2019-2020年初中英语 中考完型填空课程资料教案.doc

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2019-2020年初中英语 中考完型填空课程资料教案1中考完型填空概述分析22中考完形填空的命题趋势33完形填空的设计特点44完形填空的考查点54.1完形填空与单项选择题的区别54.2完形填空与阅读理解的异同55中考完形填空解题方法66中考完形填空高分突破106.1解题技巧篇106.2能力提高篇127中考真题连线157.105年北京中考157.206年北京中考题167.307年北京中考真题177.408年北京中考真题187.509年北京中考真题208附录:中考完形填空核心短语228.1动词词组(包括短语动词)、介词词组和其他词组228.2动词短语、介词短语和其他词组298.3量词词组和其他词组321 中考完型填空概述分析完形填空题是通过阅读考查学生语言知识及语言知识 综合运用能力的一种测试形式。在一段难度适度的文章中留出10个空白,要求考生从所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使补足的短文意思通顺、结构完整。完形填空主要考查以下三个方面的内容:1. 词汇:此类题目考查的内容是:近义词的区别,词语的固定搭配和习惯用法。近几年中考题中的完型填空题考查的词汇类别涉及到名词、代词、动词、介词、连词、形容词、副词和短语动词。2. 语法:此类题目考查的是:各种语法规则在文章中的运用。其中包括名词的单复数,形容词、副词的比较等级,动词的时态和语态,介词、数词、代词和连词的用法,主谓一致,各种从句的用法等。3. 结构:此类题目考查的是:文章中间句子与句子之间,段落与段落之间,上文与下文之间的逻辑关系。2 中考完形填空的命题趋势下表是对xx年全国各省市中考课改实验区的完形填空题统计:题材故事科普文化人物风土人情体育篇数24113812百分比492261624体裁记叙文说明文应用文议论文其他篇数3111331百分比6322662通过上表的分析以及综合北京xx年中考完形填空试题的分析,我们可以看出完形填空在近几年及今后的命题趋势:1. 所选短文题材多样化,以记叙文、说明文为主,其他题材为辅。2. 所选短文内容更加新颖,更富有时代气息。更贴近学生的校园生活和现代生活。3. 考察的重点已由在语篇中单纯考察语法转向了对语篇综合理解能力的考察。3 完形填空的设计特点完形填空一般有如下几个特点:1. 完形填空所选的文章比较多的是情节明了、层次分明、内容易懂的故事性或记叙性的文体,文中较少出现生词,这样有助于考生整体理解和思路畅通。完形填空所选文章一般较之同一份试卷中的阅读理解题所选的文章,其难度要略低一些。2. 完形填空的选文篇幅一般在170-220单词之间;空缺处的密度一般是每5-15单词一空。3. 以意义填空为主,重点考查词语搭配、词语辨析、逻辑推断、前后呼应等,有时兼顾一些讲英语国家的语言及生活习惯等。词语搭配包括习惯用语、动词、形容词、副词、介词、名词等的相互搭配;词语辨析包括近义词的辨析和易混词的辨析;逻辑推断包括根据上下文的信息判断和逻辑关系,如转折、递进、因果、条件、让步等关系,也包括根据上下文内容,选出一个意思与内容相符合的词或词语;前后呼应是指有些句子如果孤立地理解,可能有多个选择,并且意思都能成立,但把前后文结合或联系起来理解,就只能有一个选择。4 完形填空的考查点完形填空主要考两个方面:考生的阅读能力和词汇知识。4.1 完形填空与单项选择题的区别一些同学把完形填空误认为只是短文形式的单项选择,因为目前我们所采取的完形填空的形式是在一篇较为完整的文章中去掉若干词语,然后在文章之后为每一空提供四个可供选择的单词或词组,由考生根据对上下文内容的理解和分析,选出自己认为正确和合理的一项。其实,完形填空和单项选择填空是两个不同的考试题型,其着重点也是不同的。从近几年中考命题的趋势来看,完形填空的设计更突出了能力的考查,而象单项选择中的一部分题目那样单纯考语法在该题中几乎是不予考虑的。在完形填空这一题中你会发现,多数考题中所出现的四个选项从语法的角度来分析往往都是正确的。在你尚未完全读懂整篇文章时,你无法选出正确答案。因此,若是你平时缺乏阅读能力方面的训练,想在完形填空一题上取得高分是不大可能的。4.2 完形填空与阅读理解的异同完形填空中还考词汇知识,也就是说,该题提供大量的单词、词组作为选项,考查你是否能完全理解这些词或词组的正确意思,或更确切地说是这些词或词组在该语言环境中所表现出来的特定意义。当然,这些特定意义还包括文化上的意义。如果你没有做过大量的词汇和短语训练,也很少语言实践,则很难把握每一个选项的确切意思,更无法看出一些词语在某种语境之中所表达出来的特定含义,因此,你就很难避免在这一题上失分。5 中考完形填空解题方法1. 通读全文,把握文章主旨,洞察作者写作意图 通读全文是做完形填空之前必不可少的工作,在快速阅读的过程中,不要急于看选项,而要一口气读到底,以求综观全文,获得对文章内容的整体了解,从而确定作者的 写作意图,判断自己的 基本思路。 2. 重视首段,“好的开始是成功的一半” 完形填空中,第一句一般不设空。通过认真分析首段,可发现首段多向读者交代了事件发生的时间、地点、背景、人物、起因等,使读者在下面的阅读中有一个清晰的语境。 如:Do you wake up every day feeling too tired, or even upset? if so,then a new alarm clock could be just for you . The clock, called SleepSmart, measures your sleep cycle, and waits_1_ you to be in your lightest phase of sleep_2_rousing you. Its makers say that should_3_you wake up feeling refreshed every morning. 