2019年八年级英语下册 Module 10 My perfect holiday Unit 3 Language in use教案 外研版 外研版.doc

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2019年八年级英语下册 Module 10 My perfect holiday Unit 3 Language in use教案 外研版 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019年八年级英语下册 Module 10 My perfect holiday Unit 3 Language in use教案 外研版 外研版.doc_第2页
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2019年八年级英语下册 Module 10 My perfect holiday Unit 3 Language in use教案 外研版 外研版.doc_第3页
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2019年八年级英语下册 Module 10 My perfect holiday Unit 3 Language in use教案 外研版 外研版课型Revision and application教学目标Knowledge: To summarise and consolidate would/ wouldnt for imaginary situations; to practise the use of although, but, sothat; to learn the phrase: see off; to learn about the ice hotel in Sweden; to write about ones perfect holiday.Ability:Structure: would/wouldnt do sth; sothat; though/but Moral Education: Spend the holiday happily.教学重点To summarise and consolidate would/ wouldnt for imaginary situations; to practise the use of although, but, sothat; to learn the phrase: see off; to learn about the ice hotel in Sweden; to write about ones perfect holiday.教学难点Write about your perfect holiday.教学方法Formal and interactive practice教学用具Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP)教学过程Step 1 Warming-up and revision 1. Run for the monitor!Have some students to the front to give a lecture, other students listen to them and then made a vote, decide who will be our next monitor?Step2 summary1. Make a summary of the “would/ wouldnt”, finish activity 1and 2.2. Revise the structure “although/but”, finish activity 5.3. Make a consolidation of “sothat”, finish activity 7.Step 5 Around the world 1. Show some pictures of the ice hotel. Let students guess where it is.2. Ask questions about the ice hotel. Have them scan the passage of around the world. Answer the questions.3. Show another group of pictures of a safari holiday. Read WB Ex10.设计意图:把后面的阅读练习提到前面,和书本的背景知识一起呈现给学生,形成一种对比与选择,为后面的写作打下基础;同时也可以完成这部分的阅读任务,提高课堂效率。Step 6 Module Task 1. Look up a map and decide where you would like to go.2. Look up facts about the place. Find out about its history, how long it takes to get there, how to get there, what the weathers like and what you can do there.3. Plan your passage-look at the passage in unit 2 if youd like some help. Dont forget to use “ would”.4. Include some pictures.设计意图:通过前面的几个课时,学生从说到写简单的句子,最终形成一篇完整的出游计划。但是这篇文章只能在课堂上形成一个雏形,或想法。可以引导学生利用更多的网络资源来丰富自己的作文,并且可以做适当的装饰与美化。在班级的适当位置可以将优秀作品进行张贴或采取其他的反馈与激励措施。Step7 Homework:1.Finish your holiday plan


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