2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 1 How long have you studied English教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 1 How long have you studied English教案 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 1 How long have you studied English教案 外研版FunctionTalking about dates, periods of time, numbersStructurePresent perfect: for, sinceListening/SpeakingSaying years Talking about personal education experiencesReading/WritingFinding specific information about Hope SchoolsWriting about education; using conjunctions and, or, butAround the worldOxfam TaskWriting a leaflet to raise money for Hope SchoolUnit 1 How long have you studied English?Warming up Hi, everyone! Do you know how long I have studied English? I have studied English for twenty years. Thats a long time. I started learning English long before you were born! Now go to page 26. We shall take Unit 1, Module 4, today.Listening and vocabulary1 Listen and repeat.Now you are to look at the table on page 26 and listen to some numbers and repeat after the tape.You say You write1 two thousand and five 20052 two thousand and three 20033 nineteen seventy-two 19724 nineteen fifty-eight 19585 eighteen seventy-two 18726 nineteen eighty-nine 19892 Write.Now go to page 26. Repeat after me the numbers on the left and write them on the right.You say You write1 two thousand and five 20052 two thousand and twenty 20203 two thousand and one 2001 4 nineteen seventy-two 19725 nineteen ninety-five 19956 eighteen twenty-seven 18273 Say these years.Now we learn to say years in English. Say after me.1996nineteen ninety-six 1993nineteen ninety-three 1949nineteen forty-nine 2021two thousand and twenty-one 2011two thousand and eleven 1871eighteen seventy-one4 Listen and read.On page 26 Betty and Lingling are talking about classes they have. Now listen first and then read to understand.Now lets go on to read the conversation. While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑) the predicates, shade(加影) the connectives and underline (划线)the expressions.Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book. have a class, have English, How long? have Chinese, help me a lot, learn a foreign language, live in Beijing, since 2003, have been to, visit some place, in other places, be different from, a Hope School, Project Hope, all over China, sound interesting Talk as they do. (仿说)Wang Hua: Hi, Lin Qing! What class have you just had?Lin Qing: Hi, Wang Hua. Ive just had English. I like English, and its easy.Wang Hua: But your English is very good now. How long have you studied it?Lin Qing: For nearly ten years. What lesson have you just had?Wang Hua: Ive just had history!And I think history is very difficult!Lin Qing: Your hitory has improved very quickly.Wang Hua: Yes. You and Bai Cuifang have helped me a lot.Lin Qing: Its easier to learn ones native hitory when you stay in your native country and know some people. How long have you lived in Beijing, Wang Hua?Wang Hua: Since 2004.Lin Qing: And how long have you studied history?Wang Hua: For eight years.Lin Qing: Have you visited many places in China?Wang Hua: Yes, I have. Ive been to Shanxi and Hunan. Ive also visited some schools in other provinces. They are very different from our school.Lin Qing: Have you been to a history school?Wang Hua: No. What is a hitory school?Lin Qing: It is a school for learning history. Wang Hua: That sounds interesting. Tell me more.5 Choose the best answer.On page 27 there are explanations and words. Read them and match them. difficult foreign know poor study 1 Difficult means hard. (a)2 Foreign means from another country. (a)3 To know someone means they are friends. (a)4 Poor means not having enough money. (a)5 To study means to learn and understand. (b)6 Answer the questions.1 When did Lingling start learning English? She started learning English six years ago(in xx / xx).2 Is she still learning it? Yes, she is still learning English.3 Does Betty live in Beijing? Yes, she does. She lives in Beijing.4 When did she arrive in Beijing? She arrived in Beijing in 2003.5 When did Betty start learning Chinese? She started learning Chinese a year ago (in 2003 / 2004).6 How long has she studied it? She has studied Chinese for a year.7 Is she still learning it? Yes, she is still learning Chinese.Pronunciation and speaking7 Listen and repeat. There are 4 sentences on page 27. Listen and repeat after me first, and then after the tape.1 How long have you studied English?2 How long have you lived here?3 How long have you been a student at your school?4 How long have you known your best friend?1 How long have you heard about her?2 How long have you lived alone?3 How long have you been a secret agent?4 How long have you known your husband?8 plete the sentences with true information.There are four inplete sentences on page 27. Read them and plete them with true information. Write as they write. (仿写)1 Ive studied panda studies for nearly three years since 2003.2 Ive lived in Taiyuan for fourteen years twelve years since 1992.3 Ive been at this factory for two years since 2004.4 Ive known my best film star for six years since 2000.9 Work in pairsAsk and answer the questions in Activity 7. -How long have you studied English? -Since 2003.-How long have you lived here?-Ive lived here since 1993. -How long have you been a student at your school? -Ive been a student at my school since 2005. -How long have you known your best friend? -Ive known my best friend since xx. -How long have you studied Mars? -Since 2005.-How long have you lived in Taiyuan?-Ive lived in Taiyuan since 1992. -How long have you been a teacher at your school? -Ive been a teacher at my school since 1992. -How long have you known your wife? -Ive known her since xx.

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