1. A. beside B. near C. for D. around 2. A. upon B. before C. towards D. till 3. A. ensure B. assure C. require D. request 本文通过问答的方式引出主题一款新型闹钟在清晨叫醒你的时候能让你精神振奋,从而为下文的进一步描写作了铺垫。第1小题主要是考察一个固定用法wait for sb. to do something;而2小题主要考查句子含义;第3小题照应第一段中所提及的情况。因此,这3个小题的答案分别应为 C、B、A。 3. 记住十二字方针“上下求索,左右逢源,瞻前顾后” 完形填空中,我们常会发现上一句的答案就隐藏在下一句中,或上一段为下一段作铺垫。因此当遇到自己拿不准的地方时,一定不能心慌,应耐心地看下去。 如:The other leading to a deep, dark cave, which was endless,_poison flowed instead of water and where devils(恶魔) and poisonous snakes hissed and crawled. A. which B. that C. whose D. where 这个句子很明显是在考查一些基本的语法。将语法考查应用于完形填空是近年来考查学生英语综合能力的大趋势。这个句子对于连词的考查 ,即使你不能正确地分析句子的类型也一样也可以做得到,因为该句中一个and 体现了两个句子是同类从句的并列使用,那么选出正确答案就相当容易了。本题的答案应为D。 有时,为了使文章生动活泼,作者会使用一些比喻或排比的写作手法。那么这时就要停下来分析他们之间的内在联系,来确定正确答案。 如:It was New Years night. An aged man was standing at a window. He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep_1_sky, where the stars were _2_ like white lilies(百合花) on the surface of a clear calm lake. 1. A. grey B. blue C. black D. cloudy2. A. floating B. flashing C. hanging D. shining 有很多同学在做这两道题时都会误选C 和C 。究其原因是第一句中出现了一个关键词night,因此很多同学都认为天空应该是黑色的,而按照常规思维星星又似乎是挂在天空上的。但是,此题中有很明显的一个比喻句,因此解题的突破口就在这个比喻句上了。我们都知道,只有在两种情况有相似性的时候才使用比喻。那么仔细分析后面的句子,我们会发现百合花在平静的水面上,会是一种什么意境呢?把星星比做百合花,那么天空就是平静的湖水了,众所周知,平静的湖水应该是蓝色的,而且花在水上应该是飘着的。因此这两小题的正确答案应为B 和A。 4. 充分考虑语法和词汇在完形填空中的应用 如:When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had bee fam ous as radio mentators were able to be effective on TV. Some of the difficulties they experienced when they were trying to _1_ themselves to the new medium were technical. When working on radio, for example, they had bee _2_ to seeing on the behalf of the listener. This _3_ of seeing for others means that the mentator has to be very good at talking, . 1. A. turn B. adaptC. alterD. modify 2. A. experienced B. determinedC. establishedD. accustomed3. A. efficiency B. technologyC. artD. performance 在第 1题中,adapt动词常与to搭配,表示“适应”,因此,要注意动词或词组的搭配;第2题也是习惯搭配,be /bee accustomed to sth./doing sth.表示“习惯于”,其中to为介词,注意上下文联系,to seeing正好符合要求;第3题关键是抓住空白处后的介词of,of前后是同格关系,即seeing for others和空白处所要填入的名词表示同一意思。因此这几个小题的正确答案应为B、 D、 D。 5. 注意句子间的逻辑关系 一般所填空格的句子与上下文可构成指代、列举、因果、比较、对比、让步、补充、递进等逻辑关系。根据上下文的逻辑关系并结合所给选项的基本含义来确定。 如: The foreign research scholar usually isolates himself in the laboratory as a means of protection;_ , what he needs is to befitted into a highly organized university system. A. otherwise B. moreover C. however D. also 根据上下文,空格前的意思为“外籍研究学者通常把自己隔离在实验室里作为一种保护的手段”。空格后为“他需要融入的是高度的组织化的大学系统”。前者是一种孤离的状态isolate,而后者是一种组织化的系统befitted to a higly organized university,从逻辑角度而言,前后已然成为对立、矛盾的关系。