it. A. is, will hold B. will be, holdC. will be, will hold D. will have, hold 2. -Who is the girl in the photo?-Its my sister. The photo _ 5 years ago. A. took B. is taken C. has taken D. was taken 3. -_ my new book? I cant find it anywhere.- I _ it on the shelf when I came in.A. Did you see, have seen B. Have you seen, sawC. Did you, saw D. Have you seen, have seen 4. -Our school looks very beautiful.- Yes, lots of trees and grass _ last year.A. are planted B. have planted C. were planting D. were planted 5. -Whats wrong with the food?- It _ terrible.A. is tasting B. is tasted C. tastes D. tasted二、用适当的动词形式填空1. A lot of food _ to that poor family after the fire was over. (send)2. The trees must _ in spring (plant).3. Dad, you _ on the phone (want).4. If your mother _ , so will your father (invite).5. He was heard _in the next room just now (sing).Key:一、1-5 D. D. D. D .C二、1. was sent 2. be planted 3. are wanted 4. is invited 5. to sing


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