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2019版七年级英语上册StarterUnit2WhatsthisinEnglish第1课时1a-2e教案新版人教新目标版教学目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握Ii-Rr英语字母的发音及书写。2. Improve the listening skill.3. 新单词:what、is、map、cup、ruler、pen、orange、jacket、key。二、过程与方法采用目标和任务教学法,调动学生的积极性,引导他们积极参与课堂。三、情感态度与价值观提高认知能力。教学重点1. 掌握Ii-Rr英语字母的发音及书写。2. Improve the listening skill.3. 新单词:what、is、map、cup、ruler、pen、orange、jacket、key。教学难点1. Improve the listening skill.2. 新单词:what、is、map、cup、ruler、pen、orange、jacket、key。教法导航兴趣活动教学策略,充分调动学生的积极性。学法导航通过组内合作和组间比赛等活动,提高学生的合作能力和竞争能力,促使学生学会体验实践、参与合作与交流的学习方式。教学准备多媒体课件。预习新单词:听录音机,模仿跟读新单词和字母;准备与本课有关的学习用品实物。教学过程Step 1: GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2: Warming up1. Good morning/afternoon/evening!How are you?Im fine, thanks. How are you? Im OK.2. Sing the alphabet songStep 3: Games 1. The teacher shows a letter quickly on the screen and asks: Whats this? Get the students to answer the questions like this: I think its A/B. Then show the whole of the letter to let the students check whether theyre right or wrong. 2. Go through the letters Aa-Hh quickly, pay attention to the intonation. Then play a game: Listen and pick the right letter, then arrange the letters in the right order and read aloud.Step 4: 1a-1cWork on 1a Look for the small letters in the picture for these big letters.Work on 1b Listen and repeatAsk the students to finish the two tasks.Work on 1c Make a conversation in pairs according to the picture in 1a.Have two pairs present their dialoue in front of the class.Step 5: PresentationTeach the letters Ii-Rr by using Whats this in English? Its Ii/Jj/. Step 6: 2a-2e1. Finish 2a.2. 2b Listen to the tape and write the number of the letters in the boxes according to the order in which you hear them. Play the recording twice and check the answer. 3. Look and copy the letters 4. 2d Write the small letters (or big letters) for big letters (small letters). While the students are doing the tasks, the teacher goes around the classroom to check what they are doing.5. Ask the students to talk about the special letters. A few minutes later, the teacher gets three students to say the meanings of these letters.Step 7: HomeworkCopy the letters from Aa-Rr.Make letter cards Ii-Rr and colour the letters.课堂作业 Look and copy the letters IiRr.教学反思学习字母是相对容易的课,学生很容易失去兴趣,因此本节课的关键是调动学生的积极性,激发他们的学习兴趣比如第3步Games很符合学生的心理,效果不错。

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