所以答案应为表示对比(转折)关系的连词however。 6. 排除法在完形填空中的应用如:“In the United States professors have many other duties 1teaching, such as administrative or research work. 2, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class limited.” 1. A. but B. except C. with D. besides 2. A However B. Therefore C. Furthermore D. Nevertheless 在完形填空中,经常会出现同性元素,而所谓的同性元素就是指具有相同的含义,同样的语法功能以及一致用法的两个或多个选项,只要具备以上几个条件,它们相互之间就构成了同性元素。其实,同性元素的出现,是出题者黔驴技穷的表现,往往是为了凑足4个选项不得已而为之的。分析以上两题选项,很明显1题中A与B互为同性元素,意思与语法功用一模一样,均表示“除了(不包含)”。 2题中A与D也如出一辙,均是表示转折的连词,译为“然而,但是”,选项中一旦出现同性元素,它们必定不是正确答案,一旦发现选项中有同性元素存在,考生应立即将其排除掉。这样一来1题只剩下可选答案C、D,2题只剩下B、C,可选范围大大缩小,再根据上下文逻辑关系的判定即可得出正确答案和B。 7. 做好检查 填好空格后,应细读一遍,看文章是否完整,用词是否达意,上下文是否连贯,有无前后矛盾、逻辑错误,特别是一些考查词语搭配的地方要仔细斟酌。若在情景、语法、词汇、逻辑等方面都顺理成章的话,这篇完形填空就比较成功了。6 中考完形填空高分突破6.1 解题技巧篇1. 上下文暗示法He went to prepare a bill for it. But when the owner gave it to him, the thief looked very (9) _ and said, “I didnt mean to get something as expensive as that. Do you have anything (10) _?”9. Asurprised B. unhappy C. excited D. angry 9. surprised, 店主开出的价格肯定是很高,超出了小偷所想象的范围,这由下句“I didnt mean to get something as expensive as that .”也会得到启示的。所以当小偷看到价格时会感到很吃惊。10. A. else B. expensive C. better D. cheaper10. cheaper, 对应前边的 “as expensive as that” 可知这里应该填cheaper。这也是同expensive 相对比的原因。2. 逻辑推理法这种方法也叫语境推测法。完形填空题是一篇有完整内容的文章,各段各行之间有着逻辑上的必然联系。在所提供的选项中,有的从语法角度考虑是正确的,从语意上考虑就会自相矛盾,出现不合逻辑的现象。这时应从文章和句子的意思入手,对语法无误的几个选项通过分析对比,选出最符合上下文内在联系的答案。如:Harry Potter has just e, so he has _ friends in our class.A. much B. little C. few D. quite a fewmuch 和 little 不能和后面的可数名词 friends 连用,应先排除前两个选项;后面的两个选项都符合语法规则,都可以被选。这时,需要从语意上分析,既然“哈里波特刚刚来这儿”,按逻辑推理“在班上没几个朋友”才对。因此,应选表示否定意义的不定代词 few。如果把逻辑词 so 换成连词 but,就成了“虽然哈里波特刚刚来这儿,但是却有相当多的朋友”,这时选 D 才对。3. 固定搭配法(后附完形填空核心短语搭配表)英语中,固定句型和短语结构不仅是学习的难点,也是完形填空题测试的重点。固定搭配形式较多,有名词短语搭配、动词短语结构、介词短语搭配及成语等。这些固定搭配都是语言在长期的发展和演变过程中形成的,是语言的精华。只有在平时学习中认真积累,做题时才能得心应手。做这类题时,几乎不需要进行什么分析,立马就能锁定正确答案。如:I saw Mr Green _ my way home.A. in B. of C. on D. toon ones way home 是个固定搭配,意思是“在回家的路上”,据此就可马上选定 C。4. 固定句式判断法 Life is not easy, so Id like to say “when anything happens, believe in yourself.” When I was 14, I was _ nervous to talk to anyone. My classmates often laughed at me.A. so B. too C. very D. quite在这里运用了tooto句型,表示太而不能,在这里表示我太紧张而不敢跟人说话,所以选B。 5. 词义辨析法Yang Liwei was born in an ordinary family in Liaoning Province in 1965. He became a pilot of the Chinese Air Force 1987. He _ 1,350 hours in the air.A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost解析:动词辨析。四个选项都有“花费”的意思,pay和spend的主语一般是人,pay多指花费金钱,spend多指花费时间,金钱和精力;take常用于句型“it takes sb. Some time to do sth.”, it 作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式,多指花费时间;cost主语常是物,多指花费时间,金钱和劳力。