2019春九年级英语下册 Module 8 My future life模块话题微写作课时作业 (新版)外研版.doc

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2019春九年级英语下册 Module 8 My future life模块话题微写作课时作业 (新版)外研版.doc_第1页
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2019春九年级英语下册 Module 8 My future life模块话题微写作课时作业 (新版)外研版.doc_第2页
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2019春九年级英语下册 Module 8 My future life模块话题微写作课时作业 (新版)外研版.doc_第3页
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Module 8 My future life模块话题微写作本模块以“未来的生活”为话题。在具体写作中,学生应做到以下几点:1.能够反思自己的学习,制定未来的学习计划;2.能够描述未来的学校生活和家庭生活;3.能够写在毕业聚会上用的发言稿,回顾之前的生活,说出自己的感受并表达对老师和同学的谢意。friendship 友谊fail 失败disappointed 失望的education 教育wonderful 精彩的work hard 努力学习intend/plan to do sth.计划/打算做某事try ones best 尽某人最大的努力thank.for.为感谢go abroad 出国share.with.与分享decorate.with.用装饰prepare for 为做准备look forward to 期待make a speech 做演讲do well in/be good at 擅长in the future 未来1.Lets raise our glasses.Heres to our friendship.让我们举杯,为我们的友谊干杯。2.I will take good care of my parents because I have grown up.我将照顾好我的父母,因为我已经长大了。3.Im sure that you all have your own memories about the happiness of the last three years.我相信你们每个人过去三年都有自己的幸福回忆。4.Everyone needs a skill that is useful if they want a good life.如果想要过美好的生活,每个人都需要一项有用的技能。5.The future is what you make it.未来由你创造。.汉译英1.为了能在高中获得好的成绩,我们应该集中精力学习。We should concentrate on our study to get good grades in high school./In order to get good grades in high school,we should concentrate on our study.2.我想成为医生的原因是一些医生救过我的命。The reason why I want to be a doctor is that some doctors saved my life.3.我们能和同学分享我们的爱好。We can share our hobbies with our classmates.4.没有你们,我们将一事无成。We couldnt achieve anything without you.5.我相信在未来我们的生活会越来越美好。Im sure that our life will be more and more beautiful/wonderful in the future.完成表格Life in the futureFamily1.Ill live in a big house with a beautiful garden.Job2.People wont have to work because robots will take the place of them.Friends3.Well often talk about the past school life and miss our good teachers and friends.Others4.We will often go abroad for vacations.Feeling and wish5.I think well have a better life in the future.三年的初中生活即将结束,康康的班级打算于6月26日上午举办最后一次班级活动。假如你是康康,请你根据下表内容向你班的师生介绍本次活动的安排情况。时间活动内容9:00-9:50谈论“你长大后想做什么”;讨论“如何过暑假”10:00-10:55唱歌、跳舞、表演魔术11:00-11:30打扫教室、照相合影、互留电话和地址要求:1.字迹工整、规范;2.80100词(开头已经给出,不计入总词数);3.作文必须包含表格中活动内容的全部要点,可适当发挥;“”的地方至少补充一项活动;4.文中不得出现真实姓名和学校。参考词汇:plan to;take photos;address;perform magic tricks;put on short plays;write farewell words(写留言);gift;telephone numberMy dear teachers and classmates,Attention,please!Our class is going to have a farewell party in our classroom on the morning of 26th June.At 9:00,we will talk about “What are you going to be when you grow up?”After that,we will discuss how to spend our summer holidays.From 10:00 to 10:50,we plan to sing,dance,perform magic tricks and put on a short play at the farewell party.At 11:00,its time for us to take photos together and give telephone number and address to each other.We can also write farewell words,give gifts and so on.After that,we will do some cleaning for our classroom.The party will be over at 11:30.I wish you all have a wonderful time.

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