2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit5 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are教案12 鲁教版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit5 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are教案12 鲁教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit5 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are教案12 鲁教版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit5 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are教案12 鲁教版Teaching aims:1. Have the students understand the object clause2. Train the students listening ability3. Train the students oral skillsTeaching emphasis: Object Clause Listening practiceTeaching difficulties:Object Clause Listening practiceThe teaching methods:The task-based teaching methodsThe learning methods:Learning while practicing Teaching preparations: Multimedia, projector Teaching procedure:Step I: Greeting and Warming up1. Greeting2. T: Today we will learn Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Look at the picture, this is a restroom, do you know restroom?Get Ss to answer yes, teach “restroom” Then read the title after the teacher, read together and read individually.3. T: Lets look at other places. Show out a picture of libraryT: Whats this?Ss: Its a library.T: What can we do in the library? Get Ss to answer the question, for example, read books, etc.T: We can also get a dictionary in the library.Then read “get a dictionary” together,T: Where can I get a dictionary? Get Ss to answer “In the library.”Show out post office, bank with the same step.Step II New words 1. Show out the picture of “caf”, teach caf, have Ss read, and tell them we can drink coffee in it, read the phrase twice. 2. Show out a picture of “department store”, teach it, ask Ss to read after the teacher, then read together, and ask “What can we do in the department store?” Get Ss to answer it, they may have many answers. T: We can also buy shampoo in it, teach shampoo. Then the teacher asks: Where can I buy shampoo? Get Ss to answer “in the department store”.T: What other places can I buy shampoo? They may answer “in the supermarket” T: I can also buy it in a drugstore. And teach drugstore. Ask: What can I buy in the drugstore? Get Ss to answer it. Show out “buy some writing paper” and “make a telephone call”, read them out, then the teacher asks: Where can I buy some writing paper? Ss: in the drugstore. T: Other places? Ss: supermarket or department store T: Now I want to go to the drugstore, where is the drugstore? Show out the map, ask Ss to answer, they may have many different answers. Then show out the dialogue, A: Where is the drugstore? B: Its on Center Street.Ask Ss to practice in pairs, and have some pairs demonstrate it.Step III. New Language and Drill1. T: Listen carefully. Could you please tell me where the drugstore is? Ss Read after the teacher, read together and ask individual to read. Show out the map again, have one student answer the question, and show out the conversation. A: Excuse me, could you please tell me where the drugstore is? B: Sure, its On Center Street.2. PairworkRequire some pairs to read, then practice in pairs, and have some pairs demonstrate it.3. T: I want to buy some stamps, where can I buy some stamps? Show out the key sentences: Could you please tell me where I can buy some stamps? Read after the teacher, read together, and have individual read. 4. Make sentences: Give out a phrasesave money, have Ss make a sentence, “Could you tell me _?” have some students say it out. 5. Pairwork: Show out a map, ask: Excuse me, do you know where I can get a dictionary? Have a student answer: Yes, there is a library on Main Street. Show out the conversation: A: Excuse me, do you know where I can get a dictionary? B: Sure, theres a library on Main Street. Have some pairs read the conversation, and practice in pairs, then demonstrate it. Step IV: Listening Test T: look at the picture, they want to buy something, but they dontknow how to get there, listen and fill 1b in Page 86. Then play the recorder twice, and have two students read out their answers, check it. Step V: 1. Show out a flash, the teacher says: I want to go to the bank, but how to get there? Listen carefully. Then the teacher play the flash, and say: Take the escalator to the second floor, and turn right, go past the bookstore. Teach “escalator”, write the sentences onto the blackboard, and have Ss read together. Take the escalator to the second floor, and turn right, go past the bookstore.Play the flash again, have Ss to say it out.2. Next the teacher says: where can I exchange money? Read the conversation. Demonstrate the conversation and have Ss read freely, then ask some pairs to read. Step VI: Listening1. T: look at the picture, the two boys want to go to the drugstore, how to get there, listen carefully.Have Ss read the sentences first, then play the recorder twice, and check the answers.2. Listen again, and get Ss to draw a line to get to the drugstore. Require one student to show out his answer onto the objector.Step VII: Grammar Show out the grammar, have Ss read freely.Step VIII: Exercise Do some exercise, choose the best answer, and check the answers. Step IX: Groupwork Imagine were in Australia now, we want to get some informationabout the life in Australia, discuss in groups: what do you want to know?NameWants to knowII want to know how I can get along with othersJimJim wants to know where he can exchange money. Give Ss five minutes to discuss, then have some volunteers read their reports out. T: Please remember: When we ask for information, we should be polite.

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