本句主语是he,排除C和 D,空格后是1,350小时,故选B.6. 关键信息提示法_like me-books because they like to see in print their own names, their pictures, and the name of their friends and their pets. But more important, in this way, readers are much more interested in reading the stories. Me_books are helping children to learn how to read.A. Writers B. Children C. panies D. Friends解析:在上题中,由最后一句可知是Children. 7. 了解生活常识,确定相关知识The officers jumped into their cars and rushed to thehospital.A. animal B. biggest C. plant D. nearest在这样的紧急情况下,人们的第一个反应是到最近的医院就医,因此答案为D。6.2 能力提高篇除了对完形填空的特点、解题方法以及解题技巧要做到了然于胸,要想在完形填空上取得高分万万不能忽视平时的能力训练。1. 进行一定量的阅读训练以提高自己的英语语感和对文章的理解能力。由于完形填空重点考查的是一个考生的阅读能力,因此,提高自己的阅读能力是提高在完形填空中的得分的关键。阅读能力的提高是和你阅读的量成正比的。阅读的量越大,你的阅读能力就越强。因此,有计划、有步骤地进行一定量的阅读训练是相当重要的。在进行阅读训练时,除了检测自己在阅读中的理解情况之外,还要对阅读文章中所出现的重点词和词组进行认真的学习和研究。对于重要的句式句型等也要进行认真的研究、总结并作整理和记忆。同类句型在今后的做题中肯定会多次出现,如不作整理和记忆则无法产生较好的语感,对于英语句子所表达的意思的理解只能一直停留在模糊阶段,更谈不上阅读能力的快速提高,而阅读能力得不到提高就直接危及到完形填空一题的正确率的提高。2. 加强词汇知识方面的训练,努力提高词汇的识记和理解能力。有人以为,提高自己的词汇知识无非就是要死记硬背词汇表,把每一个单词都熟记在心。其实,背诵词汇表只是词汇知识掌握的第一步,虽然这一步非常重要也是必不可少的。我们知道,一个单词或词组在具体的上下文中会有不同的意思,而许多这样的意思也许在你的词汇表上并没有标出。要知道,语言的生命力在于它的灵活性。一个词甚至是一个非常普通的词,在一定的语言环境下说话者可能会赋予它特定的意思,从而达到某种语义效果。如果你缺乏一定的语汇训练,在一个不同的语言环境中,你硬是用你从词汇表上所背到的词义去理解,也许会永远不理解句子所要表达的真正含义。要提高自己在词汇知识方面的能力,你要做的工作是:首先,在熟记每一单词的基本词义的同时,多记一些该单词的各种常见词义下的重要例句;其次,平时应多作一些记录和积累工作,把自己从阅读中所见到的一些所学单词的有用的表达法记录下来,并经常诵读;另外,不妨多学一些构词知识,如英语单词中的词性转换、前后缀、合成词等,这些知识也可以在一定程度上提高你的词汇知识。当然,我们这里所说的要让大家去多记一些单词的活用词义并不是说要让大家把所有大词典上所列的已学过的单词的各个词义全部记下来,因为这是没有必要也是不可能的。这里所强调的只是要求大家能重视对所学单词的活用意义的掌握,也就是说,要求大家不要死扣单词的个别词义,或者仅把英文单词和中文释义作简单的一一对应。下面举一些词语在一定的语言环境中具有某种特定含义的例子,请同学们用心研究,并注意单词意义的多样性和灵活性。例1:Theres a coat of dust on the desk. (桌子上积了一层灰尘。请注意coat的一般意思:如:Frith helped me into my coat.)例2:Wed better have the room aired. (我们最好让房间通通风。Air的本意是“空气”,作名词,这里转换为动词。类似的还有:have the wheel oiled 给轮子加点油。)例3:Its ages since we went to the movies. (我们好长时间没去看电影了。这里的ages不能翻译成它的基本意“年龄”。另外,在句子Yesterday we paid a visit to the home for the aged.中,the aged则表示“老年人”的意思。)例4:At noon the sun beat down on our heads as we walked home. (中午我们回家时太阳晒着我们。注意beat在此处为“(烈日)照射”之意。)例5:The train was late, so we killed time by playing cards. (火车晚点了,我们打牌来打发时间。注意这里的kill不能理解成“杀死”,而应该理解成“消磨(时间)或“打发(时间)”之意。)例6:Have we got enough money with us to meet all expenses? (我们身边的钱够付所有的费用吗?这里的meet已由原来的“会见、迎接”转义成“满足(需要、开销、愿望等)”。)例7:To tell you the truth, I really cant stand his calmness over this matter. (说实话,我实在受不了他在这件事情上的冷静。这里的stand不能翻译成“站立”,否则全句意思不好理解。)例8:She holds a 60% interest in that farm. (她拥有那个农场的60的股权。这里,interest不再是“兴趣”之意。)上面的例句中的一些单词都是及其普通的,但它们在一些特定的句子中却具有不同的意思,而这些特定的词义也并不是说话者随心所欲乱加的,它们是从单词原来的意思上拓展开来的。掌握这些词汇知识,有助于对完形填空考题的准确理解,从而进一步提高正确率,以取得高分。因此希望同学们平时能做有心人,增加自己的语汇训练,多做这方面的记忆。3. 多进行完形填空的训练。平时多做完形填空的训练可以有效地提高实战能力,以充分适应这种考题。每做完一篇完形填空,就需要认真核对答案,找出在做题中出错的原因,以便采取相应的措施,在今后做题时避免出现同样的错。例如,如你发现在做题时经常犯词汇理解方面的错误,则你就应该认真记忆单词、词组;如你犯的是语篇理解方面的错误,则你应当有意识地增加你的阅读量,以提高阅读理解的能力。上述工作做完后,你最好不要就把这篇做好的完形填空随手扔了,不妨把整篇文章再默记一遍,并在文章中的空缺处填上核对后的正确的词(应该把这些词默写出来,而不是对着答案照抄),再把文章反复读几遍。这样做,对你做完形填空时产生一种良好的感觉是很有好处的。7 中考真题连线7.1 05年北京中考Mr. Klein told the class that a new student, Inez, would join them soon. He 39 that Inez was deaf. She “talked” with others by using sign language. Mr. Klein knew sign language, and he decided to teach 40 students so that they could also “talk” with Inez.First, they learned to sign the letters. Some letters were hard to 41 . Other letters, such as C, were easier because the shape (形状) of the hand was the same as the shape of the letter.The 42 thing they learned was fingerspelling. They signed one letter after another to spell a word. They 43 with two-letter words such as at and on. Then they spelled 44 words.Finally, Mr. Klein showed that 45 one sign could be used for a whole word. To make the sign for the word fine, a person spreads out (张开) the fingers on one hand, 46 the thumb (拇指) to the chest (前胸), and moves the hand away from the chest. Signing is not just 47 with the hands. Expressions on the face are also 48 . The students learned to sign a question mark by using expressions on the face.When Inez first entered the classroom, she looked 49 . But the students signed, “Good morning, Inez.” She gave the class a big smile and signed back, “What a wonderful 50 !”39. A. hoped B. said C. guessed D. thought40. A. his B. my C. her D. our41. A. spell B. check C. remember D. write42. A. first B. only C. last D. next43. A. met B. started C. agreed D. helped44. A. newer B. easier C. longer D. nicer45. A. never B. perhaps C. still D. just46. A. joins B. fixes C. touches D. ties47. A. made B. done C. given D. chosen48. A. important B. different C. difficult D. strange49. A. serious B. surprisedC. frightened D. nervous50. A. wele B. congratulationC. progress D. success7.2 06年北京中考题(A)At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year we went to an old peoples 36 and sang songs and performed a play for 37 . The old people were very 38 . We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. For example, we should 39 primary schools and help 40 young students. I want to be a teacher 41 Im older so it would be a great experience for me. Other students would like to do other jobs. For example, my friend Tian Ge wants to 42 for a newspaper. She should be allowed to volunteer at the newspaper office once a week.36AhomeBbankCshopDriver37AusBthemChimDher38AgreatBangryCsmartDhappy39AbuyBhaveCvisitDbuild40AtellBaskCteachDfind41AhowBwhenCwhereDwhy42AwriteBwaitClookDpay(B)In the park I sat down to read on the bench, disappointed by life with good reason to plain, for the world was 43 letting me down.Then a young boy came up to me and said with great excitement, “Look, what I found!” In his hand was a flower and he placed it to his nose. He said with overacted surprise, “it sure 44 pretty and its for you.”The flower before me was dead. But I knew I must 45 it, or he might never leave. So I reached for the flower and replied, “Just what I need. ” But 46 placing the flower in my hand, he held it midair without reason. It was then that I noticed for the very first time, that the boy was blind.I beard my voice trembling(颤抖), tears 47 in the sun, as I thanked him for picking the “best” one. I sat there and wondered how he managed to see a self-pitying woman.Through the eyes of a blind child, at last I could see, the problem was not with the 48 ; the problem was me, And for all of those times I myself had been 49 , I made up my mind to see the 50 in life.43AonceBhardlyCalwaysDseldom44AfeelsBsmellsCkeepsDseems45AgetBtryCgiveDtake46Aas forBinstead ofCexcept forDbecause of47AshiningBfallingCrunningDdrying48AworldBflowerCboyDlife49AannoyedBsillyCproudDblind50AfutureBproblemCbeautyDreason7.3 07年北京中考真题Jessie was driving home happily when a truck went past her car. The driver was moving much too fast. When Jessie neared her exit(出口), she _38_ something and stopped her car to the right of the highway(高速公路). An accident had happened on the left side. The truck had _39_ a car, but the driver was gone. Jessie thought that the people inside must be badly _40_ and she should help them as much as she could.Not thinking of the _41_, Jessie hurried to the other side of the road, though few people dared(敢)cross such a busy road. Looking into the car, she saw five people two women and three children. Jessie was _42_ to see all of them moving.Jessie pulled one of the car doors. It wouldnt open. She went to the next door. _43_, she couldnt move it. She almost thought that all was _44_ before she got one of the doors to open a little. “Please get the children out,” one of the women called. Jessie _45_ a little boy from the car and moved him to a _46_ place. Then she went to bring the other children to safety.After the last child was out of the car, Jessie thought of the box in _47_ car. She had something in it that could help get that door open. So she got the box quickly. As Jessie was _48_ on the door, the driver said, “Not many people would do what youre doing.” “Your just take it easy, and Ill have you _49_ soon,” said Jessie. She was as good as her word. As soon as she helped the women out of the car, it caught fire.38. A. did B. saw C. made D. forgot39. A. hit B. met C. passed D. followed40. A. beaten B. treated C. needed D. hurt41. A. matter B. trouble C. danger D. accident42. A. proud B. happy C. nervous D. worried43. A. Again B. Clearly C. Perhaps D. Exactly44. A. expected B. missed C. lost D. found45. A. picked B. dropped C. collected D. pulled46. A. quiet B. cool C. safe D. clean47. A. their B. her C. another D. this48. A. working B. turning C. knocking D. setting49. A. back B. past C. over D. out7.4 08年北京中考真题Gibert joined the Science Club last summer. One day he was handed a piece of pa-per, a block of wood and four wheels; he was told to go home and 33_ them all .to dad. However, Gilbert s mon knew that his dad wasn t good at making thingsand decided that she would read the 34_ and let Gilbet do the work. A few .days .ht-er the block of wood was mining into a car that Gilbert 35_ named Blue Lightning. Then he and his. mother went to a car race together. But when they 36_ there ,Gilbert found that his car was the only one that had not been made by a father -son partnership(合作). The race began. One by one the cars were knocked out until it 37_ to the finalbeteen Gilbert and Jimmy. Just before the race, Gilbert asked 38_ they could stopfor a minute so that he could make a wish. After a long minute. Gilbert said that hewas 39_. People cheered as the race began. Jimmy stood with his father and watched their car racing down the road while Gilbert was surprised at the great 40_ of his car as it rushed over the finishing line less than a second 41_ Jimmy s Gilbert jumped upand down with 42_. soon the club manager came over and asked him. So, Gilbert , your wish was to 43_, right ? Oh no sir, he replied, I just wished that I wouldn t cry if I lost. Children sometimes 44_ adults with unexpected ideas. When Gilbert first sawthe other cars, he didn t cry out , Not fair ! Other chidren had their fathershelp! Gilbert didn t wish for victory in the race; instead he wished for courage.33. A. send B. returnC. lend D. give34. A. irstructions B. passageC. message D. explanatiorns35. A. easily B. carehtllyC. proudly D. kindly36. A. lived B. got C. met


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